Saturday, March 28, 2020

Parasha Vayikra

Shalom and Blessings;

Like it is not bad enough that Israel's virus infection rate climbs every day; that the country is in a lock-down and that we are heading for financial disaster with a 19% unemployment rate (up from 3.5% before the virus), but we are also in political chaos! The country has gone mad and our politicians are more interested in their own political gains than they are in the political welfare of the country and its people. I am not going to go into too much detail about what is going on, other than to say that it is like we are reliving the rebellion experienced during the Exodus from Egypt; interesting that it is all happening just before Passover.

Would you believe it? In addition to the stress everyone is experiencing from the Corona Virus pandemic, we have been hearing explosive booms coming from the direction of Gaza. Our curiosity was aroused because we had not heard of any IDF action in the area nor were there any Red Alerts. Then we read that Hamas was doing training exercises and the testing of weapons near the border. Plus the other day a group of Arabs, in a terror attack, hurled rocks at Israeli vehicles as they were driving along the highway in the West Bank. One terrorist was shot dead by the IDF when he refused to stop, another was wounded and the others managed to escape, hopefully they will be apprehended. 

Hi everyone…Ellen here to give a more personal view of what it is like in our current situation. First of all our prayer life has been transformed. Rabbi and I begin and end our days with worship and unbridled prayer times…what a blessing! Secondly ladies our home has never been cleaner. I've added white vinegar to our laundry and just a droplet of bleach into my floor cleaner and wow what a difference. As we are utilizing our pantry to its fullest I can say cooking has taken on new dimension. We are not purchasing many fresh veggies "online" because of their shelf life. I have been blessed with an enhanced ability to elevate frozen veg, (chuckling to myself). Our life and mealtime has taken on a minimalist but blessed characteristic as never before. Why not let us know how you are faring in these challenging times. We are praying for you all and thank the Lord Most High for blessing us with you!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Attached is this week's commentary on Vayikra

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen
Read Parasha

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Parasha Vayachel/Pekudei & Sermon: Dignity or Royalty

March 19, 2020

Shalom and Blessings:

Well we finally got to the point where we had to cancel our trip to Kenya. Not only has the government of Kenya imposed travel restrictions on foreigners entering the country but they have also banned all gatherings. That means we would not be able to hold our Passover Seder. If that were not reason enough, the Israeli government is requiring all citizens returning from abroad to go into 14 day quarantine upon their return regardless of what country they arrive from. Thankfully God has shown us favor and Airbnb refunded us for our lodging and Ethiopian Air should be doing the same for the flights. This will allow us to reschedule once this is all over. 

There is no panic here; life is going on fairly normal despite the fact that heavy restriction have been put in place that just about closes down all public gatherings. Many businesses have been ordered to close, like restaurants and malls and many private shops. Employers are required, if possible to have their employees work from home. Public transportation has been limited but grocery stores, supermarkets and pharmacies remain open.

In my opinion Israel has a bigger problem than the Corona Virus and that is SIN. Greed, pride, arrogance, hatred and the lust for power has driven the Blue and White Party along with the Yisrael Beiteinu Party and the Left Wing Parties to all join together and are making an alliance with the Joint Arab List Party so that they can oust the Likud Party (Netanyahu), and form a minority government. The only thing these four parties have in common is their hatred for Netanyahu and their hatred is driving them to make a pact with the devil. Such a covenant can only spell disaster for Israel. Please pray against it and for sane members within the three Israeli parties will defect and join Likud so as to give then the majority. 

Ellen and I are holding up well under everything that is taking place. We know that our brothers and sisters in the United States and Kenya are also feeling the effects of government imposed restrictions and we are keeping you in prayer. Thank you for praying for us. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Attached is this week's commentary on Vayachel/Pekudei

I am also attaching the audio of the Message I gave on Purim for those who may not have received it previously.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen
Read Parasha Vayachel
Read Parasha Pekudei

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Parasha Ki Tisa

Shalom and Blessings

Well I guess there were no surprises with the outcome of the elections here. We are no further ahead than we were after the last election. Yes Netanyahu won big over Gantz when it comes to the popular vote, but because of the way the electoral system works here that did not translate into the majority of 61 seats needed to form a government. All that said here is where we are at as of this writing. Gantz's Blue and White Center Left Party, is attempting to form a minority government incorporating Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu Right Wing Party with the Arab Joint List Party as the wild card. I say wild card because although their 15 seats will be needed to form a stable minority government, they will not join with the other two in coalition but rather remain apart from the group. What this means is that they will not be a part of the governing cabinet, something that would be disastrous if they were. As cabinet members they would have access to the decision making process of the government including security. It would be like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop. In any case there have been threats of defection by Members of the Knesset from Gantz's and others if they go ahead with this plan. Please pray for Israel, making an unholy alliance will be spiritually ruinous for the country. 

I would like to share a commentary we received from Yochana a long time recipient of my teachings. 


"Shalom Everyone,

Just as I was putting this email together I received an email that was being sent around about do not Panic. True if you TRUST in the L-rd we should not panic but we should PRAY!! Repent for our sins our Nations sins and the World! All things come from G-d. The good and the bad just read the book of Job and Romans 11 (v) 36: "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen! (CJB)

G-d has chosen us to be the end time generation and with that we have a wonderful & great responsibility and an opportunity to share the love, grace, mercy and long suffering (Toda for His Long Suffering what Mercy) of our Jewish Messiah Yeshua! It is hard to understand how bad things come from the L-rd but he is in control of all things and has a purpose and plan in all things and works them for good. True in the flesh it is easy to get caught up in the natural fears that the world gets caught up in and the scares you hear all over the news etc. But it is because they are of the world and some sadly are just doing it for evil purposes which sadly are a great danger to America and the world, (pray those that do evil will be exposed and continue to be exposed). But we must remember we are to be in the world not of it! Romans 12 (v) 2.

I know at times it is easy to react in the flesh of this world before we put our trust in G-d and if we are honest with ourselves even with our trust in G-d I know at times we automatically go right to the way the world reacts & perceives things; PANIC. After all we were in the way of the world for a long time and sometimes it is automatic to go there. But at that moment we must remember who we belong to and that the only fear we should have is of G-d. "The fear of Adonai is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of holy is understanding." Proverbs 9 (v) 10 CJB and there are many more scriptures about fearing the L-rd.

It is good to prepare as Joseph did before the famine in Egypt but not to live in fear. (Genesis 41 (v) 56 Ch. 42 (v) 2. This is a time to share G-d and His Word with those who do not know or who maybe did not want to know but now may be open to listening. We should be a comfort to those around us and to strangers. If we act afraid then who will share the hope we have in our Messiah. We should use wisdom and pray for G-d's direction only. I keep thinking of the scripture of Rabbi Sha'ul in Acts 28 (v) 5 "But he shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no harm. " Now that is Trust in Messiah! Hebrews 11 - 6 "And without trusting, it is impossible to be well pleasing to God."

Know that I am writing this for myself too. G-d knows we are but dust and we do fall short at times. But now more than ever we must put all our trust in Him and be a light in this very dark and growing darker world".

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Attached is this week's commentary on Ki Tisa,

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Parasha Tetzaveh

March 5, 2020

Shalom and Blessings;

The Coronavirus, which the government of Israel reacted to almost immediately after it was discovered, has found its way here anyway. Deaths have been reported, with tens of thousands now under quarantine. Former Hamas captive Gilad Shalit, Euro-Vision winner Netta, as well as many other well-known people and athletes are among those quarantined. I guess we can say that the situation here has spiraled out of hand! There is, however, no panic in Israel, life is proceeding as usual. I guess it is because we are so used to living under the threat of terrorist attacks and rockets that everyone is taking this new threat in stride. 

Wanting to be prepared I contacted the Kenyan Embassy in Tel Aviv and ask what their policy is for allowing Israelis into Kenya. I was told that at present there is an issue with Israelis entering the country. However, I was told to call back in 7 to 10 days to see if anything changed. Needless to say, if Ellen and I cannot travel to Kenya the planned Passover Seder will suffer. Please keep us and this situation in prayer.

Many in North America and Kenya are under the impression that Netanyahu won the last election and I can understand why. Bibi declared that this was the greatest victory in his political career. Yes he may have won big over the Blue and White Party (Gantz), but he still does not have enough seats in the Knesset to form a government. Seats in the Knesset are rewarded according the percentage of popular votes a party gets. The higher the percentage the more seats they get, the lower the percentage the fewer seat they get. Sixty one seats are needed to form a government and even that number would be shaky considering the diversity of opinions within a party. As at this writing Likud has 58 seats total in coalition with its willing partners. Blue and White has 54 seats if they include the Joint List Arab Party into their coalition. Lieberman, the leader of the Yisrael Biteinu Party holds the balance of power with 7 seats. Lieberman has pledged not to join in coalition with Likud. In fact he is drafting a Bill to be presented in the Knesset disqualifying anyone who is indicted from holding the Prime Minister's office. It is also unlikely he will join the Blue and White Party because they need the Arabs to form a government something he was not in favor of in the past. Netanyahu has been trying to sway right leaning members of other Parties to join with him so that he can get his 61 seats, but as of this writing no one has defected to him. Not all votes have been counted and there still remains the chance that the percentages will change and Likud will gain or lose a seat or two; time will tell. Please continue to pray for Israel.

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Attached is this week's commentary on Tetzaveh,

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

P.S. Thank you Lord! After further investigation I discovered that no one has died from the coronavirus in Israel as I previously reported. Thank the Lord for preserving life.

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