Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hag Sameach

Hag Sameach Shavuot

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon
coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Friday, May 29, 2020

Parasha Shavuot & Sermon: Jezebel Part 01

Shalom & Blessings; 

Ellen and I were struck with a heavy blow Tuesday. First, we would like to share a praise report. We were originally given an appointment for the Swallow Clinic for July 9th. It was disappointing to have to wait so long but we were grateful that our health provider agreed to pay for the treatment and that we got all the proper approval forms. Then the previous Sunday we got a call that a spot opened up and our appointment was moved up to Tuesday May 26th; To God be the glory! Now the heavy blow part! 

You know you are old when the doctor is younger than you, He was probably in his late twenties and his assistant the same or younger. He was very kind and apologetic when he broke the news to us; if left unattended there could be serious complications because of my lack of an epiglottis. As suspected, food and water were going into my lungs which was the cause of my pneumonia; his recommendation, having a feeding tube inserted into my stomach. We have not totally come to terms with that yet we are still praying about it, but failing a miracle, and with God's approval this is the route we will take. Please keep us in prayer. 

What I want to share now some may find controversial, even offensive. It's not my intention to offend, but just to present the truth as I see it: The first and longest manifestation of the anti-Christ is the religion of Judaism. Sadly Judaism, as it has developed through the ages, is based on an acknowledged refusal to accept Yeshua as the Messiah and especially not as God, while still believing in a messiah yet to come. More importantly it rejects the claim of Yeshua to be the Son of God. "Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Yeshua is the Messiah. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22); "but every spirit that does not acknowledge Yeshua is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world." (1 John 4:3). I am sharing this because I believe anyone converting to Judaism may in essence be accepting upon themselves the mark of the beast (the anti-Christ). Messianic Judaism is the real and only true continuation of the relationship with God taught in the Hebrew Scriptures. 

Hi Ellen here…Well you read our news and there has to be some drastic changes in Jack's eating skills and my cooking skills…help us Lord!!! But all our news is not bad because my husband is alive and continues to be cancer free…haSatan is trying but he is already defeated and we are victorious in Yeshua. Please pray with me that God will direct all liquids and pureed solids to exactly where they need to go without aspiration, in the name of Yeshua! Just to mention how adoring, intimate and humorous our God is…when I awoke this morning I opened my daily Bible program with the following Scripture, "Therefore, I tell you, don't worry about your life-what you will eat or drink; or about your body-what you will wear. Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothing? (Matt. 6:25). 

I have an additional request…we have been blessed here in Israel with a Messianic channel in Hebrew! God TV signed a contract with Israeli cable company HOT. There is now 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of Messianic teaching and music…please pray for many Israelis to tune in and be SAVED! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha
Listen to sermon: Jezebel Part 01

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Parasha Bamidbar & Sermon: God's Will - Learning More

Shalom and Blessings;

As of this writing there have been few cases of COVID-19 here in Israel. This is amazing when you consider the blatant disregard Israelis are having towards social distancing and wearing masks. Beaches opened officially yesterday, but people were packing the beach here in Ashkelon days before that, ignoring the protocols set by the government. Our only hope is that God will have mercy and the predicted second wave will never happen.

Praise God! He answered all our prayers and we located a "Speech Therapy Clinic," they also do swallow therapy. It turned out to be at the same hospital campus where all my other cancer follow-up doctors are located. It was touch and go for a short while because our HMO normally does not deal with that hospital. They considered my swallow clinic request as a new treatment, so at first they rejected me going there. But with the favor of the Lord and the help of our Israeli adopted daughter, the doctor (she is a veterinarian), who wrote our appeal they reconsidered.

The IDF is gearing up for war and a possible invasion of Lebanon, plus they are routinely striking Hezbollah targets in Syria. There has been continuous movement of military equipment to the border of Lebanon and at night we hear fighter jets streaking by from their base in the south headed north. Could this turn out to be "The Ezekiel War"? If so prepare yourself for the "Rapture" or failing that, to meet the anti-Christ! Either way, make sure to be prayed-up and repented-up!

Hi Ellen here…I don't have any news for you as life is a bit sedentary for Jack and me. As you read above concerning the breakthrough of procuring a speech/swallow clinic…here's the thing:  Jack had heard from the Lord many times the night before and the morning of our scheduled appointment…"don't go without proper documentation…" but our basar (flesh), wanted to bulldoze through any red tape but God kept prompting …don't go, don't go…wait. So we were rejected and was forced to wait by HIS hand and tangible circumstances.  Psalm 31.24 says be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait on the Lord! Waiting reveals who you worship…the doctor or the Lord. Waiting is never wasted, it gives us a chance to look back and see what He has already accomplished for us and through us.  Waiting strengthens our faithfulness and keeps us humble! Take courage and wait on the Lord!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon: Gog's Will - Learning More

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Parasha Bahar-Bechuchotai & Sermon: Spirit vs. Soul

Shalom and Blessings 

Israel is slowly coming off lockdown but things are anything from normal. Yesterday a 21 year old IDF solider was killed while on patrol in Hebron. He was hit in the head by what they think was a large stone or brick thrown by a Palestinian. He was an only child and the family is devastated. There has been an all-out effort to catch the person responsible, but as of this writing no one has been arrested. 

Our new Unity Government has been formed and the Knesset should have approved it and voted it in by the time you read this update. Both Benny Gantz and Bibi Netanyahu have expressed annexing Judah and Samaria and it is believed that the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to aid and encourage the implementation of Israel's sovereignty over these areas but in time. Needless to say the EU and so many others are in opposition to this happening and threats against Israel are flying around. It is great knowing that God is on our side and His Will always prevails. 

Kenya is still under lockdown so there have been no Shabbat meetings at the congregation. Ellen and I, however, continue to minister to them over WhatsApp and over the internet. Since after the High Shabbat of Passover, we have been counting the Omer with them, sending out short audio teaching messages on various sins that plague even Believers. Each day the group has been humbling themselves and praying for God's deliverance and cleansing as we look forward to Shavuot. We have settled on a new name for the congregation "Etz Chaim Kenya" and are in the process of registering it. We are also looking for a new venue to hold our meeting in Nairobi. Please pray for God's favor for both these needs. 

I have been having some health challenges. My pulmonologist believes that as result of the radiation treatment I received, my swallowing has been effected and either food and or water are finding their way into my lungs. I am now in the process of locating a swallowing clinic in our area to learn how to eat and drink properly for my condition. Please pray that God would lead us to the perfect place and perfect therapist. 

Hi Ellen here…as you read above we are all facing issues on a day to day cycle. We have hope in an everlasting loving God to guide and instruct us in all things…hallelujah! Rabbi and I have been reading a Bible plan for more than 30 years and with each new day comes a fresh revelation and anointing on the God's Word. As I read Psalm 132 I saw something so intimate and so special…I'll share. 

In verses 1-5 David says that he swore to the Lord, the mighty one of Jacob that he would not rest until he finds a place for the Lord, a dwelling place…oh how that made me so happy because without walls, stone, cement and steel we have a blessed and spacious dwelling place in our hearts. Do you have a heavy heart? Well don't despair because the Creator of the universe is dwelling there and where He is there is no trouble, no worry, no despair! Open the door of your heart and sweep out self and allow the Lord to fill it with His glory…Shabbat shalom, we love you! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha
Read Parasha

Listen to Sermon: Spirit vs. Soul
Listen to Sermon: Spirit vs. Soul

Friday, May 8, 2020

Parasha Emor

Shalom & Blessings
Things are beginning to open up here and life is slowly returning to normal. We are hearing such conflicting opinions about allowing school and public places to open but the government has chosen to go ahead with it. Although wear masks still a requirement while out in public, from our observation very few are adhering to it. Ellen and I however, will continue to take all necessary precautions to stay safe, sanitized and healthy. We trust totally in the Lord but we will not tempt Him.
Conspiracy theories are flying around here to the point that I have categorized them all just as that – theories - and throw them into the pile along with Darwin's. Yeshua never cared about the opinions of the world and His last public appearance was on a cross; we are called to follow Him and not the world!
Our new government appears to be holding despite the efforts of those on the left who want to overturn it. The Supreme Court ruled against banning PM Netanyahu from forming a new government and the changes they required to be made in the unity agreement have been agreed to by both parties involved. We believe that the Lord has given us a government for just such a time as this; Netanyahu a statesman and Gantz a general.
Gaza has not stopped harassing us. Tuesday they fired a rocket towards the city of Sderot, no injuries or damage to property was recorded. As usual the IDF retaliated. They sure have a funny way of showing appreciation for our help with their corona virus cases.
Ellen here…In all this tumult and indecision in the world…I would like to share something uplifting and beautiful.  In our small and wonderful city Ashkelon there was an 89 year old Saba (grandfather) whose caregiver was not able to live with him throughout the first two months of the pandemic lockdown. Now I know in some cultures it is not prevalent…such as in the west and modern day Israel but an amazing sixteen year old grandson moved in with his Saba for two months! When asked "will you go?" he responded with, "of course I will go"…we as Believers ask our God most high…hineni, send us. Trust that this young man has moved many to jealousy!  Change us Lord…today!
Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha
Sermon: A Word from the Lord

Friday, May 1, 2020

Parasha Acharei Mot - Kedoshim & Sermon: "Do not be unequally yoked"

Shalom and Blessings

This past week was jam packed here in Israel. We started off with two sad holidays; Holocaust Remembrance Day and then Memorial Day. Memorial day was especially touching for Ellen and I as we watched pictures on television of the brave soldiers who gave their lives so that we can be living in security today in Israel. Sirens sounded at the beginning of both these holidays, but because of COVID-19 there were no public gatherings. Instead everyone in our neighborhood and we assume around the country, stood for a minute of silence and reflection on our balconies. The sadness, however turned to joy as the sirens sounded again the evening of the 28th ringing in the Independence Day celebrations. Once again this day found us on our balcony as our city celebrated by having trucks with lights and music drive through every street in town. It is amazing how good God is when you think of what He has helped us accomplish in just 72 years. 

Things have started to open-up here. All stores with access to a street are now open and schools will start incrementally opening as of Sunday, May 3rd. Sadly for restaurateurs they must still remain closed. Public open markets (shuks) like Muhane in Jerusalem have not yet been allowed to open. The situation has become so desperate for the vendors because they depend on their stalls for their livelihood, that one vendor took his life. Many people here are hurting financially, as we are sure they are all over the world. We continually pray for God's mercy even as we are seeing is judgment being poured out. As bad as things are, God never judges us to the extent we deserve. 

Ellen and I are doing well, staying close to home except for necessities and even then we take every precaution when going out and after arriving home. You are in our prayers. We love you and are blessed that we can share God's word with you in safety from afar. Stay safe and sanitized.

Hi Ellen here…We want to tell you all how much we appreciate you. It is such a blessing to know that we have family all over the world…and that's you!!! We know that this time feels frustrating so let me share some things on my heart. Waiting reveals what you worship…waiting is never wasted…waiting helps us focus on God's faithfulness…hoping in God is never wasted because the ONE who conquered death is in control…God is always at work…even in our waiting!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parashot
Listen to Sermon: "Do not be unequally yoked"