Friday, August 28, 2020

Parasha Ke Teitzei & Sermon: "Who is Your God?"

Shalom and blessings; 

As difficult as it was, Netanyahu (the Likud Party) and Benny Gantz (the Blue and White Party) hammered out a compromise which for now postponed another election (Glory to God). It is about time these two men put God's country and His people first and their political aspirations second. There are far bigger fish to fry; with the Corona numbers hovering above a thousand every day, Hamas regularly floating incendiary balloons over the border causing countless fires, and launching rockets into our southern cities. Combine this with the military flare-ups on the Lebanon border which any day could erupt into a full-fledged war, add in the dire economic problems, and it all adds up to a lot to attend to before having to focus on an election. Netanyahu has been a great leader, but it is my opinion that his pride has gotten the best of him and like me; many Israelis are reconsidering their party affiliation. It would not surprise me that if another election were held we would see the Likud's lose seats in the Knesset. 

2 Kings 17:24-26 

24 "The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Kuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled them in the towns of Samaria to replace the Israelites. They took over Samaria and lived in its towns. 25 When they first lived there, they did not worship the LORD; so He sent lions among them and they killed some of the people. 26 It was reported to the king of Assyria: "The people you deported and resettled in the towns of Samaria do not know what the god of that country requires. He has sent lions among them, which are killing them off, because the people do not know what He requires." 

What is wrong with us? Why do we attribute disasters and plagues to chance, contaminated food or other natural and human causes? If lions were to enter one of our cities and start killing people what would we attribute it to; drought, they are looking for food, rabies or some other physical cause or explanation? In this passage of Scripture when lions entered the towns of Samaria and started killing people, these pagans did not blame it on any physical or medical phenomena they immediately attributed the cause to the Lord: "He sent lions among them and they killed…" 

Mark 7:25-26 

25 "For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard about Him, and she came and fell at His feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter."

Why did this Greek woman attribute her daughter's mental condition to demon possession? Why did she not attribute it to some other medically explainable mental condition? Look how far we have fallen, even pagans knew and yet we, Believers, are totally clueless. Nothing in this entire universe happens without God's knowledge and His approval, nothing. He uses lions, demons and even plagues to accomplish His will, whatever that may be. Maybe if we would recognize that and repent He would heal and restore. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Parasha Shoftim & Sermon: Avoiding Tragic Consequences

Shalom and blessings

Tuesday evening Ellen and I were sent scurrying to our safe room as the Red Alert siren sounded warning us of incoming missiles. This is nothing new for us and it does not cause us to panic, but as a matter of safety, because the rockets from Gaza do not have guidance systems, we take every precaution. Hamas just launches rockets indiscriminately hoping they will get past the Iron Dome and hoping that they will do damage no matter what or where they hit.  It has become a game with them, a method of getting the Israeli public to fear and turn on their government so that they will meet their demands. Israel of course always retaliates and Hamas knows that, but what we heard come out of Gaza this week really disgusted us.  The IDF has become so predictable to Hamas that before or right after they fire rockets, or send over incendiary balloons, knowing the targets the IAF will hit, they evacuate them in anticipation of Israel's response. I would not be a bit surprised if Hamas builds  observation towers, warehouses and the such especially for the IAF to bomb; like target practice – sick - but it seems like we fall for it because observation towers seem to be the IAF's favorite targets.

Covid-19 is still raging here. The numbers were so high, above 2000 each day, yet for some reason the government decided to reduce testing. Still daily infections are being reported in the high thousands every day. Miriam has been declared Coronavirus free and was released from the isolation hotel. Yaffa, however, is still in guarded condition and on a ventilator.  Please continue to keep her in prayer.

All is well with me and Ellen as we continue to minister to our groups in Kenya. Please keep the group in Nairobi in prayer as we have still not received the registration for our name change. We are also looking for a more suitable place to meet.

Hi Ellen here…Well here we are at another High Holy Season juncture without services and without fellowship.  Thank goodness we have each other!!!  I was thinking of Elul…from a woman's perspective.  Yes it is definitely a time of excelled evangelism but also love.  At times like these our Abba gives us an extra opportunity to tell those we love about Him because He is love.  He also gives us a way to come clean of all damaged relationships in our lives.  Each morning before being fully awake I ask Abba…show me…remind me…wake me.  I want to start each day with a clean slate and now we have a heavenly opportunity to start a new year with that same clean slate.  Abba is closer at these times and He wants to hear us.  Remember the sermons we have heard titled "The King is in the Field"?  Well look at your personal field and speak to Him…He is waiting…always listening…always faithful and always loving.

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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Avoiding Tragic Consequences

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Parasha Re'eh & Sermon: Mind Reading

Shalom and Blessings 

Tuesday President Reuven Rivlin forcefully came out against the idea of new elections. He basically slammed both Netanyahu and Gantz saying that this would be the worst possible time to burden the country. He encouraged the two to work together to pass a budget and get on with running the country. In the meantime co-Prime Minister/Defense Minister Benny Gantz was operated on for a pre existing back injury and has been temporarily replaced by Michael Bitton. 

Monday Hamas fired eight missiles into the Mediterranean Sea supposedly as a warning to Israel. They are trying to intimidate us into making a sweetheart deal with them for their long list of demands and concessions. In the meantime they continue to send over incendiary balloons which have, as of now, sparked sixty fires. The IDF is being a little more aggressive of late and has retaliated with air strikes and tank shelling. No telling where this will go. 

The orphanage in Migori is doing well. Their most immediate need is food which, Praise God, our congregation Kol Chai is helping with. The camp had a problem with Jackals entering the compound at night and a child was confronted by one when he got up to go outside to the bathroom. The camp has since been enclosed by a fence with the financial support of Kol Chai. Both their wells went dry and they have to walk a distance to a stream to fetch water in containers and carry it back to the camp daily. We are now working with them to drill a borehole in the camp which would provide clean, safe water for the children. 

Ellen and I are doing well, Glory to God. Corona cases are still rising here but with wisdom and the protection of the Holy Spirit we feel safe. We send you blessings and thank you for your prayers, we are also praying for you. 

Hi Ellen here…During this time of partial isolation and precaution in our daily lives, Scripture has come alive. I am blessed to not have to go to a workplace so I am home A LOT! Jack and I eat really sensibly. Our wardrobe consists of easy and casual and as for my favorite article of clothing…shoes, there is not really much need for them at this time…so as I was reading Matthew 6.25-34 and I realized how amazing God is in His Word. We read Scripture all the time and we read through the Bible once a year and then there comes a time when the words come off the paper and we are living them. Please join me in seeking the kingdom of God first in our lives… 25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes?... 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

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Friday, August 7, 2020

Parasha Ekev & Sermon: Forgetting the Past

Shalom and Blessings;


The chaos and confusion continues within our government. It is impossible for an outsider to form an opinion because every political party puts their own spin on what is happening and they are all playing the blame game. In the meantime the country and the people suffer. There are rumors that Netanyahu is going to force another election by not passing the budget, a claim that he is denying. However, a close friend of ours is a secretary for a member of the Knesset and also holds a portfolio; she said she was told by her boss to start preparing for an election before Rosh Hashanah. Holding an election now, which will cost into the millions of shekels, is a travesty and blight on Netanyahu when so many people are out of work, lost their businesses and in desperate need of government financial assistance. There is no way any sane, compassionate human being would do something so heartless and cruel. Please pray for our leaders.


Israel usually gets blamed for everything! As of this writing; however, we have not been blamed for the massive explosion at the port in Lebanon. Personally I think it was a God incident. Lebanon has been tolerating Hezbollah within the country, even voting them into the government. The warehouse stored explosive materials, most likely for Hezbollah for use against Israel; what was it that God said? "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you." Join us in prayer for the people of Lebanon; for God to show them His Yeshua.


Thank you for praying; Miriam is still rehabilitating in isolation at the Corona hotel, Karin is completely recovered, Yaffa is still critical and on a ventilator but improving. Please continue to pray for her. Praise God Ellen and I are doing well, thank you for your prayers.


Ellen here…I am a bit stymied for something to write.  Seems like nothing is going on but on the contrary…right?  When Jack and I get up in the morning, even before we leave the bedroom we say this…YES LORD, YES LORD, YES LORD!  We want to serve Him all day and everyday but it seems without the cooperation of the present situation at this time…who are we going to speak with?  Well I turned around after writing this and there was Jack.  Married couples, I am speaking to you.  This is vital in a husband and wife team to serve and minister to each other before you attempt any other service. If there is a speed bump in your marriage you best level it out because anything you try will not be from on high but from your own initiative.  Remember God sees everything…Jeremiah 23.24 says "Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them? Declares the Lord…"Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the Lord…


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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


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Sermon: Forgetting the Past