Saturday, September 26, 2020

Shabbat Shuvah Sermon: "Choose Life"

Shalom Beloved of the Lord.

Normally I send you my Shabbat sermon link the week after I give it to our congregations in Kenya. This morning while in prayer, Ellen and I heard the Lord speak to our hearts to send out this message today. This is a 'day sensitive' sermon, which we believe the Lord led us to share with your. Receive it in the Spirit of the Lord and be blessed.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Listen to sermon "Choose Life"

Parasha Ha'avinu & Sermon: "Elohim-Rosh Hashanah"

September 25, 2020 

Shalom and Blessings 

Trust that everyone enjoyed their Rosh Hashanah, we had an exceptional one. The congregations in Kenya used Zoom conference service for the first time. Members gathered at the home of our elder couple in Nairobi (Limuru) and at the home/congregation in Karatina, two hours north of Nairobi. Others that could not reach one or the other location and had Zoom access on their cell phones or had a computer, joined in from where they were. Ellen and I were able to lead complete with liturgy, praise and worship and the Torah service which was led by those in Limuru. This was a new experience for all of us and PRAISE GOD it was a beautiful, touching experience. God willing, we plan on doing it again for Yom Kippur. I know for many, you will be restricted by the difference in time zones, but if you would like to join us for Yom Kippur let us know and we will send you the link information, this time we will be using Skype. There was however, another highlight to our Rosh Hashanah. One of our members met a woman who was travelling in Kenya from the U.S., she is also a part-time resident of Israel, and brought her to the meeting. What a surprise for Ellen and me and the others as well, as we were able to share our Rosh Hashanah service with her. She was also blessed to know that there are Messianic Kenyans honoring this special appointment time with God as Messianic Believers. Needless to say we were all totally blessed. 

We are now one week into the lockdown and there is still confusion about what we can and cannot do. Ellen and I are doing our best to conform to the restrictions but they change so often it is hard to keep up with them. We are taking every precaution to stay safe and sanitized and we pray that you are doing the same. We have been told that more extreme measures are on their way as the daily contagion rate hits 7,000. 

Hi Ellen here…I would like to take a moment and speak with you concerning Shabbat Shuvah. Our Lord is so abounding in grace that HE gives us yet another opportunity to make Teshuvah…to return. Return to where and return from where??? God speaks to us very clearly in Hosea, the Haftarah, in that He will help us to return from sin to dwelling under the shadow of His wings. In Hosea, chapter 14 verse 5 He says… I will remedy their backsliding; I will love them freely, for My wrath has turned away from them." Shabbat Shuvah is just that, a Shabbat. The Lord desires that we rest in Him and return in His love…stop worrying, stop toiling and stop working towards repentance. Come to your Abba, confess and He forgives…never to remember your backsliding.

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 
Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "Elohim-Rosh Hashanah"

Monday, September 21, 2020

Water For Orphanage

September 21, 2020 

Shalom Mishpocha (Family) 

We have an urgent request. The orphanage in Migori, Kenya has a serious palatable water problem. Their wells have dried up and they cannot dig them any deeper having already hit bedrock. They need to drill a borehole to tap into a safe water supply for the children. Ellen and I personally paid for an engineer to secure the necessary permits and determine the best location to drill. The cost of this preliminary work was close to $2000.00 U.S. which we took care of, but there is an additional cost for the drilling - $75.00 U.S. per meter. The engineer estimated that they will have to drill down 180 meters so as to get a sufficient supply of fresh, clean, safe drinking water; something we all take for granted when we turn on the faucet in our homes. Ellen and I cannot receive donations, we are not a charitable organization and any money we collect becomes personal taxable income. However, we have worked out a way for you to send money for this worthy project direcly to the orphanage, if God places it upon your heart to help. We set up a PayPal account for the orphanage; however, you will need your own PayPal account to donate and pay into it. Opening a PayPal account is very quick and easy. Once you do so you can send your donations through your personal PayPal account to: 

The total cost of the project is approximately $17,000.00 U.S. We have already raised $6,000.00 U.S. and are now trusting God to work through the generosity of His children for the balance. We will be monitoring all the donations, ensuring they are used for the purpose sent, so once you donate let us know when you sent it and if in U.S. or CDN dollars. Sorry but no tax receipts can be issued. 

We have attached pictures and a short video of how they are collecting their water at present. 

May God Bless you in Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Friday, September 18, 2020

Parasha Yom Teruah - Rosh Hashanah & Sermon: "A Common Denominator."

Shalom and Blessings; 

ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW: In my September 4th update I briefly mentioned the peace agreement worked out with the United Arab Emirates. I said the following, referring to making peace with those that are occupying land given to Israel by God: "The recent peace agreement with the UAE I believe does not apply here because God never promised Israel any of their land; He will deal with them another time." I was wrong. God spoke with me in the early hour of Tuesday morning and reminded me of the following Scriptures: 

Deuteronomy {7:2} "and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. {7:3} Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons,"

Genesis {34:1} "Now Dinah, the daughter Leah had borne to Jacob, went out to visit the women of the land. {34:2} When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her, he took her and raped her. {34:3} His heart was drawn to Dinah, daughter of Jacob; he loved the young woman and spoke tenderly to her. {34:4} And Shechem said to his father Hamor, "Get me this girl as my wife." {34:9} Intermarry with us; give us your daughters and take our daughters for yourselves. {34:10} You can settle among us; the land is open to you. Live in it, trade in it, and acquire property in it." 

The religion of Islam allows for men to have multiple wives, the richer they are the more wives they can afford and have. With an influx of rich tourists and businessmen from UAE and now from Bahrain, vulnerable Israeli women could be easily impressed by the high life these people can offer them and thus be taken up by their wealth, resulting in us giving our daughters to marry their sons. We all remember how Midian caused Israel to sin by sending in their woman to fornicate with the Israeli men, it resulted in thousands dying in a plague. What in the natural looks good with these peace agreements could very well turn out to be a curse! 

I hate to say that I was right when I said two weeks ago, referring to Hamas and Israel: "Can cats and mice find common ground and make peace with each other?" Tuesday night Hamas broke their peace agreement and fired 15 rockets into Israel, reaching as far as Ashdod. A man in Ashdod who was distributing food to the poor for Rosh Hashanah was struck by shrapnel and now is in serious condition; please pray for Asher's healing and recovery and please pray for his family. 

Hi Ellen here…I have so many thoughts on so many levels but the goodness of the Lord spoke to my heart and this is what He said…Psalm 96: Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the LORD, all you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth. Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns." The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Rosh Hashanah blessings to you and your families! May this New Year 5781 be one of health, and growth into the fullness of the Holy Spirit!

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Parasha Netzavim - Vayeilech & Sermon: "You’re In The Army Now"

Shalom and Blessings; 

Today is a day that has gone down in history. Today we remember the 3000 plus people who died in the terror attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City and the failed attack on the Pentagon which killed a plane load of people. Americans and the world thought this was the beginning of the apocalypse and tens of thousands turned to the Lord. 911 started a mini revival but sadly it did not last. Hearts were broken but pride was not and America and the world quickly fell into deeper sin and into the state we see it in now. 

Psalm 6:3 "My soul is in deep anguish. How long, LORD, how long?"

Corona virus cases have soared here in Israel and we are facing the possibility of a one month nationwide lockdown. Conditions are very difficult now, with hunger, homelessness, protests and riots, so we dread the thought of what will happen if there is another national closure. These past months have been a tremendous strain on the Israeli economy with the budget billions of shekels in the red. Now there is talk of higher taxes, higher VAT (value added tax), and higher fees to be imposed upon a people who are already one of the highest taxed in the world. If there was ever a time for evangelism, this is it. Only God's intervention in the hearts of Israelis will turn things around. Pray for the salvation of the Jewish people. 

Come quickly Lord Yeshua, redeem us and redeem all Israel from our troubles. 

Hi Ellen here…I too have a solemn word which is motivated by love, the love that our Savior has for us. This is the countdown of the month of Elul as Jack has taught on and mentions each morning as the shofar is blown. The Lord has impressed upon my heart to give an alarm to all. Yes the month of Elul is all about retrospection and spiritual detox but most importantly about forgiveness…unforgiveness…self-forgiveness…this is so important! If you are praying and repenting, if you are standing in the gap for someone and even if you are praising but still harbor unforgiveness in your heart, if you are tithing and volunteering with unforgiveness in your heart, it's as if you are doing it all for nothing. Remember in Matthew 6.14-6.15 "…Forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Please hear this alarm and FORGIVE before Elul is over…before the return of our great KING. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 
Read Parasha

Listen to sermon: "You’re In The Army Now"

Friday, September 4, 2020

Parasha Ki Tavo & Sermon "Tushuvah"

Shalom and blessings; 

Can cats and mice find common ground and make peace with each other? I think we all know the answer to that question! Tuesday, Hamas and Israel agreed to end border hostilities after Israel agreed to allow Qatar to flood the enclave with massive amounts of money. Can money buy peace, can it by happiness? We all know that answer as well! Many times the ancient kings of Judah and Israel hired and paid for the help of a neighboring country to neutralize an enemy instead of turning to God and the results were disastrous, I think we can expect the same here. 

Gaza is part of the land God promised to Israel. He said that if we did not drive out the pagan inhabitants of the land they would be thorns in our flesh and pricks in our eyes. And so it is and so it will be, agreements or no agreements, because that is the way God said it will be. The Sinai Peninsula now occupied by Egypt and the part of the Jordan Valley occupied by Jordan (land for peace) will not bring peace in the long run. Pagans are occupying God's Promise Land and when we made peace with them we made peace with their gods; "You shall have no other gods before Me (Exodus 20:3). Be prayed up and look up because disaster is coming. The recent peace agreement with the UAE I believe does not apply here because God never promised Israel any of their land; He will deal with them another time. 

Hi Ellen here…well on a lighter and more feminine side I return to the subject of clothing. Women like clothing and always want to be looking their best. Last time we spoke about this I said our wardrobe had taken a very casual look and now with soaring temperatures here in Israel…light and airy…but there is a wardrobe that is given to us as believers in Yeshua free of charge…white as snow…protective and long lasting! Let us look! In Yeshayahu (Isaiah) we see that our Lord has given us a breastplate of righteousness, a helmet of salvation, garments of vengeance for clothing, and wrapped in a cloak of divine passion (59.17). Also in Yeshayahu (61.10) He clothed us in garments of salvation and arrayed us in robes of righteousness…Let us not forget the sandals of peace and the belt of truth in Ephesians 6…is not this wonderful, is not this exciting. We are adorned by our God in gorgeous clothing and wrapped in His salvation. Bless you all! 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon: Tushuvah

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