Sunday, November 29, 2020

Parasha Vayetze & sermon "God is in Command"

Shalom and Blessings; 

What is taking place in the U.S. should be a concern to all conservative Believers in Yeshua. Ellen and I have stopped watching the news and have refrained from reading reports on Facebook and Twitter, because we can no longer believe what we see or hear. Are we not blessed to know that God is in total control and absolutely nothing will happen outside of His knowledge or will? Satan has no authority in these matters other than that which God allows Him, and even then the Lord will use what Satan does and turn it around to suit His plan and purpose. Many have asked to pray for President Trump and we are; he desperately needs all the prayer support he can get. This man has been harassed and pounded from the first day he took office. However, we are not praying for him to be declared President for a second term because we do not know for certain that is what the Lord wants. Rather we are praying for God's will to be done and it will be, no matter what the final outcome. 

This week work will started on the installation of the pump for the well water at the orphanage in Migori. It has been a long hard struggle to get to this point but by the grace of God, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and your prayers and financial support we made it. The other day the water storage tank was delivered (it holds 10,000 liters), and what was once a dream is becoming a reality; thank you all. (Picture below). 

We have not as yet received our registration for our new congregational name "Etz Chaim Kenya". There is an expression in Swahili which literally means "a little something" and refers to a "payoff"; it is "kitu kidogo". Payoffs are a way of life in Kenya, from government officials to the police, and it is an expected and common practice. However, we are held to a higher authority and higher standard, so please pray that the Lord will make a way for us. Praise God! 

Hi Ellen here…Thursday of this week marked traditional "Thanksgiving Day" in the United States. All our family and friends are gathering together to enjoy a turkey dinner and we pray they will have wisdom concerning their health. We as Believers are blessed to have an opportunity to give thanks every day and anywhere we live…Psalm 100.4-5 says…"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, enter His courtyards with praise; give thanks to Him, and bless His name. For Adonai is good, His grace continues forever, and His faithfulness lasts throughout all generations." Give thanks to our God today and every day. Be blessed in Yeshua! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Parasha Toldot & Sermon "The Clock Never Stops"

Shalom and Blessings 

It finally happened; shops are open again in Israel and despite the fact that it has caused an increase in the Covid infection rate; it has not caused a significant increase in the infection percentage of those tested to those infected. Malls, however, are still closed and so are eat-in restaurants. Also on the still closed list are gyms, bars and certain school grades; while synagogue's attendance is still on the restricted list with regards to attendance. Things here are far from normal, however, Ellen and I are seeing more people giving in to wearing masks and that in itself is a great leap forward for Israelis who tend to test authority. 

There is nothing new on the political scene here, same old politicking, bantering and lying. Threats have been flying around among members of the Knesset about bringing the government down and holding new elections but we doubt that will happen anytime soon, and even if it does we doubt there will be any significant change. 

We were so looking forward to returning to minister in Kenya, but while our Covid numbers are going down theirs are going up. We are grateful that we are able to minister over Zoom and are now conducting a weekly Shabbat service and a mid-week Bible study, which has been a true blessing. Although not all in our Kenya group have the ability to participate with us (bandwidth being expensive and not everyone has a smartphone or computer), there are many who are able to login and Praise God others are teaming up with those that can. Please pray, we have still not received our new congregation name registration; we know that God hears your prayers. 

Hi Ellen here…Oh Lord give me grace, I need Your mercy and Your power!!! How many times has your mind bellowed out these requests? Well I have good news for you as I write this. You already possess all that you have asked for from our Abba. Want to know what I mean…because you are saved and because He is, we are in this world…(1John 4 – paraphrased). God is grace, God is power, God is mercy and so much more. Because He is all these things we are as well. Want to know what to do? Exercise grace, exercise mercy, exercise power, exercise love, exercise faith, exercise justice, exercise good, exercise holiness, exercise forgiveness and workout your own salvation! Love you all…Shabbat shalom. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Parasha Chaye Sarah $ Sermon "What does God desire?"

Shalom and Blessings; 

We are so happy that the electioneering in the United States is over. The hate, the lies and the accusations one against the other was a disgusting display of the devil's work upon the world's political and economic system. No one we know in Israel is happy with the final outcome (although at this writing it is still not over). As Israelis we would have much preferred President Trump have his chance at a second term; a term that would have not required a year to learn the ropes and how things work in Washington or having to be encumbered with preparing for a second term. He could have pulled out all of the stops and accomplished so much for America and Israel. 

Many people see Trump's defeat as a total negative, but as unhappy as we are about the results, we cannot see it that way. Although the Trump administration saw and worked towards the return of America to "One Nation Under God" and succeeded in reestablishing prayer in schools and a conservative leaning Supreme Court as well as other godly changes, is that really what the Bible teaches us about the end times? 

2 Timothy 3:1-7

1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 

We are in the last days so did anyone really expect for things to get better? With the inauguration of this new godless, liberal administration let us look at it this way. We are four years closer to the return of Messiah Yeshua. Come quickly Lord Yeshua! 

Like Moses, I am blessed to be able to say; "You can stop sending money for the orphanage water project, we have reached our goal!" We gratefully thank everyone who gave toward helping the orphans and we are sure that your giving to orphans has not gone unnoticed by God; He will be repaying you in blessings. For those who wanted to give but did not get around to it, hang on to your gift there will be other opportunities and other worthwhile projects to help with in Kenya. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Hi Ellen here…Who said believers have to be happy all of the time…our Lord said to be joyful. I see a difference. We are filled with the joy of the Lord but we have to make an effort to be happy. Are you happy when you lose self-control, yell at your children or even your husband or wife…are you happy when you lack love, peace, patience, faith and so many of the attributes we are supposed to possess as Believers!? Well confession is good for the soul, right? I confess this Thursday morning that I lost it but was quickly reminded that His righteousness is also my righteousness. In Messiah Yeshua we are able to quickly repent and return to His love and be joyful full of His grace and mercy. Are you happy today? Are you quick to repent? When others see you do they see Yeshua? I am praying for you all and hoping that you are praying for me as well. Blessings from above, Shabbat shalom. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "What does God desire"


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Parasha Vayera & Sermon "Dress for Stress"

Shalom and Blessings; 

These are perilous times we are living in. Radical Islam is terrorizing Europe and it may not be too long before we see attacks against the West increase. Sadly we have done it to ourselves by shutting God out of our lives, out of our countries, out of our schools and replacing Him with political correctness and tolerance. The generation now in primary and secondary school and those in college and university will be our political leaders of the future and they will be bringing along with them the godless liberal ideals being taught them, reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah. The sad thing is there is nothing we can do about it because it is God's will as laid-out in His Word concerning the end times. We can but expect only great pain and suffering to come upon the world and I feel sorry for our children and grandchildren. One of the prayers that are pray from the traditional Jewish prayer book goes like this from the Amidah: 

"You graciously endow man with wisdom and teach insight to a frail mortal. Endow us graciously from Yourself with wisdom, insight, and discernment. Blessed are You, Lord, gracious Giver of wisdom." 

What we need most in these difficult times is wisdom, insight and discernment. We need to be able to look beyond the physical and see into the spiritual. We cannot trust our eyes or our feelings because they will deceive us. We cannot even take people at face value just because they are nice people; have beautiful children, because Scripture tells us that even the devil masquerades as an angel of light. We need to have wisdom, insight and discernment to not look with our eyes but to be tuned into the leading of the Holy Spirit; otherwise we will be deceived and led astray. Our salvation and our eternal destiny depend on it! 

Please continue to support the water project for the orphanage in Kenya; we are so close to reaching our goal. Response has been so encouraging but there is still a little way to go, no gift is too small. Thank you and God bless you for your concern and generosity. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Hi Ellen here…I have a very brief message for us all today…Because HE is so we are in this world, 1 John 4:17. May you all go in love and assurance that there is no condemnation in our Lord and Savior Yeshua! 

If you are unable to open the sermon audio, please let us know and we will do our best to help you login. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to Sermon "Dress for Stress"

Mini - Teachings ("Marriage is a Covenant" & "Curses")

Shalom everyone, trust you are all well and are recovering from the election. I have attached 2 mini sermons I'd like to share with you. Trust you will be blessed by them. We give God all the glory.

If you are having trouble opening Dropbox to listen to these teachings, please let me know and I will try to help.  

Rabbi Jack

Listen to sermon: "Marriage is a Covenant"

Listen to sermon: "Curses"