From Rabbi Jack...
Exodus {34:21} "Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest."
Exodus {35:3} "You shall kindle no fire throughout your dwellings on the Sabbath day."
There have been many interpretations given for these passages of Scriptures. Exodus 34:21 is quite straightforward and easy to explain; we are not to work on the Shabbat! We are even told what constitutes work; work is labor, labor is anything that is not rest! However, Exodus 35:3 is a bit more difficult to interpret. So, let us take a closer look at this passage and make the effort to sort out what it means.
The first thing we are going to look at is context. Every verse has to be interpreted within its context otherwise it becomes pretext. The context of Exodus chapters 35-40 are all about building and making everything necessary for the erecting of the Tabernacle. Many people would have had to be involved in the Tabernacle's construction; silversmiths, goldsmiths, carvers, tanners, dyers of wool and so forth. Most if not all of these tasks would require fire to accomplish. In their zeal to get the job done and knowing human nature, I believe God is reminding Israel by this verse that they are not to light a fire on Shabbat for the purpose of building the Tabernacle.
Second, Shabbat is a feast day and not a fast day. When the children of Israel were told not to collect Manna on the Shabbat but rather to collect double on Friday for the Shabbat, they were not told that they were not allowed to cook the Manna, only that they were not to collect it. This explains the incident of the man collecting sticks on the Shabbat (Exodus 15:32-36); collecting was work!
Exodus {16:29} "Remember that I, the Lord, have given you a day of rest, and that is why on the sixth day I will always give you enough food for two days." (Good News Translation).
Therefore, the command not to light a fire on Shabbat, in context, is in relation to work and not cooking. Seeing as Shabbat is a Feast Day of the Lord and not a fast day, preparing and cooking food for family consumption is not labor but rather a joy of thanks giving unto the Lord. However, we are not to buy on the Shabbat, therefore, everything we may need for preparing our meals should be on hand no later than Friday before sundown.
Hi Ellen here…
So much to do!!! Jack and I are preparing for our trip to Kenya and it is a joy and also a source of frustration. We know we are commissioned to go by the Lord but all sorts of things are coming against us. We do not want to give the adversary too much credit because this is one being we do not want to exalt. What we know through the word is to exalt our King of Kings and praise His Holy Name. Did you know that our praise destroys the enemy and his feeble plan against us?
We heard a wonderful teaching once where the preacher found himself in a strange city, in a bad neighborhood, on a stormy night and he was frightened. Instead of giving into the fear he began to say "Father" over and over again for quite a long while until all fear passed and he was able to freely praise the Lord! So praise the Lord with me now…Lord thank you for the confirmation of our Visas for Kenya travel; Lord thank you for the complete Medical Coverage package we are to receive; Lord thank you for the return of Jack's computer in perfect working order; Lord thank you that Jack and I are in perfect health; Lord thank you that no plan of the enemy will come against us and that no voice raised up judgment will prevail…Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, praise the Lord!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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