Sunday, February 9, 2025

Parashoit Beshalach - After He Had Let Go


From Rabbi Jack

 1 Thessalonians {4:3} It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; {4:4} that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, {4:3} not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; {4:6} and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. {4:7} For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. {4:8} Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you His Holy Spirit.

Paul is saying that marriage is superior to living together like the pagans were doing. The point of the passage is that there are consequences for abandoning this principle of being holy and honorable and the evidence today seems to bear this out. Parents who have chosen to live together instead of marrying have raised young adults who see living together or just having sexual encounters as a viable option to marriage.

Couples today are suffering and our society is deteriorating because the sins the parents committed in having children out of wedlock and in living together instead of getting legally married before God and man, is being passed down to their children. So now the children are committing the same sin their parents committed. The parent’s sin is being visited upon their children, just like the Lord said. It is a spiritual demonic curse that parents have passed down to their children. But it does not only manifest itself in the children having sex before marriage or living together in fornication instead of marrying, but it also manifests itself in other ways; homosexuality, sexual perversion, drug addiction, psychological problems, low self-esteem, depression and the list goes on.

Brother, sister, if you are not legally married to the person you call husband or wife, if you do not have that “legal marriage certificate,” do yourself, your children and your future generations the favor of getting it and get right with God.  Because right now you are a fornicator, no matter how long you have been together. You are living in sin and I do not think I need to tell you where that will get you!

Hi Ellen here…

Jeremiah 29.11-12 says “For I know the thoughts I have toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me, and I will listen to you.”

These verses spoke to me prior to my acceptance of Yeshua; they led me into my salvation and sanctification.  These verses have never left my heart and are always in my mind to this day, more than thirty years later.

When we go on a mission trip, we pray for the Lord to lead us, guide us, give us supernatural discernment into all things and make our way a way of peace and righteousness.  We try our very best not to let our “basar”, Hebrew for flesh, to lead us.  We all know that our flesh and emotions can bring us into a place of doubt and even anger. The flesh serves the law of sin (Romans 7.25), brings corruption (Galatians 5.24), has its own wisdom (not the wisdom of God) (2 Corintians 1.12) and nothing good in it (Romans 7.18). The flesh brings disputes and dissensions, that is why the apostle Paul says to die daily!  We must die daily to our own desires and pray continually, “Lord Your will not ours!!!”.  As we prepared for our trips in the past and even now…we ask for divine insight concerning the message we are to bring to individuals and to groups. These messages are hopefully uplifting and encouraging and not pointing fingers at individuals. We know that sometimes a message is not always pleasant but God wants teaching and not coddling.

Many of the individuals we encounter on our mission are not receiving of the message we bring, but that is alright because if it is God’s message then it is between them and God.  This is true many times but we remember to leave them in love and encouragement.

If you are battling with our current situation then it is imperative that you seek God and ask if it is your flesh, the devil or godly chastisement.  Remember what Yeshua said… “if they hate Me then they will hate you as well (paraphrased)”.  It takes a long time in ministry to be able to discern the hate that sometimes comes against us, but being seasoned, not only in age but also in the Lord we walk away in love.

I leave you all with this… “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23.24).

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If you are being blessed by the teachings, sermons and commentaries we share, please consider supporting the ministry. Contact us for more information:

CLICK below to view the video commentary on Parsha “BO” by James Gichama Muthaka. 

CLICK below to view the video commentary on Parsha “BO” by Rabbi Jack. 

CLICK below to view the sermon “Faith of Faith Crisis” by Rabbi Jack.

CLICK below link to read Parashot Beshalach commentary.

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Titus 2:13…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua.”


Yours in Messiah Yeshua,

Yom Teruah Sameach

Jack & Ellen

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Parsha Vayigash - And He Drew Near

From Rabbi Jack

James {1:2} “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, {1.3} knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. {1:4} But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Trials have a tremendous effect on our lives; they have the power to make us or break us depending on how we react to them, how we handle them and who we blame for them. Do you use escape tactics when trials come? Do you start to drink, smoke, binge eat or do you not deal with your trials by denying them?

What did James say about trials? Did he say they work bitterness, anger, worry, depression? No! He said that “the testing of your faith produces patience.” Patience is being able to stand under the pressure of trials. Not only do trials build patience in our lives, but they also produce maturity. “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect” Now, perfect does not mean flawless, it means mature, complete. God wants to develop maturity in your life so you will be more useful in His service and He often uses trails to do it.

We cannot understand everything that God does in our life. Our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His ways. From our perspective the trials we go through can seem unreasonable, but God has a purpose in our trials and we have to view them from His perspective. In fact, He customizes our trials and troubles to suit what He wants to accomplish in your life.

Through our various trials and troubles God is working to teach us obedience and to rely on Him and less on ourselves. He leads us into situations that develop our character. He gives us tears and sorrow to keep us tender, hurts to keep us compassionate, failures to keep us humble.

God sees the big picture of what we need so as to grow us into the image of His Son. Regardless of why or when or how trials come, they are all designed to bring us into a closer love relationship with Him but only we can decide whether they will or not. When Job suffered the loss of all his material possessions, the loss of his children and even his health, his wife told him to curse God. Job did nothing wrong; he loved and served the Lord. Those trials could have made him bitter; they could have turned him away from God, but instead he gave God the glory and grew through the situation to become a better man.

From Ellen

So many things going on in the world and in our lives.  As 2024 ended this past Tuesday we can sit quietly in retrospection.  Did we all repent and rededicate our lives on Chanukah?  Are we entering a new civil year with pure thoughts and abounding hope?  I think that when we see the meaning of this past Hebrew month of Kislev and enter into the new Hebrew month of Tevet, there is hope!

I am not a Hebrew speaker but as I have shared in the past my nickname was “Calendar Girl” in our Toronto office.  Each time we approached a new Hebrew month I did a little research on the meaning of that month.  Kislev means purse of the heart…a time to examine what is in our hearts.  Only by this exercise could we have examined, repented, forgiven and rededicated our hearts to Yeshua.  It is for this very reason we play Marty Goetz’s song “Chanukah” each year…as he so eloquently sings “…I dedicate my life to You, Yeshua.”

Now for the Hebrew month of Tevet.  Looking at the spelling of Tevet is what led me to write this brief presentation.  The first two letters in the word Tevet are “tet” and “vav” which also makes up the word tov.  We all know the meaning of tov… “GOOD!”  We are also starting our Bible reading plan again with the Book of Genesis where God saw that it was “tov-good” in chapter 1 verse 4.  This word Tevet tells us that the entire month will be filled with God’s goodness.  As we look back in recent times we can see many challenges in our lives and in this world that might bend our hearts to have a critical spirit instead of seeing “tov-good”.

Let us thank (toda) God for His goodness and His grace that enables us to see goodness in our lives.  Remember the saying “God is good all of the time!”  Let us strive to be more like Yeshua this Tevet and see the good in all things.  We choose to be happy or sad.  We choose to be needy or content.  We choose to be angry or joyful.  I would say to you today, realize that the consequences we endure in this life is a direct result of our choices.

Please prosper and spread the Good News of salvation this month more than you did last month. It is good to praise the Lord and rejoice in song and dance.  Put off your sackcloth and put on your garments of praise because our God is good all of the time!

Love you all…

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SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel. Click the link below:

CHECKOUT our website and visit us when in Kenya:

If you are being blessed by the teachings, sermons and commentaries we share, please consider supporting the ministry. Contact us for more information:

CLICK below to view the video sermon “What are You Zealous For?” by Mbugua (Dov) Njuguna

CLICK below to watch the full December 28th. Shabbat Service at Etz Chaim Kenya

CLICK below to view the video commentary on Parsha “Miketz” by Rabbi Jack.

CLICK below to read the commentary on Parsha “Vayigash” by Rabbi Jack.

If you are being blessed by the teachings, sermons and commentaries we share, please consider supporting the ministry. Contact us for more information:

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Titus 2:13…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua.”

 Yours in Messiah Yeshua,

Yom Teruah Sameach

Jack & Ellen