I'm sure everyone has heard about Israelis' going to the polls April to elect a new government. Perhaps however, you haven't heard that a fifth tunnel was discovered and destroyed between Lebanon and Israel. Things are definitely heating up along our boarder, especially after the new air strikes Tuesday night targeting Hezbollah officials and Iranian munition depots. Russia was quick to denounce the strikes and warned Israel against infringing on Syrian sovereignty. Where is all this leading? To war of course! This will be a very significant war, one the Bible says will end in the miraculous defeat of the hoards from the north. More significant, I believe, is that this war will usher in the anti-christ. Are you ready? Are you prepared spiritually? Have you given your life to Yeshua and walking in HIs light? God's prophetic time clock is ticking and His fullness of time is about to arrive.
Blessings In Yeshua