Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Parasha Shemot

I'm sure everyone has heard about Israelis' going to the polls April to elect a new government. Perhaps however, you haven't heard that a fifth tunnel was discovered and destroyed between Lebanon and Israel. Things are definitely heating up along our boarder, especially after the new air strikes Tuesday night targeting Hezbollah officials and Iranian munition depots. Russia was quick to denounce the strikes and warned Israel against infringing on Syrian sovereignty. Where is all this leading? To war of course! This will be a very significant war, one the Bible says will end in the miraculous defeat of the hoards from the north. More significant, I believe, is that this war will usher in the anti-christ. Are you ready? Are you prepared spiritually? Have you given your life to Yeshua and walking in HIs light? God's prophetic time clock is ticking and His fullness of time is about to arrive.

Blessings In Yeshua

Rabbi Jack

 Read Parasha

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Parasha Vayechi

It's happening, are you ready? Yeshua is coming and He's coming for a pure bride, a righteous bride, a bride that is holey committed unto the Lord. I know that over the past two thousand years many people have said Yeshua is coming but at no time in history have the signs been so obvious. This is not the time to slack off in our, faith, prayers and commitment. This is the time to press in, draw near and look up because our redemption is drawing near.

Blessings In Yeshua

Rabbi Jack

 Read Parasha

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Parasha Vayigash

Shalom u'vracha (blessings);

Other than the IDF's discovery, so far, of 3 attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah between Lebanon and Israel, thing have been quiet here. Tensions, however, are running high, because it was obvious that Hezbollah was preparing to attack and bring the fight on the ground, to northern Israel. Plus once again it was confirmed that Israel's enemies have no regard for civilian life. These tunnels were dug right under private homes and from neighboring homes in residential neighborhoods where explosives and armaments were stored. God has brought the victory! Israeli intuition and technology have once again thwarted the enemies plans. Thank God for His promise (Isaiah 54:17). "No weapon formed against you shall prosper...."

In Yeshua HaMashiach

Rabbi Jack

 Read Parasha

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sermon - Hag Chanukah Sameach (Happy Chanukah)

As we begin to celebrate the Festival of Chanukah I thought I'd share the sermon given to our congregations in Kenya on Shabbat. Simple click on the link below to hear the audio. Please let me know if you have difficulty opening the link.

Shavua Tov and Blessings in Yeshua HaMashiach

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Parasha Vayera

Shalom, the tit-for-tat continues between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. Last night Gaza launched a missile which by the grace of God landed in an open area outside of Ashkelon not causing any loss of life. The IAF (Israel Air Force) responded by destroying 3 military sites in Gaza. I sometimes wonder just how many sites there must be over there because after all these years of conflict the IAF never runs out of sites to strike or tunnels to destroy. This drives home the fact that the Gazans have to live without proper health care, without social services and without city infrastructure because their government prefers to take a lion's share of the money sent to them by the UN and EU and spend it on the hopeless effort of defeating Israel. When will the rest of the world wake up to the facts!! 


Rabbi Jack

 Read Parasha