Thursday, December 13, 2018

Parasha Vayigash

Shalom u'vracha (blessings);

Other than the IDF's discovery, so far, of 3 attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah between Lebanon and Israel, thing have been quiet here. Tensions, however, are running high, because it was obvious that Hezbollah was preparing to attack and bring the fight on the ground, to northern Israel. Plus once again it was confirmed that Israel's enemies have no regard for civilian life. These tunnels were dug right under private homes and from neighboring homes in residential neighborhoods where explosives and armaments were stored. God has brought the victory! Israeli intuition and technology have once again thwarted the enemies plans. Thank God for His promise (Isaiah 54:17). "No weapon formed against you shall prosper...."

In Yeshua HaMashiach

Rabbi Jack

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