Thursday, January 31, 2019

Parasha Mishpatim

Ellen and I are doing final preparation for our mission trip to Kenya. We leave Wednesday morning and are looking forward to a successful time of teaching, preaching, counseling, ministering and anything else The Lord brings us to do. I can't say that things have been easy, the devil has tried his best to stop us from travelling, unsuccessfully however; all glory be to God. Please continue to support us and the two congregations we'll be serving in prayer. The victory is The Lord's. God willing I'll continue to send out the D'var Torah's each week from Kenya. Thank you for your support, it is so much appreciated. May The Lord strengthen you from Zion and may He grant you your heart's desire.

Blessings in Yeshua
Rabbi Jack

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sermon - All You Need is Love

Shavua Tov (Good Week). Below is a link to another sermon I shared with our congregations in Kenya on Shabbat. Let me know if you have trouble opening it.

Blessings in Yeshua
Rabbi Jack

Friday, January 18, 2019

Parasha Beshalach

Our heart and prayers go out to those that were injured in the Kenyan terror attack, May God grant them a speedy recovery and show them His Salvation. We also pray for the families and friends of those that lost their lives. May the God of all comfort, comfort them and show them His Salvation. Finally we pray for those that were spared and rescued. Open their eyes Lord that they may come to salvation before it's too late. Let this tragic experience speak to their hearts, show them the frailty of live and move them to seek You Lord.

Sadly we in Israel are not strangers to terror and have to deal with it daily. May God save our enemies and bring them peace. Come quickly Lord Yeshua redeem us and all of Israel from our troubles.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Jack

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Parasha Vaera

Shalom and Blessings; As we get closer and closer in the final countdown and God's "Fulness of Time," Satan is cranking up his salvation stealing lies. One lie in his arsenal of lies used against Messianic congregations and Believers, is that Yeshua is not God but rather a prophet. If Yeshua is not God, who came to earth as a human-being to pay the price of our sin, die, be buried and resurrected from the dead on the third day, then we're all not saved and are destined for Hell! BUT Yeshua is God in the flesh and the Scriptures confirm it, both in the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Brit Chadasha (Renewed Covenant). Proclaim it boldly, affirm it in your life and be saved!!

Please find my commentary on Parasha Vaera attached to this email.

Blessings In Yeshua
Rabbi Jack