Shalom and Blessings; As we get closer and closer in the final countdown and God's "Fulness of Time," Satan is cranking up his salvation stealing lies. One lie in his arsenal of lies used against Messianic congregations and Believers, is that Yeshua is not God but rather a prophet. If Yeshua is not God, who came to earth as a human-being to pay the price of our sin, die, be buried and resurrected from the dead on the third day, then we're all not saved and are destined for Hell! BUT Yeshua is God in the flesh and the Scriptures confirm it, both in the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Brit Chadasha (Renewed Covenant). Proclaim it boldly, affirm it in your life and be saved!!
Please find my commentary on Parasha Vaera attached to this email.
Blessings In Yeshua
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