Friday, March 29, 2019

Parasha Vayetze

Shalom and blessings. I've included a link to an article written by Caroline Glick. I believe it sums up everything that's happening in Israel today.
Blessings in Yeshua
Come quickly Lord Yeshua
Rabbi Jack

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Parasha Shemini

We just finished celebrating Purim. As with most Jewish holidays the theme is the same; "they tried to kill us, we won, let's eat!" Sadly that has not been the case with Gaza. We have fought three wars with this enemy and have yet to have a victory. No, instead the saga has been; "they tried to kill us, we gave in and signed a ceasefire, now what?" It's been nothing but a tit for tat you bomb us we bomb you merry-go-round ever since we pulled our citizens out of Gaza in 2005. 

We are residents of the south (Ashkelon) living under the shadow of not knowing when the next conflict will start, when the next missile will be fired towards us. The gloomy part is our enemy is the one deciding on the when. To them we are like fish in a barrel. Happily this last round of "shootem up fish" did not reach our neighborhood but is that any consolation? No, especially when you only have 15 seconds to make it into your mamad (safe room). 

Last November, when Hamas decided to fire over 500 missiles at us, one landed in the park across from our apartment causing considerable damage. Thankfully it took place in the early hours of the morning and the park was empty. However, had the rocked traveled a mere 400 meters to the east it would have slammed into an adjacent apartment building, perhaps even ours! Yep, no "they tried to kill us, we won, let's eat" when it comes to Gaza, with them, it is only "they want to kill us and our government is playing a game of tit for tat with our lives." 

B"H, Rabbi

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Parasha Tzav

Ellen and I desire to return to Kenya for the Passover. We would like to assist the congregations there in their Yeshua centered celebration of this Feast. However, God has not yet released us. Please pray for God to speak with us concerning this and for Him to give us His divine direction and provision.

I was encouraged by the response I got from my last week's comment concerning the lie being taught about Yeshua not being God. But I was also saddened by a negative comment and the disclosure that this demonically inspired lie is being circulated among people Ellen and I dearly love. Let's join in prayer against this teaching and may God have mercy on the souls of those spreading it.

Hebrews 6.4-6
4 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

Blessings In Yeshua

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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Parasha Vayikra

Sadly there's false teaching being disseminated by Satan, saying that Yeshua came as the Messiah, but that He's not God, not the Father. Their logic may sound right but isn't that the way the devil works? These false teachers use rabbinical teachings and the twisting of Scripture to get weak-minded people to believe their poison. It's just not true! Yeshua Himself confessed that He and the Father are One (Yochanan/John 10:30). He also said; "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father," (Yochanan 14:8-9). Don't believe these deceived, false teachers; they're teaching a form of human sacrifice. Even though they're claiming Yeshua came as the Messiah of God and therefore is a special human; it's still human sacrifice, something Satan has had mankind fooled into practising throughout the ages, obviously even to this very day!

Please find my commentary attached below and click on the link:

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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Parasha Pekudei


I see Israel as being at a very critical juncture in her history at present. Will we turn to the left, to the right or will we hover somewhere between the two? No matter however, because the stage is set for a conflict with our Muslim neighbors. It makes no difference where we turn politically after the next election, there will be no agreement and subsequently no peace. Get ready for a rough ride world in 2020, God is going to shake the foundation of the earth and only the faithful will weather the storm.

Rabbi Jack

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