Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Parasha Vayikra

Sadly there's false teaching being disseminated by Satan, saying that Yeshua came as the Messiah, but that He's not God, not the Father. Their logic may sound right but isn't that the way the devil works? These false teachers use rabbinical teachings and the twisting of Scripture to get weak-minded people to believe their poison. It's just not true! Yeshua Himself confessed that He and the Father are One (Yochanan/John 10:30). He also said; "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father," (Yochanan 14:8-9). Don't believe these deceived, false teachers; they're teaching a form of human sacrifice. Even though they're claiming Yeshua came as the Messiah of God and therefore is a special human; it's still human sacrifice, something Satan has had mankind fooled into practising throughout the ages, obviously even to this very day!

Please find my commentary attached below and click on the link:

 Read Parasha
Read Parasha

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