Friday, July 26, 2019

Parasha Pinchas


The countdown is on for our next mission trip to Kenya.Sadly however, we have as yet not been able to book a place to stay. Please join us in praying for God's provision in that area.

Our congregations in Nairobi and Karatina are doing well, and are in anticipation of our arrival. As you know, God Willing, I'll be leading High Holy Day services with them and therefore I'm busying myself with preparing the PowerPoint transparencies. Please pray for God's anointing and presence to be felt in the services.

We are in daily contact with the directors of the children's home in Migori. The children are doing well and are so appreciative of the love we are showing them by helping. I would like to bring you up to date, in pictures, on recent blessing they were sent (clothing from within the country, money to buy 4 bunk beds for the boys dorm, and money for a gate). Please pray for Light Way Children's Home and the directors Evans and Boaz. 

Ellen and I send you our love and appreciation; you are in our prayers. If you have any specific prayer request, please write and tell us, we want to stand with you in prayer. 

Attached are pictures and this week's commentary on Parasha Pinchas; enjoy! 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Parasha Balak / Sermon: Yeshua Our Refuge

Shalom and blessings from Israel;

Well, we were able to raise enough money to book our return flights to Kenya. This time we'll be staying 2 months (September 18 – November 19), which will allow us plenty of time to minister, to preach and to teach the congregations there. We will also be there to hold High Holy Day services (Fall Feasts: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshana Rabbah, Shemini Atzeret and Simcha Torah). It's also our intention to minister in Karatina (North Kenya) and at the children's home in Miguri (West Kenya), God Willing of course.

We still have a financial shortfall, however, and are trusting in The Lord to provide for a place to stay and sufficient benevolence funds to help the many needy families and the orphans we'll encounter.

James (Ya'acov) 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Health wise, Ellen and I are doing well. We have stepped out in faith trusting that The Lord will protect our health, keep us healthy, and give us the strength we need to accomplish His will.

I've attached this week's Parasha as well as a link to a sermon you may not have heard, enjoy! Remember to check out our BLOG:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack

Read Parasha
 Listen to Sermon

Friday, July 12, 2019

Parasha Chukat / Sermon: Cast your burdens

There has been some rioting by the Ethiopian community here, a white off-duty police office shot and killed a young Ethiopian boy who he alleges attacked him. Investigations so far have found the officer's actions justified, but that has not stopped the protests. People have been injured, cars burned and property destroyed. Please pray for calm and for justice to prevail. We are still a democracy and someone is innocent until proven guilty. In a country which indited and sent it's Prime Minister to jail and which is now investigating it's present Prime Minister, I think we can be assured that the truth will be found out. 

We are returning to Kenya in September to continue our missionary work. There's still much work to be done there. For one we want to hold High Holy Day services in a way they've never experienced. Also we're their source of hands on Messianic teaching which is necessary for spiritual growth and maturity. 

On our last trip we managed to arrange a larger place for the congregation to worship, one where they can do Davidic dance, however, it is not available every Shabbat and involves extra expense . We were in discussions with a church to allow us to use their facility on Shabbat and for one night a week for Bible study, but that has temporarily stalled at least until we get back.

In March we applied for the congregation's membership in the International Association Of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS). I am pleased to say that we have been accepted (Thank You Lord). This puts us in the company of hundreds of other Messianic congregations around the world and has moved us to a new position within the worldwide Messianic community. We're also now under their umbrella of accountability; everyone needs to be accountable. In addition it opens the door for the elders of the congregation to participate in their online Yeshiva and grow in their faith even further. It also makes future ordination possible. Your donations will go into helping this effort.

The Orphanage is in crisis! The health department has slapped them with a summons requiring them to make expensive upgrades to the facility. Just this week we sent them money for 4 additional bunk beds for the boys dormitory, but they need a new well, a security gate, solar lighting, kitchen upgrades, and relocation of their outhouse toilets. With all that we've already done for them our finances are exhausted. 

Finally, I had my follow-up MRI and CT scan and awaiting now for the results. We'll get them from my oncologist July 30th. Thank you for your prayers, God is good (all the time!), 

If you're being blessed by these weekly teachings, your continued financial support would be appreciated.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Parasha Korach / Sermon: Are you teachable?

Shalom and Blessings;

PM Natanyahu is beginning to have second thoughts in having called an election September. The poles are turning against him and it's beginning to look more and more like the centrist Blue and White party led by Benny Gantz is heading for victory.

I went for my regular follow-up ENT examination. As anticipated, they found nothing B'H. Next week I'll be having an MRI and Doppler CT. I'm sure the results will be the same. God is Good!! Please keep me and Ellen in prayer. Also please keep the children's home in Migori, Kenya in prayer, the government is requiring them to make some major upgrades.

I have attached this week's Parasha as well as an audio of another sermon I shared with our Kenyan congregations, enjoy. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack
Sermon Link: