Thursday, August 29, 2019

Parasha Re'eh & Sermon: Measuring Your Trust in God

Last week I misread my calendar and sent out the wrong D'Var Torah. Since then I have tweaked Parasha Re'eh and I'm sending it out again this time as the correct commentary for this week's reading.

I don't think I have to update you on what's going on here in Israel, it's been all over the news. For years Lebanon has been denying that Iran has weapon facilities and storage warehouses in their country; well I guess they've been proven wrong. Funny how they have been lying all these years and when Israel exposes them by attacking and blowing them up, they blame us and not themselves for harboring terrorists!

Despite all the threats from Iran, Lebanon and Hezbollah, Israelis are not at all concerned. Life goes on here as if nothing has happened or is going to happen. 

Gaza continues to fire mortars and missiles at the southern part of the country causing little damage and no loss of life, praise God. We of course retaliated. A lot of our attention is on the 17 year old girl that was blown up by terrorists while hiking in the north with her her brother and father. They hid a bomb under rocks by a popular spring; she died, father and brother were both seriously injured and are recovering in hospital, please keep them in prayer. Two teens Nahum and Noam were run-over in a vehicular terror attack two weeks ago. Nahum is still in critical condition, Noam is home but still suffering the effects yet showing improvement; please remember them in your prayers

We leave for Kenya in a little less than three weeks. We're praying to be able to bring financial help to struggling members of the congregations there and money for much needed improvements at the orphanage. Please consider helping. By giving a little, combined with the others that will give, it will add up to be a real blessing. 

I've attached the link to the sermon I gave to Kenya over Skype Shabbat. I pray you will be blessed by it. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

 Listen to sermon

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Parasha Ekev

Shalom and Blessings;

This week has not been as quiet, multiple rockets have been fired from Gaza into Southern Israel, presumably in retaliation for the killing of armed infiltrators from Gaza. The IDF did not fire at them until they breached the security fence and were spotted carrying hand held mortars, knives and automatic weapons into Israel. Our Air Force respond to the rocket fire by once again doing a, tit-for-tat, firing on military targets in Gaza (the game goes on!). The only difference is that we only fire on military targets, and even warn civilians to get out of the intended target areas, by text or the doping of pamphlets; they just fire their rockets indiscriminately, in fact hoping to kill civilians. 

Tuesday while working at home 10 jets whizzed by in loud succession. I immediately knew something was up and that a military operation was in process. Ellen was doing our shopping and I called her to come home as quickly as possible. We prayed and happily nothing more happened, at least not here. Only the next day did we learn that our Air Force hit and destroyed a missile warehouse just outside of Baghdad. That means we are another step closer to war.

Both Ellen and I have been busy preparing for our return trip to Kenya, there's so much to get ready. I'm almost finished with the Power Points for the High Holy Days. I know that many of you either have no place to go for the High Holy Days or where you attend are not having High Holy Day services. In appreciation of your praying for us and your continued financial support, I would like to make the Power Points available to you. Contact us and I will send you the links. You will have to download and save them as soon as received. Because of the limited FREE space offered on Dropbox I will have to delete the links to make room available for other material, so don't delay in asking and then downloading so that you won't miss out. 

We are so looking forward to ministering in Kenya again. We continue to pray that the Lord opens up new avenues of ministry for us while there. It's always an adventure allowing the Lord to lead us each day. Thank you for your prayers, they're working even before we arrive. We've been contacted by those who are anticipating our visit.

Attached is this week's D'Var Torah and don't forget to check out our Blog for more teachings.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Parasha Va'etchanan

Shalom and Blessings:

Another week of relative quiet here in Israel. Of course there are the same old accusations from our enemies, yet despite our actions in Syria, and of late in Iraq, there has been no retaliation. My take is that they're planning and preparing for the big one, which may come at any time. God is ready for them!! 

An off-duty soldier was stabbed to death last week; his body left by the side of the road his body lay by the side of the road for six hours before someone discovered him. It took the IDF only 3 days to identify and arrest the killers, two Arab cousins. Even they were surprised the the army found them so quickly; to God be the glory. You don't hear anyone here screaming for better knife controls. That's because Israelis are aware that it's hate that kills, not guns, knives or rocks (which are hurled at car in certain areas). We're petitioning though for the return of capital punishment in cases of terrorism, where a death occurs, God willing it will happen. 

Only 5 more weeks until we return to Kenya. I have been spending weeks updating the High Holy Day PowerPoint's. Please pray for large turnouts (services are during the work week), and for God to pour out His anointing upon the services. 

Thank you to all those who have supported us in prayer and in finances. None of what we're doing would be possible without you. You're in our prayers. 

Check-out our BLOG for more teachings and audio sermons:  

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Parasha Devarim / Semon: A Hosea Marriage

Shalom and blessings;

There's not much to report on this week. The regular riots have been happening at the Gaza border. However, now they have added waving flags with Nazi swastikas painted on them; another indication of their hatred for us. So what else is new! I don't understand their point, when seeing they deny the holocaust happened any. 

From the polls it looks like we're going to get another fragile coalition government after the smoke clears September 17th. In fact it may end up being the same one we had before the second round of elections were called. Oh yes, we now have a new polygamy party added to the mix of 120+ parties we already have.

We mourn the terrible tragedies that happened in El Paso and Dayton, the cries for gun control are getting louder and louder. Israel has strict gun laws, but guns are still available to private citizens and many people carry one. A point I want to make is that almost every 18 year old (male and female alike) are walking around in Israel with an automatic assault rifle over their shoulder, yet we've never had one of them commit mass murder. Maybe the solution is to bring back universal conscription in the U.S. At least it would be a way to weed out the crazies. 

We continue to prepare for our return trip to Kenya. The Messianic congregation we minister to there need financial support. Work is very hard to come by and families are faced with a lack of food and money for transportation. They also need to buy equipment like microphones and overhead projectors. Money is also needed to buy Bible teaching programs for the children. 

Two new offshoot Messianic meeting have come from the Karatina congregation, one in Nyeri and one in Chaka; God willing we'll be ministering to them when we're there. They have none of the basics to help them minister and need our help. Please consider sending in a donation so that we can bring them much needed funds to buy what they need. Be a blessing and be blessed.

In addition to this weeks Parasha, I've attached an audio copy of a sermon I shared with Kenya over Skype. The sound quality is bad but it's understandable.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen
 Read Parasha

 Listen to sermon

Friday, August 2, 2019

Parashot Matat-Masei

Shalom and Greeting; 

You don't know how blessed we are knowing that we can share these teachings with you. There is so much deception being disseminated from pulpits today. Truly we are in end of the end times, because I am seeing even the "elect" being deceived. Gird-up your loins, look up, the time of our redemption is near when God will separate the wheat from the tares. 

We are blessed to say that, by the grace of God, we've found a suitable, affordable place to stay in Nairobi. Thank you to all who supported us in prayer and finances. Everything we accomplish in Kenya, every sole that is saved, you will have a share in. 

We don't know what the Lord has planned for us this trip, and but we do know that everything we do will be for His glory, so continue to pray for His will to be done through us. We're counting on many salvations, healings, deliverances, and miracles. 

Israel, like the U.S., is in election mode. Lots of rhetoric, false promises, lies and accusations flying around. If we didn't know that God is in-charge we would be worried about the outcome. But He is in-charge and in total control of what will take place, as He prepares the world for its final judgement and the return of Yeshua, 

You are in our thought and in our prayers. May the God of all comfort give you His perfect Shalom.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

 Read Parasha