Thursday, August 22, 2019

Parasha Ekev

Shalom and Blessings;

This week has not been as quiet, multiple rockets have been fired from Gaza into Southern Israel, presumably in retaliation for the killing of armed infiltrators from Gaza. The IDF did not fire at them until they breached the security fence and were spotted carrying hand held mortars, knives and automatic weapons into Israel. Our Air Force respond to the rocket fire by once again doing a, tit-for-tat, firing on military targets in Gaza (the game goes on!). The only difference is that we only fire on military targets, and even warn civilians to get out of the intended target areas, by text or the doping of pamphlets; they just fire their rockets indiscriminately, in fact hoping to kill civilians. 

Tuesday while working at home 10 jets whizzed by in loud succession. I immediately knew something was up and that a military operation was in process. Ellen was doing our shopping and I called her to come home as quickly as possible. We prayed and happily nothing more happened, at least not here. Only the next day did we learn that our Air Force hit and destroyed a missile warehouse just outside of Baghdad. That means we are another step closer to war.

Both Ellen and I have been busy preparing for our return trip to Kenya, there's so much to get ready. I'm almost finished with the Power Points for the High Holy Days. I know that many of you either have no place to go for the High Holy Days or where you attend are not having High Holy Day services. In appreciation of your praying for us and your continued financial support, I would like to make the Power Points available to you. Contact us and I will send you the links. You will have to download and save them as soon as received. Because of the limited FREE space offered on Dropbox I will have to delete the links to make room available for other material, so don't delay in asking and then downloading so that you won't miss out. 

We are so looking forward to ministering in Kenya again. We continue to pray that the Lord opens up new avenues of ministry for us while there. It's always an adventure allowing the Lord to lead us each day. Thank you for your prayers, they're working even before we arrive. We've been contacted by those who are anticipating our visit.

Attached is this week's D'Var Torah and don't forget to check out our Blog for more teachings.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

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