Sunday, September 29, 2019

Parasha Nitzavim

Shalom and blessings;

With God's grace we arrived safely in Kenya Wednesday night after an uneventful flight from Israel; that's the way you want your flights to be, uneventful. We started our ministering almost immediately with Erev Shabbat at the home of Akiva and Hannah, elders of the congregation in Nairobi. Saturday morning, together with the congregation elders, we led the Shabbat services in Nairobi. It was such a blessing to see and experience the new PowerPoint projector. Finally the words of the liturgy and of the songs were legible even in the bright sunlight. The congregation is so appreciative of your demonstration of love towards them. 

Perhaps you remember me saying that we were accepted as member of the IAMCS (International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues), well Shabbat I presented the congregation with the official certificate of membership. This was a true milestone for this congregation of Kenyans who have embraced the God of Israel and Torah centered Messianic Judaism. Now we are part of an international organization with all the privileges that come along with it.

Sunday morning we left for Migori where the orphanage is located, a grueling 7 hour drive over two lane, treacherous roads used by large transport trucks hauling goods to and from Uganda. Thanks to Akiva's driving, and of course the grace of God we arrived safely. Monday morning we stopped on the way to the orphanage to pick up loaves of bread and a few other items for the children. We already had assorted gifts for them and sweet treats, which they rarely get. The children were so loving and excited to see us again, needless to say Ellen and I were also overjoyed. The day started with a teaching on the significance of the High Holy Days and how to celebrate them. I can't tell you how eager the leadership was to learn, asked many questions. After lunch I started a Bible study on the Minor Prophets. In the evening we drove into town with the homes directors to purchase 60kg of rice and 50kg of beans for their food pantry. Tuesday morning we were back at the orphanage. The day started with Akiva and Hannah teaching the children and adults about Yeshua and His plan of salvation. They spoke in Swahili so that those who had limited English could understand. I then led the group in a prayer of repentance and salvation. I did it in short sentences, Akiva translated into Swahili as the children and adults repeated the prayer. We had prayed with the children previously but we wanted to reaffirm their relationship with the God of Israel, Wednesday we were back at the home ministering. We shared the Gospel with 4 unsaved adults, all of whom received Yeshua as their Lord and Savior; God is so good!

The home has so many needs. There are very few school book for the classes and 3-4 students are having to share; the old mattresses are a mess and many beds are even without; food is a real issue and a never ending requirement. The home has taken in a number of single parent children, and are feeding them and housing them because their parents can't support them. They need a clean water system; right now they have to carry water from the nearby river, which has to be boiled and chlorinated before they can use it, even then, it is suspect. With the funds we've received we can supply some of the needs. but sadly not all of them. However, despite all that they lack, God has given them a special joy. If the Lord puts it on your heart, please help us meet more of the children's home needs. Here is another way you can help. If you know anyone who would be blessed by receiving these updates and my Torah commentaries, after asking permission, send me their email address and I will add them to the list of recipients. 

Ellen and I wish you a blessed, healthy and prosperous Shana Tova (New Year). Sunday night at sunset begins the year 5780 on the Hebrew calendar, may it be a years of accelerated spiritual growth in all our lives. 

I've attached this week's Parasha, trust it will be a blessing to you. Please feel free to share the teachings and our blog address with anyone you think may be blessed by it.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Friday, September 20, 2019

Parasha Ki Tavo

Shalom and blessings; 

Ellen and I have arrived in Kenya safely, praise God (B'H). Our flight always takes us through Ethiopia where we have a 90 minute layover. Ethiopian coffee, at least the one we get from a little café at the airport, is delicious, so the stopover and wait almost makes it worth the while; there's no direct flight from Israel to Kenya. We're looking forward to having Erev Shabbat at the home of an elder couple from the Nairobi congregation, and then participating in the services at the congregation on Shabbat.

I didn't waste any time contacting the Pastor who we've been dealing with concerning the possibility of having rooms at their church for our services and Bible studies. Please pray that we'll find favor with all the decision makers and a space will be provided quickly. 

Election smoke has cleared in Israel, and just as predicted we're right back where we started; no clear-cut winner. With the results in, neither one of the main parties have enough seats to form a government. I doubt very much that the population would stand for another election; it probably wouldn't change anything anyway, so I'm expecting some major negotiations and jostling to take place between all the parties. Hopefully they'll be able to put their differences' aside and do what is best for the people and the country. One thing we can be sure of, the outcome was no surprise to God. For whatever purpose He has allowed this result, His Will be done. 

Sunday, God Willing, we'll be embarking on the 8 hour journey to visit and minister at the congregation and orphanage in Migori. We look so forward to seeing everyone again especially the children. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support, without being here personally, you can't totally appreciate how you have been a blessing. Speaking of that, Ellen and I have been praying about organizing a tour to Kenya so that you could meet the believers here. If that is something that would interest you, please let us know and we will look into it further.

I've attached this week's Parasha, trust it will be a blessing to you. Please feel free to share the teachings and our blog address with anyone you think may be blessed by it.

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Friday, September 13, 2019

Parasha Ki Tetzei / Sermon: Month to Reflect

Shalom and Blessings;

Things continue to escalate here, as our enemies ineffectively attempt to disrupt our elections and humiliate PM Netanyahu, who most believe will come closest to forming the next government. After months of quiet in our city, the silence was broken. This week we had to hurry into our safe room as the sirens sounded, warning us of incoming missiles (we have only 15 seconds). Just about every home and apartment in Israel has a fortified bomb shelter; the more recent ones now have an apparatus to filter the air in the event of a chemical attack. I know it sound worrying but actually it's not. We take the necessary precautions, so as not to tempt God, but in the final analyses God is our protection and our defense. B'H

God willing, we leave for Kenya this coming Wednesday and are busy preparing ourselves for the trip. Ellen is so good at planning what we'll wear and bring, considering that we're going for 2 months that's no easy task; it's the end of summer here and still quite hot, while it's the end of winter there but still a bit cold. 

I've finished the PowerPoint presentations for the High Holy Days, including Sukkot and have been working on sermons and commentaries. I've also prepared a Bible study on the Book of Ecclesiastes which, God willing, I plan on sharing over the 8 weeks we're there. Ellen has planned a special teaching as well. There's one concern that we need you to pray for. We have been trying since May to secure two rooms at Parklands Baptist Church in Nairobi to hold both our services (our present location is too small), and our Bible studies (our present location is not available during the week), for some reason we've been encountering delay after delay in the decision to welcome us. Please join with us is uprooting, destroying, tearing down and demolishing whatever stronghold is blocking the way.

Over and over again we pray for you and thank God for your financial and prayer support; this missionary work would be impossible without it. You're vital in our effort for the Word to go forth from Israel.

As shared with you in previous letters; for years the orphanage in Migori, western Kenya, had no electricity. The compound was dark and vulnerable to all type of dangers in the night. Previously we sent funds to build a security gat, which they did, and most recently, with your support we sent over $2,500.00 U.S. for a solar powered lighting system to illuminate the large common, central compound area. This will transform the home at night! The electricity generated will also be used to charge the computer we provided, the cell phone they use to communicate with us and much, much; may God richly bless you for this. We also go with funds to help the orphanage and members of the congregations we've established, with food and other necessities. 

Attached is this week's Torah commentary, as well as the link to the sermon I shared with Kenya last Shabbat over Skype. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Friday, September 6, 2019

Parasha Shoftim

Hezbollah has tens of thousands of missiles pointed at Israel, yet they made a lame effort of retaliation for our major attack on Iran's stockpile of missiles held for them in Lebanon. An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF vehicle, which our military claims was occupied by manikins dressed up as soldiers. The purpose, they said, was to draw Hezbollah's retaliatory fire away from any live targets and give the IDF the chance to respond without the loss of Israeli lives. If this was truly their intent, it worked. In any case it's only a matter of time before we have all-out war. 

Election fever is heating up as we come closer the day the votes are cast. Polls indicate that the Blue and White centrist party is neck in neck with the Likud right wing party. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out in the end and the type of government God has in mind for His country, at such a time as this. 

Only 13 more days before Ellen and I leave for Kenya to minister. We've been fasting and praying for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. We're looking forward to lives being transformed, as we plunder hell to populate heaven. We know that we don't have to ask you to keep us in prayer and we thank you for your prayers. 

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

Those who have supported the missionary work in Kenya have really demonstrated this passage of scripture. Through your financial blessings and the generous support of the congregation we attend in Israel, we were able to send the orphanage, in advance of our arrival, sufficient money to light-up the compound at night. They can now buy solar panels, flood lights and all the equipment necessary to set-up the lighting system, including the cost of installation. For years the children have lived without lights in the compound, now that will all change because of you. 

There's still so much more to do for the orphans to bring the home up to the standard required by The Ministry of Health, but with the Typhoid inoculations, bunk-beds, security gate, moving the location of the outhouse bathrooms, and now the compound lighting, along with other little tweaks, we are well on our way to getting the orphanage compliant. 

However, there's still a major project that needs our support and desperately needs to be attended to: A bore hole, pumping equipment and storage system are necessary to provide the camp with clean, disease free, parasite free drinking water. This is an ambitious undertaking that will require an investment of over $15,000.00 U.S. Please join with us in faith and in prayer believing that the God, who owns all the gold and silver on the earth, will provide the funds necessary to fund this project. 

Attached is this week's commentary, please pass it on so that others can be blessed. Remember to check out our blog for more teachings and audio sermons.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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