Hezbollah has tens of thousands of missiles pointed at Israel, yet they made a lame effort of retaliation for our major attack on Iran's stockpile of missiles held for them in Lebanon. An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF vehicle, which our military claims was occupied by manikins dressed up as soldiers. The purpose, they said, was to draw Hezbollah's retaliatory fire away from any live targets and give the IDF the chance to respond without the loss of Israeli lives. If this was truly their intent, it worked. In any case it's only a matter of time before we have all-out war.
Election fever is heating up as we come closer the day the votes are cast. Polls indicate that the Blue and White centrist party is neck in neck with the Likud right wing party. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out in the end and the type of government God has in mind for His country, at such a time as this.
Only 13 more days before Ellen and I leave for Kenya to minister. We've been fasting and praying for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. We're looking forward to lives being transformed, as we plunder hell to populate heaven. We know that we don't have to ask you to keep us in prayer and we thank you for your prayers.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Those who have supported the missionary work in Kenya have really demonstrated this passage of scripture. Through your financial blessings and the generous support of the congregation we attend in Israel, we were able to send the orphanage, in advance of our arrival, sufficient money to light-up the compound at night. They can now buy solar panels, flood lights and all the equipment necessary to set-up the lighting system, including the cost of installation. For years the children have lived without lights in the compound, now that will all change because of you.
There's still so much more to do for the orphans to bring the home up to the standard required by The Ministry of Health, but with the Typhoid inoculations, bunk-beds, security gate, moving the location of the outhouse bathrooms, and now the compound lighting, along with other little tweaks, we are well on our way to getting the orphanage compliant.
However, there's still a major project that needs our support and desperately needs to be attended to: A bore hole, pumping equipment and storage system are necessary to provide the camp with clean, disease free, parasite free drinking water. This is an ambitious undertaking that will require an investment of over $15,000.00 U.S. Please join with us in faith and in prayer believing that the God, who owns all the gold and silver on the earth, will provide the funds necessary to fund this project.
Attached is this week's commentary, please pass it on so that others can be blessed. Remember to check out our blog for more teachings and audio sermons.
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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