Shalom and blessings
Concerning my condition; I am taking a new round of antibiotics, number three. Wednesday I had a CT scan to see if the doctors had focused in on the right cause of my illness. They have already ruled out Malaria and Tuberculosis, but have not definitively confirmed Pneumonia. The results of the test showed what appeared to be a serious infection in my lung but they could not pinpoint exactly what it is. I have been referred to a pulmonary specialist in the hospital and I am awaiting an appointment confirmation. Ellen and I feel your prayers and know that through them God is working in our lives.
Will Israel ever get out of the secular quagmire it is in; a rhetorical question because we know that God is eventually going to "Drain the Swamp." For months, if not years, Netanyahu has been promising to annex the Jordan Valley. Yet again this week for the umpteenth time, he has come up with an excuse to postpone it again. His excuse: "Out of fear that the move would further offend and antagonize The Hague." This seems to be Israel's MO; they would much rather offend the Lord than offend the world stage. Was this not the same mindset that caused Israel's destruction in history past?
In the past I was critical of those who celebrated December 24th as Yeshua's birthday, primarily because of the day's pagan roots and the historical circumstance that attached His birth to this day. Sadly my shortsightedness had the effect of alienating some of my Christian friends and in a few cases drove a wedge between families. I repent and ask forgiveness for it. I realize now how beautiful it is that the world takes one day out of the year to celebrate Yeshua. It doesn't matter if they are secular or even of another religion, whether they see it as a shopping Day or a gift giving day, the name Jesus is being heard and spoken wherever you go, even here in Israel, and that is glorious. It really doesn't matter when Yeshua was born, what matters is that He was born and on that day Light entered into a dark world. Is that not the theme of Hanukkah as well? Ellen and I celebrate Yeshua's birth every day, so let us join together, Messianic Jews and Christian, as One New Man in Messiah and with one heart declare, "Yom- Huledet Sameach (Happy Birthday)" and Hag Hanukkah Sameach Jesus because He is the reason for the season!"
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I have attached this week's Parasha, Miketz, as well as part 1 and 2 of the sermon series I shared in Kenya on Joseph.
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
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