Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Parasha Bo

Shalom and blessings:

The mystery is over, the Trump peace plan has been revealed and the anticipation is over. Ellen and I were expecting Hamas to react by firing missiles towards Israel during the night. In expectation we prepared the safe room in our apartment in the event we had to run into it. Happily all was quiet, at least as far as missiles are concerned. Distain for Trump, Israel and the peace plan spewed forth from every corner on local Arab news broadcast and from local Arab leaders. 

There are two things I picked up from the plan that I feel are worth mentioning and clarifying. President Trump said that Jerusalem would be the UNDIVIDED capital of Israel, which would mean both East and West Jerusalem. Then he went on to say that East Jerusalem would be the capital of the new Palestinian State. Sounds like double-talk and a contradiction, but it is not. I believe he meant that the Palestinian capital will be in East Jerusalem, only it will be in the Arab-occupied portion of East Jerusalem, probably in a city east of the Mt. of Olives. Then when President Trump said that this peace proposal was the Palestinians last chance, I wondered how could he say something like that. What did he mean? Surely if this plan failed future plans could be proposed, by perhaps a new incoming president in November 2020 (God forbid), or other proposals could be presented by other nations, for consideration. I take what the President said as a veiled threat to the Palestinians and a tactical Trump negotiating move. President Trump is offering the Palestinians a Two State Solution and he is telling the Palestinians, if they reject this offer he would move to another option – a One State Solution. Such a solution would eliminate the West Bank and all Palestinian held land east of the Mt. of Olives and bringing the entire area under the sovereignty of Israel.

We have to reconsider accepting gifts for our ministering in Africa, due to possible person tax exposure of up to 37%. We thank everyone who so generously gave and as soon as we find a suitable solution to this problem we will start accepting gifts again. This means that we will no longer be receiving gifts to either one of our PayPal accounts (U.S. $ or CDN $). Of course we will continue to minister in Kenya and support needs there, to the best of our ability, until a solution can be found.

We have attached this week's commentary as well as the audio link to the sermon shared with Kenya on Shabbat.

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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Parasha Va'era & Sermon: Hard Times Faith

Shalom & Blessings;

I am doing so much better, thank you all for your prayers, Ellen and I believe that the Lord has healed me B"H. For confirmation, mostly for my oncologist, I will be having a CT scan February 9th.

I am sure most, if not all of you have heard that Israel is hosting an international Holocaust remembrance event which will be attended by a host off leaders from around the world, Putin being one. Needless to say the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), are concerned that Hamas or Iranian backed Hezbollah will launch missiles to disrupt the event. Our enemies have been warned that we will hit back hard if any such thing occurs. I think Hamas takes advantage of the fact that we can shoot down their missiles before they do any harm and therefore launch them just to cause trauma and panic, which sadly they do. The odd one, however, does get through and property is destroyed and people are hurt.

Politically, the wrangling is over, the deadline has passed and the different fringe parties have aligned themselves with other parties of like mindedness hoping to gain the minimum percentage of votes required to have a presence in the Knesset. Now we just have to endure the false promises, kissing of babies and political rhetoric until the election March 2nd when God's choice will be revealed.

Attached is this week's Parasha, Va'era and the audio of the sermon I shared with the congregations in Kenya Shabbat,

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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Listen to Sermon: Hard Times Faith

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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Parasha Shemot

Shalom and Blessings;

Praise the Lord and glory to His Holy Name. There has been significant improvement in my well-being. I am feeling so much better, "Thank You Lord!" I still need to have another CT scan, which is scheduled for February 9th and possible another chest X-ray which will confirm what the Lord has done. Thank you for your prayers, they moved God!!

Politics are a wicked, dirty business, we see its slime in the United States and we see it as well here in Israel. The Far-Left and the Left-wing parties are busy making deals with each other hoping that in the upcoming election they will gain enough seats to be an influence in the Knesset. Meanwhile the Right-wing parties are still trying to get their acts together, arguing over Netanyahu and his legitimacy to be a leader, totally confusing people like me who vote Right. I cannot wait for this election to be over and for God to give us His choice of a government, a government that will be perfect for "Just such a time as this!"

The Democrats in the U.S. are doing everything they can to destroy President Trump. They know if he is reelected for another term he will have the opportunity to install another one or two Supreme Court Justices. This is something that will change the landscape of the country for decades to come and move it back to the Right. The Left is fearful of that as well in Canada and here in Israel, the Left hates the Right. However, we as Believers in Yeshua HaMashiach do not need to wait for a Right-wing government to change the makeup of our Supreme Courts. Just as God saved us out of liberal, secular humanism, He can save existing Supreme Court Justices. Commit to praying for the salvation of our Justices and be prepared to say; "Look what the Lord has done!" 

Ellen and I have started a YouTube Channel, the name of the channel is; "Kenya, teaching, preaching, helping", check it out and see what the Lord is doing.

Attached is this week's D'Var Torah on Shemot and don't neglect checking out and sharing our Blog:

P.S. BREAKING NEWS: As if Israel does not have enough political parties (34), the wife of the man that assassinated Yitzhak Rabin just registers her own party!

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Kenya Mission & Rabbi Jack

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Parasha Vayechi & Kenya Trip Video

Shalom and Blessings.

Tuesday we had a full day at the hospital in Ramat Gan (Tel Hashomer Medical Center), as is usual when we go there. I met with the pulmonary technicians and underwent breathing exercises and tests. B"H, all was found to be normal...yay! Then I met with the pulmonary specialist who examined me, read my chart and discussed my history with regard to the possibility of me being exposed to toxic pollutants, work related airborne contaminants, and exposure to TB, when I was younger. In the final analysis he concluded that I had a serious lung infection probably brought on by pneumonia and because of my compromised immune system I am having a slow recovery. I was advised to get another chest x-ray in two weeks. If it shows clearing of the infection then no need for anything else, full recovery will come in time, if not clear, an additional CT of the lungs will be necessary and then we will go from there. The doctor felt confident that I will have total restoration and recovery in time, as do we, because God is in control. Thank you for your prayers, God is listening. We pray for everyone and love you all very much...

A member of our congregation in Nairobi was in a serious mini-bus crash involving multiple deaths and injuries. If any are acquainted with the bus system in Nairobi then you will understand that these mini-buses are poorly maintained and wildly driven. It is a miracle that there are not more crashes and deaths. Ellen and I have taken "Metatus," as they are called, many times and by the grace of God and through prayer while riding in one, God has kept us safe. Please pray for Rosemary's total and quick recovery. Tuesday she spent hours in the operating theater. I spoke with her Wednesday and we prayed together. Hospitals in Kenya are not like those in the U.S., Canada and Israel so she needs additional prayer for favor with the doctors and nurses so as to get the care and attention she deserves and needs.

Things are moving along here in Israel as we endure the rhetoric, lies and false promises that come with elections. If we did not know that God was in total control of the process, we could be taken in by the politicians. Cannot help but feel sorry for those who are unsaved and put their trust in these people. Something interesting, but typical for a fallen world is that; we do not have a government, we do not have a budget and as a result hospitals and health care providers are running short of money, but that did not stop the members of the Knesset voting themselves a pay raise this week. They will now earn 3.7 times the average national full time wage earner in Israel. Come quickly Lord Yeshua!!

I have attached this week's commentary on Parasha Vayechi as well as a link to a video clip I made of our last trip to Kenya. You do not need to download DropBox to open this link, simply click on "continue to website" when the link opens.

Remember to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi & Ellen

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Friday, January 3, 2020

Parasha Vayigash & Sermons

Shalom and Blessings;

I continue to battle with whatever is going on in my lungs. This week I will be visiting my oncologist and next week I have an appointment with the pulmonary doctor. I am following all protocols both medical and un-conventional but the outcome is of the Lord and we continue to walk in faith and in His strength. Thank you for keeping Ellen and I in prayer.

Akiva and Hannah arrived tired but safely in Orlando. They have a few days to recuperate from the arduous trip from Kenya before the IAMCS Rabbi's conference starts and hopefully they will get to see some of the sites in and around Orlando. Please pray for them to have wisdom, understanding and that they will find favor with everyone they meet. We anticipate their coming home filled with the power and glory of the Lord, as well as with a great report. 

Last week the chief of staff of the IDF, Lt. Gen. Aviv, gave his first public news conference. What he had to say was encouraging but also sobering. He is anticipating a major war which may be launched against us from several fronts. He warned that this war will not be like any of other wars we have fought. He cautioned the public to prepare themselves mentally for major attacks against the home front causing much damage and loss of life. He assured us that even though the IDF has always taken the position of protecting civilian casualties when retaliating against our enemies, this time, he said, the enemy will not be safe no matter who they hide behind. 

Some Messianic teacher and leaders have taken to teaching the authority of the oral law. Nowhere in scriptures both in the Torah, Tanach, and Brit Chadasha is there mention of an oral law. Plus there is no evidence that the oral law being studied today, which was put to writing in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th centuries A.D, has any relationship to what may have been transmitted orally by Moses centuries before. The Mishnah derived from the early 3rd, 4th or 5th centuries A.D. have to be read as testimonies to the prevailing viewpoints of those centuries and not as evidence of earlier teachings. In fact Scripture, both the Torah and the Brit Chadasha give evidence against equating the oral law (traditions of the elders) with the divinely inspired written Word of God. 

Deuteronomy 31:9-11 "Then Moses wrote down this Torah and gave it to the priests, the descendants of Levi who carried the ark with the covenant of the Lord, and to all the leaders of Israel. Moshe gave them these orders: "At the end of every seven years, during the festival of Sukkot in the year of release, when all Israel have come to appear in the presence of the Lord at the place he will choose, you are to read this Torah before all Israel, so that they can hear it."

Colossians 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." 

Furthermore, we see in the teaching of Yeshua (Matthew 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-9) that He held the written Torah as having final authority by which the oral law was to be judged. 

Why would anyone need the teachings of unsaved men (chazal), who wrote the oral law, who were not divinely inspired; men who hated Messianic Judaism and rejected the Messiah, to interpret the Bible for them? Theirs is the wisdom of man and not God. God gave us the Holy Spirit for the purpose of understanding and interpreting His Word, (John15:1-15). Listening to the sages (chazal) is like the fox teaching the chicken how to lock the coop. If you need chazal to interpret the Bible for you then what you need is less knowledge of man and more wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Start praying for the wisdom of God and stop listening to the wisdom of unsaved men. I do not agree with the use of chazal's teachings to educate Believers in the Word of God. It can only result in leading believing Jews into half-truths conceived by Satan and cause non-Jewish Believers to become enamored with Judaism, which is something the apostle Paul, taught against.

I have attached this week's commentary as well as part 3 & 4 audios of the Joseph Sermons.

Do not forget to checkout our Blog and pass on the teachings:  

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Happy New Year

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Listen to Sermon: Joseph Part 3
Listen to Sermon: Joseph Part 4