Shalom and Blessings;
Praise the Lord and glory to His Holy Name. There has been significant improvement in my well-being. I am feeling so much better, "Thank You Lord!" I still need to have another CT scan, which is scheduled for February 9th and possible another chest X-ray which will confirm what the Lord has done. Thank you for your prayers, they moved God!!
Politics are a wicked, dirty business, we see its slime in the United States and we see it as well here in Israel. The Far-Left and the Left-wing parties are busy making deals with each other hoping that in the upcoming election they will gain enough seats to be an influence in the Knesset. Meanwhile the Right-wing parties are still trying to get their acts together, arguing over Netanyahu and his legitimacy to be a leader, totally confusing people like me who vote Right. I cannot wait for this election to be over and for God to give us His choice of a government, a government that will be perfect for "Just such a time as this!"
The Democrats in the U.S. are doing everything they can to destroy President Trump. They know if he is reelected for another term he will have the opportunity to install another one or two Supreme Court Justices. This is something that will change the landscape of the country for decades to come and move it back to the Right. The Left is fearful of that as well in Canada and here in Israel, the Left hates the Right. However, we as Believers in Yeshua HaMashiach do not need to wait for a Right-wing government to change the makeup of our Supreme Courts. Just as God saved us out of liberal, secular humanism, He can save existing Supreme Court Justices. Commit to praying for the salvation of our Justices and be prepared to say; "Look what the Lord has done!"
Ellen and I have started a YouTube Channel, the name of the channel is; "Kenya, teaching, preaching, helping", check it out and see what the Lord is doing.
Attached is this week's D'Var Torah on Shemot and don't neglect checking out and sharing our Blog:
P.S. BREAKING NEWS: As if Israel does not have enough political parties (34), the wife of the man that assassinated Yitzhak Rabin just registers her own party!
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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