Saturday, April 18, 2020

Parasha Shemini & Sermons

Shalom and Blessings;

This was definitely the most interesting Passover Ellen and I have ever experienced and yes, the most inspiring. Israelis have come together as a family worshiping together and singing together from their balconies. We are looking forward to the end of this terrible pandemic and we would never like to experience another one like it but it has shown us that despite the disunity of our government and the differences of our political personal loyalties, Israelis can join together in loving and helping each other. 

The pandemic has also caused another abnormality; we have become the zoo and the wild animals have become the visitors. Yes, the deserted streets have brought out creatures that we normally do not see within our cities. Ellen and I have seen, from our balcony, and entire family of foxes and a mongoose or two. Tel Aviv has seen jackals roaming the streets, and a wild boar was spotted wandering in Haifa. 

Politics have not changed much here, still no agreement between the political parties, at least at the time of this writing. I do not know how others feel but Ellen and I are disgusted by the disregard and hatred our politicians have for each other to the point that they would rather force a fourth round of elections than agree to come together in unity for the benefit of the people and the country. Bad enough our enemies want to destroy us from without; we also have selfish, proud, self-serving politicians destroying us from within. This shows us the depravity of the unsaved human spirit. COME QUICKLY LORD YESHUA REDEEM US AND REDEEM ISRAEL FROM ALL HER TROUBLES. 

Hi Ellen here…yes our lives have become more spiritual, insightful and aware of our heavenly Abba and our earthly surroundings. With that being said I would like to share some of the "stuff" we are going through. I'm somewhat of a clean freak so I now have to become meek in spirit and throw the trash out only two times a week! As one day transcends into the next I have watched my gel manicure grow out without being able to visit my once a month friend to renew and feel complete again; we won't even talk about a hair trim but oddly enough I'm OK with it…so I guess I've become humble in spirit! Rabbi and I continually pray to be transformed into the children and servants God wants us to be…so I am two steps closer…meek and humble…

Let us take one day at a time and ask Abba to remove and refine our spirits…we all desire victory. This week I pray for victory for ALL of us in Messiah Yeshua!!!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen
Read Parasha
Sermon: Ready to be Used by God
Sermon: Saved by the Blood
Sermon: His Mercy Endures Forever

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