Saturday, June 20, 2020

Parasha Shelach Lecha

Shalom and Blessing;

It's been awhile since I shared about Kenya. Kenya is still in lockdown and the government has restricted travel between cities. They are also reluctant to allow places of worship to reopen. That has not deterred us, however. Our members are in daily contact with each other over WhatsApp and Ellen is posting daily Scripture verses for strengthening and encouraging our members. We have provided a digital copy of our Shabbat Siddur so that all can hold services in their homes on Shabbat. I send both a weekly commentary of the Torah portion as well as an audio sermon each week, both of which I share with you all. I also share a mid-week short teaching. Few of our members have computers, air time on cell phones can be expensive and Wi-Fi is very sporadic, if it's even available, so services over Zoom is not an option. Last week the congregation in Karatina celebrated two Bar Mitzvahs, Yochanan and Victor. Ellen and I sent a video greeting to the boys over WhatsApp and I sent them a special Bar Mitzvah audio/video sermon over YouTube; please pray for the boys and their families. The pictures we received back were such a blessing. Our new congregation's name registration is in process (Etz Chaim), hopefully it will be registered soon. We so appreciate your love, concern and desire to financially support the Messianic Believers in Kenya, in time that will come.

The orphanage in Migori is doing well although food is always an issue. God however, made a way and came to the rescue. All the teaching material that we provide for the congregations in Nairobi and Karatina we have also provided to Migori and we are in regular contact with each other over WhatsApp. Please keep this precious home and shelter in your prayers especially the directors and leaders Evans and Millicent; they work so hard and unselfishly.    

Hi Ellen here…On a lighter side of all this…Even though the LAW here continues concerning the wearing of masks…not many do!  The interesting phenomenon is the face mask has become the chin support.  Although this does not offer any protection I am rather enjoying this new accessory as it covers a multitude of chins.  On a more serious side…infections are rising and more schools have been closed.  We now live on a fourteen day schedule of quarantine and no quarantine; we are not able to travel and food shopping has become a paranoid experience.  In all this there is still HOPE…my life Scripture is so beautiful and I recite it multiple times a day.  Get your Bible and read along with me…Jeremiah 29:11-13:  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " HE is all we need…blessings in Yeshua!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon: Discouragement

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