Friday, July 31, 2020

Parasha Va'etchanan & Sermon: Affliction is Good

Shalom and Blessings;
The protests here are now getting violent and bloody. Tuesday night five anti-Netanyahu protesters were attacked by a group of pro-Netanyahu protesters and the result was injuries and arrests; there seems to be no end or letup in sight. The protests and riots are taking place in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Caesarea where Netanyahu has his private home. Our city, Ashkelon, thank God is quiet. The government has approved a payout of stimulus checks to all Israelis; singles will be receiving the equivalent of $220.00 U.S while a family with up to three children will be receiving the equivalent of $880.00 U.S. Netanyahu's justification for distributing the money this way, while the unemployed are standing in food lines for handouts, is that people will spend the money they receive on Israeli products and services and that will stimulate the economy to created jobs; we are praying he is right. Ellen and I have determined to do our part.

Since the Israeli air strike this week on Syria which killed a Hezbollah fighter, Hezbollah has attempted to infiltrate into Northern Israel to carry out a terror attack. By the grace of God they were detected by a female solider manning the surveillance cameras and then repelled. No one believes that Hezbollah wants to escalate the conflict into an all-out war, but no one is taking any chances either and our military has beefed up their presence along the Israel-Lebanon border.

My cold has improved but I am still experiencing congestion and excess mucus discharge. Please continue to pray that I will be totally healed. Miriam is out of the hospital and in a recovery hotel, Karin's symptoms did not develop into a serious case of Covid, however, Yafa has been placed on a ventilator, we have not heard about her since. Please keep her in prayer. 

Hi Ellen here…hoping you are all well, we are keeping you in our prayers.  Well it has been an eventful week as you read above…Yes, our friend Miriam is recovering nicely.  As she is now in a "corona" hotel her son Matan is in the north as part of the anti-terrorist attacks by Hezbollah…all calm now but Jack and I pray a hedge of protection for our IDF troops.  You know I was thinking, with all that is going on, as believers we are to be joyful…but I truly believe we can suffer from a bout, although a small one, of depression.  It came to me concerning Elijah…after receiving threats on his life from Jezebel he sat down and prayed in the desert feeling worn out and lonely…"I have had enough Lord…take my life, I am not better than my ancestors." 1Kings 19:4…Elijah seemed to have given up hope.  Although we strive not to get to the point of death…depression sometimes comes over us as a wave of sadness and hopelessness.
Let us purpose this week to turn our sadness into garments of praise and dwell only on the good things…remember to give thanks in ALL things, we love you Lord.

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 Listen to Sermon: Affliction is Good

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Parasha Deuteronomy & sermon: "We are a tool in God's toolbox"

July 24, 2020 

Shalom and Blessings; 

We are continuing to see coronavirus cases rising, there is now over 30,000 people infected with more than 430 deaths. Israelis are notorious for disregarding instructions and they insist on partying and even have large raves. The virus hit close to home when three of our friends were diagnosed positive. Two are in the hospital in stable but serious condition and one in under home quarantine; please pray for Miriam, Yafa and Karin. The situation is worse now than it was at the height of the first wave. Ellen and I are still taking every precaution, staying home as much as possible and not tempting God. The political situation has not changed much; confusion, accusations, finger pointing, chaos and rhetoric are the order of the day in our government. The social workers went on strike and then the nurses, thank God they are back to work now, but riots are still happening in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem nightly. I am sure that under the circumstances the Prime Ministers are doing the best they can, but 'too little to late.' 

Kenya is beginning to open up, but still too soon for us to travel there. Although their numbers are low, they cannot be trusted. Testing is not like what it is in Israel. Also our flight always connects through Addis Ababa and Ethiopia is in worse shape than we are, so flights have not resumed between our countries. 

Still no news on our new name registration for the congregation, we are anticipating it to happen any day now. Once our registration is confirmed we will be renting a new meeting location, with a western style bathroom, B'H (Praise the Lord). We will also be setting up channels for those wishing to financially support the congregation and our ministry efforts. Please keep the congregation and the membership in prayer. 

Breaking News: I came down with what appears to be a cold. Please pray for Ellen and me. 

Hi Ellen here…At this present time when shopping is no longer enjoyable; eating out at your favorite restaurant, no longer fun; visiting with friends and enjoying conversation and laughter is covered by a mask…what to do? Well I am praying a lot more and thinking of ways to better my relationship with HIM. Here are some questions for you and me: Do you love unconditionally? Would you lay your life down for a friend? Do you forgive and move on? Are you humble and meek as Yeshua? Are you full of HIS compassion and mercy? Are you displaying grace to others? Are you seeking the kingdom of God first? Are you displaying self-control? Do you use God given authority with love? Are you obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit? I don't know about you but I have a lot of work to do on myself this week…I'll check back with you next week and we can all compare notes. This new month is called Av. Av means Father…so let us all call out to our Father in heaven to help us to change. 

A sideline…my friend sent this to me not long ago: Satan knows your name, but he calls you by your sin. God knows your sins, but call you by your name…Love you all, really! 

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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

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Friday, July 17, 2020

Matot - Masei & Sermon: "I Want You To Shema"

Shalom and Blessings

God is shaking the earth and Israel is right in the middle of it. Just about everything that can be shaken is being shaken. The government is in shambles and has no idea how to solve the economic problems the coronavirus has caused. There are almost daily protests on the streets of Jerusalem that start out peaceful but break into violent clashes with the police. Protesters attempted to overrun the police a few nights ago in front of the Prime Minister's residence in an effort to break down the door. Netanyahu's popularity is plummeting and confidence in our government is at one of its lowest points ever. God does not condone violence nor do I, but I cannot say that I blame people for being upset; they have no work, no income, their business are going bankrupt and the government is offering very little financial support. I only wish that they would realize that the One who sent this plague is the only One who can stop it and if they would call on the name of Yeshua it could all be over. I'm reminded of a passage of Scripture that describes the hearts of the people during the end times:

Revelation 16:10-11 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

Save your people Lord Yeshua, redeem Israel from all her troubles!


Hi Ellen here…well you heard the news from Rabbi…in fact the headlines are "Barring a Miracle Israel is Headed for a Second Full Lockdown!"  By the time this is all over we will have to get used to another kind of "New Normal".  I was thinking about our history of "wandering Jews and seeing how we all had to get used to a new normal…Abraham and Sarah were told to leave their home and settle in a strange land, hence a new normal.  David had to live in caves to hide from his enemies, hence a new normal. The apostle Shaul was a devout Jew, a Pharisee of Pharisees and become a devout Believer in Yeshua, hence a new normal…Hang on everyone, we can do it because God strengthens us!!!


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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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Friday, July 10, 2020

Parasha Pinchas & Sermon: Soul, Spirit And Body

Shalom and Blessings; 

All of Israel's attention is turned towards the Covid-19 pandemic. The infection rate has not only surpassed what it was when the virus first started, it has almost doubled that rate. Just the other day Benny Gantz, the Minister of Defense and Co-Prime Minister went into quarantine after coming into contact with someone who was infected. The armed forces are also not exempt, as high ranking officers and servicemen had to be quarantined. 'Round and round we go, where it will stop nobody knows.' God help us! 

Ellen and I are taking particular precautions due to my vulnerability. We do not venture out unnecessarily and we protect ourselves when we do go out. In some cases, like when we have to go to the hospital, we change our clothes and shower when we get home. It has been very difficult, we feel isolated but God has given us a balcony overlooking the Sea and every night He paints a beautiful sunset sky for us. 

One thing this time has done for us is that we are able to pray more, study the Word more, listen to various teachings more, and share the Word more. We have also learned how to do extreme spiritual warfare and we take on the devil at least twice a day, firing missiles of prayer at him, his demons and principalities of evil; not one has missed its target. 

Hi Ellen here…Yes we are on that isolation merry go round once more. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have the highest numbers of infections; our little city of Ashkelon is faring well but that does not mean it could change. We continue to pray for people's hearts and minds to be transformed so that rebellion is not center stage but obedience and compliance with the directives would prevail. 

There has been something on my mind this week other than Covid. When Jack and I visit the hospital for tests and checkups I am moved by the children…my first concern is for my husband of course, but the Lord has him in the palm of His right hand! We see children in wheelchairs with no hair on their heads; children pulling along IV poles with multiple bags of medicine and feeding tubes in their tiny noses…we see children who have not had an opportunity to be just that, children! They have had to grow up into accepting adulthood in the blink of their beautiful big eyes. It has just moved me to thank the Lord even more for allowing us to have lived a full life…Please let us pray for the little children in hospitals everywhere. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Parashot Chukat - Balak & Sermon: "Test of Fire"

Shalom and Blessings


Last week in my update, I made a typographical error (probably more than one, but I'm only confessing one). I reported that on the 26th I was three months cancer free. Actually I have been three YEARS, and now six days cancer free, Praise God! I have other good news; my Video Fluoroscopy was very encouraging. Not only will I not need a PEG (feeding tube), but Ellen no longer has to puree my food. I can now eat my food chopped, which will make it a lot more appealing to me. I am not sure it will lighten Ellen's load, however, so please keep us both in prayer. I did have an aspiration problem with liquids though, and have been limited to carefully drinking only clear, purified water. Ellen and I have placed a miracle healing request in God's Prayer Request Inbox and we are anticipating an answer any day, PTL! Please join us in that prayer.


Ever since the government relaxed restrictions, Covid-19 infections have rocked to a level above the previous high. New restrictions have been put into place, but we are not expecting a return to total lockdown, the economy could not sustain that. Already the tourist industry has been decimated with thousands out of work, plus countless employees of the shops, hotels and restaurants that depend on tourists have fired staff.


The honeymoon is over between Benny Gantz and Bibi Netanyahu and every day it appears more like the annexation of portions of the West Bank is on life support. Guess the 10 spies won out again. It will be interesting to see what God does next. Bibi's bribery and corruption case is almost garnishing more news interest than Covid-19. Sadly he is looking more and more guilty with each passing day. A wealthy friend, who is a witness in his case, gave him 2.5 million dollars towards his defense, however, the Attorney General held it up because, as long as he is Prime Minister it would be an illegal gift; which means he would have to resign to receive it. Kind of a catch twenty two; resign if you are found guilty; resign if you want to defend yourself! 


Hi Ellen here…not much to report on other than THANK YOU LORD!!!  Jack's visit to the hospital was tense at first but then came the relief of God's will in our lives.  As Jack was going through yet another rigorous test I sat in the waiting area praying, praising and thanking our ALMIGHTY for what was transpiring in the other room…my spirit lit up and was impressed by the fact that HE does not do anything half way.   To clarify my experience I can share this…I know without out a doubt that my God is healing my husband incrementally and is preparing Jack and I to be able to receive the manifestation of HIS whole and miraculous healing so as to glorify HIS holy name.  I would ask you if there is something you are praying for and have not received…check yourself out and ask HIM if you are ready to receive what HE has for you!  Blessings…please pray for Arnie, Donna, Gill, Greg, Joe, Rosemary, Rivkah, Yoni and Hadar for healing in Messiah Yeshua

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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


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