Thursday, July 2, 2020

Parashot Chukat - Balak & Sermon: "Test of Fire"

Shalom and Blessings


Last week in my update, I made a typographical error (probably more than one, but I'm only confessing one). I reported that on the 26th I was three months cancer free. Actually I have been three YEARS, and now six days cancer free, Praise God! I have other good news; my Video Fluoroscopy was very encouraging. Not only will I not need a PEG (feeding tube), but Ellen no longer has to puree my food. I can now eat my food chopped, which will make it a lot more appealing to me. I am not sure it will lighten Ellen's load, however, so please keep us both in prayer. I did have an aspiration problem with liquids though, and have been limited to carefully drinking only clear, purified water. Ellen and I have placed a miracle healing request in God's Prayer Request Inbox and we are anticipating an answer any day, PTL! Please join us in that prayer.


Ever since the government relaxed restrictions, Covid-19 infections have rocked to a level above the previous high. New restrictions have been put into place, but we are not expecting a return to total lockdown, the economy could not sustain that. Already the tourist industry has been decimated with thousands out of work, plus countless employees of the shops, hotels and restaurants that depend on tourists have fired staff.


The honeymoon is over between Benny Gantz and Bibi Netanyahu and every day it appears more like the annexation of portions of the West Bank is on life support. Guess the 10 spies won out again. It will be interesting to see what God does next. Bibi's bribery and corruption case is almost garnishing more news interest than Covid-19. Sadly he is looking more and more guilty with each passing day. A wealthy friend, who is a witness in his case, gave him 2.5 million dollars towards his defense, however, the Attorney General held it up because, as long as he is Prime Minister it would be an illegal gift; which means he would have to resign to receive it. Kind of a catch twenty two; resign if you are found guilty; resign if you want to defend yourself! 


Hi Ellen here…not much to report on other than THANK YOU LORD!!!  Jack's visit to the hospital was tense at first but then came the relief of God's will in our lives.  As Jack was going through yet another rigorous test I sat in the waiting area praying, praising and thanking our ALMIGHTY for what was transpiring in the other room…my spirit lit up and was impressed by the fact that HE does not do anything half way.   To clarify my experience I can share this…I know without out a doubt that my God is healing my husband incrementally and is preparing Jack and I to be able to receive the manifestation of HIS whole and miraculous healing so as to glorify HIS holy name.  I would ask you if there is something you are praying for and have not received…check yourself out and ask HIM if you are ready to receive what HE has for you!  Blessings…please pray for Arnie, Donna, Gill, Greg, Joe, Rosemary, Rivkah, Yoni and Hadar for healing in Messiah Yeshua

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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


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