Shalom and Blessings
As the lockdown continues we are seeing a decrease in Covid-19 infections, but the percentage of those tested to those infected is still at 10.4% which is above the government's target before lessening restrictions. Anti-Netanyahu protests are still taking place in violation of the restriction orders with no sign of stopping. The ultra-orthodox are rebelliously defying restrictions placed on their gatherings. In defiance five thousand attended a famous rabbi's funeral and when confronted pelted police cars and buses with stones. According to government statistics the ultraorthodox account for 40% of all corona infections here.
Netanyahu's Likud party has become so unpopular that polls show if an election were to be held today they would drop in the Knesset from 36 seats to 26 seats and Bennett's Yamina party would jump from 5 seats to 23 seats. Personally Ellen and I think that Bennett is a good choice if Netanyahu is to be replaced.
Because of the flagrant disregard for mask wearing here and the many people we confront who do not wear masks in our building and at stores where we shop; we purchased a sticker that has been tested and proven to improve the antiviral capacity of face-masks. We know that God is our defense but have also chosen not to tempt the Lord our God by not taking all the safety precautions available to us.
Hi Ellen here…Yes we continue in lockdown but that is okay because where there is much opposition there is a greater breakthrough! I have a warning to all…"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Messiah Yeshua has come in the flesh is of God…"1 John 4:1-2. I have only typed in these verses but please read on. We live in a tumultuous world and many want to hear only good things, they want their ears tickled but do not fall prey to such doctrine. I have to paraphrase a statement my husband makes often and that is "Tough times call for tough measures!!! Tough measures now mean increased prayer, increased fasting, decreased self, study the Word often and purpose to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh…remember, we are in the world but we are not of the world! Just one more…I heard a great play with words during this time…The mess that you are in – turn it into a message and the test you are experiencing - turn into a testimony…Blessings!
Announcement: we will be broadcasting on Skype this coming Shabbat, Shemini Atzeret/Simcha Torah service and ALL are welcome; please contact us for the Skype link…thank you.
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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