Saturday, December 26, 2020

Parasha Vayigash & Sermon "Are You Ready to Enroll"

Shalom and Blessings; 

As the expression from the movie Jaws goes; "Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water," Israel goes into its third lockdown! This time it is even stricter than before. Foreigners will not be allowed to enter the country and all Israelis returning from abroad will be quarantined in government sanctioned hotels for a minimum of 10 days. We are told that this will last 2 weeks with the possibility of being extended, at the digression of the Corona virus task force. 

On a happier note, Israel started mass vaccinations with no adverse reactions being reported; we pray that will be the case well into the future. The Ministry of Health is predicting that we will see the effect of the inoculations on the numbers of infections in approximately 3 weeks. Ellen and I fasted and prayed about taking the drug and feel confident that the Lord gave us the OK. I must caution that this may not be the case for everyone; we all need to do our own praying and fasting. We have an appointment for our first injection January 3rd with our second 21 days later; Glory be to God. 

I would like to share that the manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit is given to every Believer, not just to rabbis, pastors, prophets etc. No one has to be concerned that they cannot operate in the Gifts of the Spirit. All the Gifts are given to every Believer by GRACE not by merit! We receive these Gifts without any merit of our own. We cannot fast to receive the Gifts; we cannot pray long hours to receive the Gifts, which means that the least qualified of us can flow in the Gifts the greatest! If we understand Grace, we will understand this. Also, because the Gifts are administered by Grace and not merit, we can understand why well-known teachers, preachers and prophets who were found out to be involved in some sort of immorality can still operate in the Gifts. This answered a big question in Ellen's and my life. At times we prayed for people for healing and they were not healed, in fact they died, then at times we prayed for people and they were healed, surprising us as much as the person we prayed for. This showed us that healing, like all the other gifts, is a Grace Gift; we cannot take glory or credit if someone gets healed nor can we take the failure if they do not get healed. 1 Corinthians 12: 1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: 

Hi Ellen here…There is a Hebrew word we hear at this present time more and more, it is "bidud" (בידוד), it means quarantined or isolated. As I hear this word, I acknowledge those who are isolated from others for two weeks because of infection but also my spirit hears isolated in the spirit. Let me explain what I mean as I tend to be abstract at times…There are many of us, Believers and unbelievers that willingly put ourselves in bidud. There are some that do it for protection from the world, from fear, reality, harshness, deception…even from love. If anyone reading this is willingly entering spiritual bidud I offer you a way out…Prayer, fasting, listening and hearing and for those that do not believe yet…receive Yeshua as your Lord and savior today to be freed of the chains that are holding you in bondage to self, to fear to even being loved. Amen and I love you all!!! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries: 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 
Read Parasha

Listen to "Are You Ready to Enroll"

Friday, December 18, 2020

Parasha Miketz & Sermon "Chanukah - Taking Risks"

Shalom and Blessings 

Just when we thought that the political situation in Israel could not get any worse, a group of MK's (Members of the Knesset), split with the Likud party to form another political party that will be in opposition to their old boss. It is not that we need any additional political parties, we have more than our share and the country's voters are already so fractured that it has become impossible for Israel to have a majority government. With conditions as they are, and now with the addition of another party, we cannot see how another election, costing the taxpayers millions of shekels, would change anything. The fact is we are facing the exact same scenario now being faced in the United States, only it is: "Anyone but Bibi" instead of "Anyone but Trump". 

Much skepticism is going on here over the plan to start vaccinating against the Covid-19 virus. In a recent poll 37% polled said that they would not accept being vaccinated. However, the government has plans of issuing a green vaccination card to all those that are vaccinated. This card will remove all restrictions from them allowing them to enter malls, sporting events, restaurants, theaters and more. It is even being suggested that travel on Israeli carriers will require passengers presenting their green card at check-in. 

Praise the Lord, the water project for the Migori compound is complete. What a beautiful experience it was for us to pray over the completed project with Nathan Siegel, the leader of Kol Chai, our home congregation; they were so instrumental in making it all happen, and the children and leaders of the compound, as we dedicated the project to the Lord. We have attached before and after clips for your viewing; from the girls carrying water from a distant stream on their heads back to the compound, to turning on a tap and water pouring out at the compound. 



Hi Ellen here…I know we are to pray for our leaders as written in the book of Daniel, but I am having a hard time with this Biden team. Yes, I am an Israeli but I am American born and experiencing a struggle in my spirit…I am a women and I have had and do have many responsibilities that are separate from my husband, who has been my boss as well. I am troubled with the loading of woman in high places in government in the US…very troubling, very troubling. Look at this scripture with me, Isaiah 3.12: "My people-children oppress them, and women are ruling over them. My people! Your guides lead you astray and obliterate the paths you should follow." God has created an order…the world is in error and not following His paths so I expect more chaos and unrest BUT…Ephesians 6.12 says: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places…!" Let us Pray!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries: 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Sermon "Chanukah - Taking Risks"

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Parasha Vayeshev & Sermon "The Good Shepherd"

Shalom and Blessings; 

Wednesday Israel received our first shipment of Covid-19 vaccine. The government anticipates vaccinating 60,000 people a day beginning December 27. It is not known as yet how they will prioritize the distribution of the vaccine, but it is believed that front-line workers will be first, followed by the elderly, especially those in nursing homes. Many have called into question the safety of the drug, to them I have the following answer: 

When I was a child Polio was at epidemic proportions. Like today with COVID-19, the world was racing to develop a drug to eradicate this horrible, debilitating disease. When finally, a drug was developed the government immediately started vaccinating children my age. I was not aware at the time but I am sure there were outcries from skeptical parents just like there is today, but I was too young to know if my parents even had a choice. One day vaccination tables were set up in the gymnasium of our school and one by one class loads of students were called down to be vaccinated. The end result - Polio was eradicated. Looking back, I can say that I am sure glad I and my siblings were vaccinated, especially seeing as I know some people that were not. Sadly, as a result some died from the disease while others suffered permanent disabilities that seventy years later they are still living with. 

Hi Ellen here…Kumi ori ki va orech: Arise and shine for the glory of …Ellen, no…Jack, no…my job, no…my children, no…my grandchildren, no; THE LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY HAS RISEN UPON YOU is the only answer! This Feast of Dedication is not only about tradition but it is about each and every one of us getting off the throne, exalting our Lord and placing Him in His right position on the throne! I need to impress upon everyone that this is a crucial time in that we all need to be humbled before we are humiliated. We need to always look at Yeshua before anything and everything else and most importantly…when others see us, they need to see the light of Him Who saves us and is truly the Light of the World. Please rededicate yourself along with Jack and me at this glorious time and let us continue serving, loving and worshiping with a renewed fire in our souls! Hag Chanukah Sameach! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries: 

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon: "The Good Shepherd"



Sunday, December 6, 2020

Parasha Vayishlach

Shalom & Blessings; 

I would like to report on what is happening with the government in Israel but I do not think they even know what is happening. One day we are having new elections, the next day we are not, then the next day we are again. One day we are getting the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer the next day from Moderna and the next from Astra Zeneca. We are hearing such conflicting reports it is hard to keep up with them. Once again however, we are glad and comforted that God knows what is happening and He has everything under control; all we need to do is trust and obey. 

GOOD NEWS!! We received our registration certificate for the new congregation name in Nairobi and our satellites. Etz Chaim was officially born November 30th, 2020; all Glory to God! Now we will be able to proceed with setting up our banking, an MPesa (digital wallet) account and a link to PayPal so as to accept out of country donations. We will also get working on a website, as funds allow. Please continue to pray for the groups in Kenya; there is: Nairobi, Karatina, Chaka, Nyeri and Migori. We are all still meeting together over Zoom both because of Covid and Nairobi not having a venue to meet, as yet, also the congregations are, as with Migori, large distances apart. 

Hi Ellen here….Yay!!! Chanukah is here. In the midst of this confusing and tumultuous time …Jewish holidays prevail! I remember when I was in school my non-Jewish friends would comment on how many holidays and days off I had. As a child Chanukah was chocolate coins, potato latkas (pancakes), soufganyot (jelly doughnuts) and gifts for each of the eight days of the haggit (minor holiday), but when I become a Believer in Yeshua in my 30's this changed. Chanukah became a time of introspection and release, a time for deliverance and transformation…in short a time to draw nearer to our Lord and Savior. Next Friday evening, right before we light the Shabbat candles we kindle the first candle for the first night of Chanukah… 

In the days prior I would like you to consider the following. Chanukah is also known as the Feast of Dedication. Please pray to rededicate your commitment to Yeshua, your family, your home and giving thanks each day for God's provision, protection and blessings. We at Etz Chaim Kenya are so blessed as we dedicate this new name, this new beginning as we serve Messiah Yeshua. Please don't look at what is NOT but look at what IS and find shalom in the Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace our Messiah, our King! 


Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "You Shall Love the Lord Your God"