Shalom and Blessings;
Well, it is official, we are heading into another round of elections scheduled for the month of March. Will anything new come of it? Other than the fact that the Blue and White Party (Benny Gantz), is imploding, the Yamin Party (Naftali Bennett) is gaining popularity, and two new parties were formed (one Left and one Right), everything is the same because they all are repeating the same chant "Anyone but Bibi." And yes, the Likud Party (Bibi Netanyahu), will most likely come out of this election weakened. Plus there remains a daunting possibility that Israel will still not have a majority government when the smoke clears. The question then remains; will Israel follow the lead of the other countries of the world and lean Left or will she stand against the tide and lean Right; God knows!
As conspiracy theories and Covid-19 theories swirl around on the TV, in the print media and on social media, we as Believers in Messiah Yeshua need to be very careful about what we say, what we teach and what we repeat.
James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow Believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
The Greek word translated here as teachers is much better rendered as masters. James therefore, is telling us that those of us who are putting ourselves out there as masters on any subject need to be very careful and 100% sure that we are not leading people astray, because we will be held to a higher accountability. James goes on to say:
James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
God has planted in every Believer the third part of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's purpose is to lead us (Believers in Messiah Yeshua), in all truth and righteousness. In these very turbulent times, it is in our best interest not to be led by anything or anyone but the Holy Spirit.
Hi Ellen here…Wow what a busy week, not only attending to the responsibilities concerning the ministry but our everyday lives. Yet through all the business God speaks. For all those who think they are not hearing God's voice I have a little something for you…God speaks to all of us individually and ever so intimately and He speaks corporately as well. Firstly, as you read the glorious Word of our Abba, God is speaking to you, in fact prior to your time in the Word ask Him to open up each line, each verse and each chapter. Secondly God is ever so intimate with us, He knows how we can hear. During our prayer time one morning this past week He showed me something amazing…I asked the Lord, "Where is the breakthrough, when will we see a shift, a move in the spirit realm?" Then I opened my eyes while Jack prayed audibly and there in our entrance foyer was an angelic being sweeping up small dirt particles into our dust bin with our broom…WOW! Our Lord knows us so well. I'm the cleaner so He showed me He is clearing the debris for the coming breakthrough. Stay alert! It could happen at any time. It could occur when you are gardening, driving, working or even when you are putting your makeup on…my husband says, "Stay alert and fly right," and I agree…stay alert and hear your Abba's message just for you. Blessings and love always from me to you!
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King;
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