Well, the election opera is not over yet here in Israel and the fat lady has not yet sung, we are just listening to another aria now. Round and round and round she goes, as operas normally do, with ups and downs, villains and heroes. With all the suspense it is still not clear who is going to be jilted, who is going to be politically murdered and who is going to commit political suicide. One thing we can be sure of, however, God wrote this story and the outcome is of the Lord!
What is your motive? I would like to share a great pitfall which God has placed upon my heart that is at work among Believers and many people in ministry today; MOTIVE. How can we tell if our motivation in serving the Lord will withstand the test of fire? It is by understanding that the only motive of service that is acceptable to God is for Him to be glorified. Too many people are serving God with the wrong motive. We can hardly tune into a Christian channel or listen to a preacher on YouTube without them trying to empty our pockets or promote a book they have written. I find nothing wrong in writing books glorifying God but I do have something against using God's glory to promote a book for the author's glory or personal financial gain. Sadly, there is a lot of that going on in people and ministries today. But it is not limited to preachers and books, every one of us needs to examine what our motivation is in serving the Lord. Our service should only be motivated for the sole purpose of glorifying God!
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
There is only one acceptable motive for our service unto the Lord and that is that He might be exalted and us abased, everything else will be burned up by fire like stubble and hay. So, ask yourself as you are serving God, "How by what I am doing will God get the Glory?"
Hi Ellen here…I don't know about you, but sometimes I just cannot pray. Maybe because too many distractions; so many things on my mind…and whatever excuse we can find, right? Wrong answer, because our Lord gave us an out, He is the WayMaker and even makes a way for us to pray, thank You Lord! We all know the prayer in Matthew 6.9-13…here the Lord gave us a model so we may apply it to our lives. Take a look at it with me and personalize it…acknowledge His abode and His will; ask Him to supply all your needs; pray His forgiveness in your life along with His divine protection and as Jack spoke above…GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY forever, Amen!
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King;
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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