Shalom and Blessings
Explosions have been lighting up the skies of the cities bordering Gaza. Last week in excess of forty missiles had been launched at us. By the grace of God, although there had been some unrelated injuries, like people getting hurt running to shelters, there was little physical damage, at least that is what we are being told, and no deaths. Of course, the air force retaliated, but that has done little to deter the Gazans, in fact, they have taken up rioting at our border again; we can see the smoke of burning tires from our balcony. Things have also significantly deteriorated in Jerusalem with rioting going on nightly. The situation is frustrated by the fact that there is no strong leadership to deal with the problem and arrests and push-back by the police seems to be have no effect. Yes, we have Covid-19 under control, but Satan is finding other fronts of attack us. Thank you for your prayers; "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" has special significance these days.
Yeshua said "They will know us by our love." Love is so lacking in our world today and as persecution and suspicion of Christians increases, it is very easy for us as Believers in Messiah Yeshua to neglect our love and compassion for our enemies. Ellen and I watched a movie about Richard Wurmbrand some months ago. He was a Hebrew Christian who ministered in Romania during the communist era. Pastor Wurmbrand strongly opposed the pagan communists in Romania and was jailed and tortured fourteen years for it. One day after being severely beaten, one of his tortures came into his cell and saw him beaten and blood on his knees praying. His torturer mockingly asked, "What could you possibly have left to pray about?" Pastor Wurmbrand painfully looked up at him and said, "I am praying for you!"
Hi Ellen here…Yes, lots going on at the Homefront as well as all over the world yet Jack and I have peace, shalom, in knowing our Messiah promised to return. Our most important prayer as of late before salvations…healings…deliverances…forgiveness and so much more is SIVOLET, YOM B'YOM…! This means ENDURACE, DAY BY DAY! Yes, we need to express true repentance before coming into the presence of our King…giving Him all our requests, but we must ask for endurance, endurance to persevere in prayer. It is only by prayer and supplication unto the Lord that we see answers and get guidance to endure! We continually need endurance to navigate in a fallen world "yom b'yom, yom b'yom"…we need endurance to love, love the unlovable and even love our enemies. Jack and I in the past prayed for the Lord to annihilate our foes, now we pray for the love of God to enter their hearts so that they may be saved. Please pray with us for the great and awesome love of Messiah Yeshua to fill the hearts of those who are filled with hate.
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King;
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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