From Rabbi Jack...
1 Kings {14:11} "The dogs shall eat whoever belongs to Jeroboam and dies in the city, and the birds of the air shall eat whoever dies in the field; for the Lord has spoken!" {14:12} Arise therefore, go to your own house. When your feet enter the city, the child shall die. {14:13} And all Israel shall mourn for him and bury him, for he is the only one of Jeroboam who shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something good toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam."
Sometimes I wonder what God saw in me that He felt was worthy to die for. I did not deserve it yet He saw it fit to bring me to a saving knowledge of His Son Messiah Yeshua. Looking back on my life before salvation, I can see many times I could have died as sinner and ended up spending eternity in hell. As a young child I almost choked to death; my uncle revived me. As a young boy I was accidently pushed off a pier into the water and was drowning; a stranger lifted me out. As a young man my car spun out of control in heavy rain on a busy highway; somehow, I was saved from almost certain death. In my early thirties many friends I partied with and was doing the same things they were doing were dying from drugs and sexually transmitted diseases; I was spared to go on and become a Messianic Rabbi; talk about God's Grace! These are only the events I remember; I am certain there are many others that I am not aware of but God knows. I am sure all of us who are saved and reading this today have had similar experiences, some we remember, others will be revealed to us when we get to heaven.
We are quick to thank God and praise Him for answered prayer, getting us through difficult times or for unexpected blessings but have we ever thought of praising Him for preserving us until the day of our salvation? If you cannot think of any specific incident in your life to praise Him for, surely the fact that He chose to save you and die for you qualifies:
Psalm {71:6} "By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You."
To God be the Glory, Praise and Honor for the wonderful things He has done.
From Ellen...
Hi Ellen here…It has been a busy week and I have been very distracted. I will tell you why…Jack has survived an insidious disease and in fact June will be five years; hallelujah! He is now going through a similar situation but doing extremely well, praise God. The reason we are both distracted; when Jack began treatment, we were told he would have to endure 6 infusions of a very strong biochemical drug, once a week for six weeks. December 26th was the sixth treatment and all his bloodwork and numbers were stellar. To our surprise the doctor, instead of saying how well he was doing, stated that this protocol calls for two more treatments; Thursday, the 24th was his seventh…what am I getting at? I am getting at endurance and keeping our eyes always on the Lord. We praise God everyday…in fact we pray and praise at least four times a day together and always thanking Him for giving us a mantle of endurance to get through infirmities and trials…just as you all have to do. Everyone has a prescription for prayer. Everyone has sickness in their lives. Everyone experiences trials each day in all kinds of situations in life. Now I would like to type that everyone keeps their eyes on the Lord through all these but I cannot. Why? Because as finite human beings we all faultier…even Jack and I. Let us all ask the Lord for increased endurance and the never-ending ability to keep our eyes on Him. All our love in Yeshua to everyone.
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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