From Rabbi Jack...
This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Shuva, in English it means the Shabbat of Repentance so I would like to share reasons we should repent.
Matthew {24:21} "for then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall."
What Matthew wrote is an amazingly scary statement when we think of all the wars, holocausts, famines, diseases, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions that have occurred this past year. It is even more amazingly scary when we think of all the atrocities that have taken place all over this earth from the time of Adam and Eve until now. Think about it, because what Yeshua is saying here is, add all the horrors I have just mentioned together, and the sum of them will not compare to what the world is about to experience during the Great Tribulation.
The world is on the threshold of a terrible tribulation which will bring widespread violence. Magog, as prophesied, will attack Israel and they will bring 'many others' with them to invade God's Land; probably all the Arab nations that hate Israel but definitely Libya and Ethiopia, which are named by Ezekiel. Throughout the world the Great Tribulation will be a time of tremendous hatred in the hearts of men. In fact, the hatred will be so severe that a man will slit his own mother's throat without blinking an eye. Brother will stab brother in the back, without hesitation. Parents will turn against their children and children against their parents! Can you imagine the confusion, the chaos that will rule over the world at that time? We think we live in a violent society now, well it is nothing compared to the malicious slaughter which will take place during the Tribulation. Dead bodies will be lying in the streets with no one to bury them. Groaning and suffering will be everywhere, and the stench of death will reek in the air.
The bottom line; if you have not repented and are not saved (have not invited Messiah Yeshua into your life), you best repent and get saved now.
Let me tell you something about salvation and forgiveness of sins. It is so precious and valuable, that God refuses to allow you to buy it, earn it or work for it. But if you are willing to receive it as a free gift, God will give it to you!
Fear of the future is not a bad reason to want to get saved, but there are so many other positive benefits to salvation, that I have to confess from experience; even if there was no tribulation or no hell, I would still want to be saved!
Hi Ellen here…
Are you addicted to anything? I am and I am working it all out with my Heavenly Father. In fact, it is a gradual process with me but I am sure with others it may be instant! Did you know, that it does not have to be an addiction to drugs, sex or alcohol? There are so many other addictions that are sinful and need healing and deliverance from! I am not going to name mine as I would not ask you yours but Abba knows…He knows all and He knows the perfect timing in our lives for the deliverance, healing and redemption from these addictions…and yes evil desires. So, you do not look at pornography but food in your life rules you and not you ruling the food. Ok you do not wake up in the morning and have a whiskey but you cannot wait to go shopping for some new shoes to add to the 10's and 50's of those already in your closet. You do not even think about sex all day but you do need to manipulate the situations in your life that have not worked out the way you would like them to. And let us not talk about analyzing all the above!
Yes, when we became Born Again and embraced our Lord and Savior Yeshua, we were set free but now we need to walk in freedom, His freedom not ours. Let us pray; "…Heavenly Abba, I now lay all that needs to be fixed in me to you! I release the strongholds in my life and await your perfect peace in my life. I pray and believe for all things in Your name Yeshua! Amen…"
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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