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Sermon of the week "The Trumpet Judgements" |
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Parasha Commentary (coming soon) |
Sermon of the week "The Trumpet Judgements" |
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Parasha Commentary |
Sermon of the week "The Lull Before the Storm" |
From Rabbi Jack… Bible link | ||
James {4:3} “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” The greatest barrier to our receiving answers to our prayers is pride. If we can get that barrier out of our way, there is a better chance of God answering us when we pray. There is no doubt in my mind that pride holds our prayer life back. Pride is satanically inspired. The first manifestation of pride took place in heaven when Lucifer tried to raise himself above God. So, we need to recognize that if an angel, one as exalted as Lucifer, can succumb to pride in heaven while being daily in the visible presence of God, how much more susceptible are we here on a sinful earth. How does pride hinder our prayers? By causing us to pray selfishly; asking God to supply our needs and our wants without regard for His Will. It is praying what I call ‘Bless Me Prayers’ where we are so concerned with self and the difficulties and the needs we have, that we neglect to include in our prayers the needs and difficulties others are experiencing. Pride is the opposite of humility. Humility seeks the welfare of others above its own welfare and it submits to God’s Will above its own will. Remove pride from your life and you will remove your greatest barrier to answered prayer. | ||
From Ellen… Bible link | ||
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore, from now on you shall have wars.” (2 Chronicles 16.9). There were lots of bad kings in the Hebrew Scriptures. In fact, more bad than good, so when Hanani the prophet came to King Asa and told him he messed up by not relying on the Lord he lost the battle with the King of Syria. In turn King Asa was so angry with the seer that he put him in prison. God is not looking over all the earth to find us messing up. Read the Scripture again…our God is looking for those whose hearts are loyal to Him. God is totally and completely sold out for us. God offers His full support to us. God is our ROCK on which we stand. He is always with us and desires to be our firm foundation! God is not looking at us so we will fall, He is looking at us to see if we will trust in Him. We all know all the wonderful Scriptures and I paraphrase ‘trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding’ and ‘do not put your trust in princes or in men but in the Lord your God.’ He is not testing us concerning our trust. He is not trying to trick us. Our Lord our God is waiting on us to see where our trust and loyalty is. Let us completely trust in Him so we will not be foolish and live in war. | ||
Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13) Rabbi Jack & Ellen | ||
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