Thursday, March 2, 2023

Parasha Tetzaveh (You Shall Command)


From Rabbi Jack… Bible link

1 Corinthians {2:14} “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. {2:15} But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.”

Unbelievers think Believers are crazy, delusional because we talk about hearing the Holy Spirit and being led by the Spirit, who lives inside of us. However, if these people were saved, according to the passage of Scripture I quoted, they too would hear the Holy Spirit and talk with Him.

There are all kinds of radio, television and other invisible, inaudible sound waves surrounding us which we cannot hear with our natural ears. In order to hear them we need a receiver compatible with the frequency of any particular soundwave, like radio or television.

As Believers in Messiah Yeshua the Holy Spirit of God enters us upon salvation. It is the Holy Spirit that communicates to us what He hears from God.

John 16:13 “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”

God is the source of all knowledge and understanding and all His wisdom is already in the air at a frequency that is inaudible to the natural (unsaved Man). Without the right receiver, one compatible with God’s soundwaves, what is in the air goes unheard. However, as soon as the natural man receives Messiah Yeshua as their Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit enders into them and a whole new world of sound enters their lives. The Holy Spirit is the compatible receiver for hearing the things of God. 

From Ellen… Bible link

There is an old saying that goes… “The World Owes Me A Living.” If there were a big buzzer, I would push it…bonk …not true but there are people that think the world does owe them something.  This manner of thinking is of course totally contrary to our God and should also be contrary to the way a believer, a born-again spirit filled believer thinks.  We need to go into each day with an attitude of gratitude! 

One of my favorite scriptures is in 1 Thessalonians 5.17-18 where it says… “Pray regularly.  In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who are united with Messiah Yeshua.”  Are you united with Messiah Yeshua?  Do you enter each day with an attitude of gratitude?  Do you truly believe it is better to give than to receive or are you continually in survival mode stuck in a downward spiraling pattern?  Today step out of that dismal box you have put yourself into and give a heartfelt bellow of thanks!!!  Jack and I are so thankful every moment of every day for our Abba’s healing, provision, protection, blessing and even the times of affliction and turmoil because we know as we give thanks to our Father in Heaven and He will work it all out for those who love Him and express gratitude to Him!

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


Read parasha

Parasha commentary

Sermon of the week “Wisdom of Maturity”

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