Saturday, October 7, 2023

Parsha V'zot HaBrachah (And This Is The Blessings)

from Rabbi Jack… Bible link

Matthew {13:15} "For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them." In my blurb of September 21st, I said the following: "At times, when I gaze out over the congregation I am sharing a teaching or sermon with, I wonder to myself, 'Are these people actually hearing what I am saying.' I have never tried it but perhaps next time someone approaches me after a sermon and says; 'Good word, Jack,' I will ask them if they would tell me what they liked about what they heard." Perhaps by what I said I did not give the Holy Spirit the credit He deserves, so I think my comment from last week needs some clarification. Yes, there are many people in the congregation that are not actually hearing what I am saying when I am giving a teaching or a sermon. I am sure if I would ask these people when they came up to thank me, they would not be able to tell me what I talked about. Before I give a message and even when I am formulating it and studying it in preparation to share it, in fact, even before I give it, I pray and ask the Holy Spirit for His anointing upon the message and every word I speak. I want the messages and teachings I share to be from the Holy Spirit and not from my flesh. I desire the Holy Spirit within me to speak to the Holy Spirit within those that are listening. The Holy Spirit knows who are His and those that He wants to hear the message will hear it, receive it and internalize it. The fact is, those who have listened and not heard, their hearing was made dull by the same Spirit. Maybe the message was not for them and they will hear the next one or maybe they do not have the Holy Spirit. In either case, I confess that the comment I made in my previous blurb was from my flesh and not from the Holy Spirit, please forgive me!

from Ellen… Bible link

Jeremiah {18:3-6} says: "For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the Fountain of Living Waters and hewn out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water." What does this Scripture say to you? I have interpreted it as Double-mindedness…

It says that the Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, the Fountain of Living Waters, Who is all life giving and is looking upon His creation, you and me, sees broken cisterns! God has created us in His image and we have recreated ourselves as broken vessels unable to hold what He has for us. On Sunday through Friday do you smile at those at work or in the supermarket but in your head, you do not really care about them? Is your patience thinning concerning your spouse and your children? There are so many questions!!! On Shabbat do you present yourself whole? Do you want others to look upon you and see a model Believer…super spiritual, all knowing of Scripture and doing good works…for all to see? But deep inside you cannot wait until services are over? Are you already planning your Saturday night as the Spiritual Leader is preaching? Are all details of your job and financial situation whirling around in your head? There are so many questions! Do you put God first every day or just on Shabbat? Do you read His Word every day or just wait to hear it at Shabbat services? Do you give thanks to God for everything every day or just on Shabbat? Are you the same person each day as you are at the congregation? Some characteristics of a double-minded person are insincerity, egoism, fear of man, deceitfulness, hypocritical, distrustful…are any of these you?
Let us pray… "Dear Heavenly Father, deliver me from myself. Empty me of me and fill me with You! Make me sincere and honest in the sight of God and man. Help me O Lord to be desperate for You every day…in Yeshua I pray. Amen v'Amen."

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


read parasha
parasha commentary coming soon
Sermon of the week: When Do Believers Give Thanks?

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