Thursday, February 28, 2019

Parasha Vayakhel

From: Jack Farber <>

Date: Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 7:06 PM
Subject: Parasha Vayakhel
To: Babylon <>

Most Israelis we know are enamored with America and everything American. When people find out that Ellen and I were from Miami, they gasp in disbelief that we moved to Israel.

With election season in high gear, Israel has found something else about America they can copy. The Prime-minister is being indited for graft and bribery, while the leader of the party closest in the polls is being accused of sexual harassment. King Solomon was right, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Shabbat Shalom

Read Parasha

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sermon - Never Underestimate

Shalom and Shavua Tov (Good week); I have heard from a number of people that they didn't receive the last commentary I wrote on Parasha KiTisa. Please let me know if you didn't receive it and I'll send it out to you.

Below is the audio link for a sermon I gave in Kenya. Enjoy.
Blessings in Yeshua

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Parasha KiTisa

B"H (Praise the Lord), Ellen and I arrived home safely. This was an extraordinarily successful missions trip; 18 souls were saved, 13 were immersed and Ellen got to share the Besorah Tovah (Good News) of the Gospel with 14 children, 10 of which confirming that they understood what they were doing. On our return trip we will reaffirm there prayer of salvation and immerse them. These results would have been deaynu (enough), but God give us one more precious gift. During our meeting at the kehila (congregation) in Karatina, a town at the foothills of Mt. Kenya, we met and prayed for Theresa and her husband Judah. Teresa's body was riddled with rheumatoid arthritis. She couldn't use her fingers properly and could hardly walk. Both were members of the cult Church of God Seventh Day, and both received salvation through grace in Yeshua HaMashiach that day (they're counted among the 18). Theresa was prayed over for healing, first by me then by Ellen and lastly by the elders of both congregations (the one in Nairobi and the one in Karatina). We didn't witness any change in her condition at the time. The next day I received this Whats App message.

"Today I managed to visit the woman who was sick last Sunday. I was so happy to see her walking on her own.... She confessed how she was healed and in every part of her body we touched she was free of pain" 

What an awesome God we serve. In addition to this week's D'var Torah I have attached a picture of Theresa. Those who participated with us in prayer and financial help have a share in everything that took place in Kenya and there was more. We're preparing a PowerPoint presentation which I will share with you when it's done. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Parasha Tetzaveh

Shalom and blessings from Kenya. God has given us a glorious time of ministry. The congregations here are so blessed by our visit and they can't get enough teaching. The Lord has also opened the door for us to meet the pastors of a local Pentecostal congregation and we had great fellowship and discussion with them. They are so hungry for the Messianic perspective of the scriptures. Sadly due to the limited time we're here our focus has to be with the groups we established, perhaps another time, God willing. There are also many false prophets and teachers here claiming to be Christians and leading many astray. Poverty is rampant and these charlatans are sucking what little the people have while they lavish in luxury. 

So far we have had 18 salvations and have officiated over 13 immersions. I have attached a few pictures and will send more when were back in Israel. 

Please pray for Kenya, corruption is a way of life. Also please pray for the Messianic congregations, they are precious people hungry for teaching. Also please pray for them to find a permanent meeting place and for the finances they will need to acquire a place; they are financially needy and many do not have jobs. However, they are all well kept and their children are well cared for. It's amazing how much they can do with so little. Lastly please pray for Ellen and me. We need God's help, support and direction. 

Blessings in Yeshua


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Parasha Terumah

Baruch HaShem (Praise the Lord) we're off in the morning. Looking forward to what the Lord has waiting for us in Kenya. We'll do our best to keep you posted of our progress. You're prayers will do much to sustain us.

I am sending out this week's D'var Torah early in the event that I will not be able to do it from Kenya until everything is set up.

Blessings in Yeshua
Rabbi Jack