B"H (Praise the Lord), Ellen and I arrived home safely. This was an extraordinarily successful missions trip; 18 souls were saved, 13 were immersed and Ellen got to share the Besorah Tovah (Good News) of the Gospel with 14 children, 10 of which confirming that they understood what they were doing. On our return trip we will reaffirm there prayer of salvation and immerse them. These results would have been deaynu (enough), but God give us one more precious gift. During our meeting at the kehila (congregation) in Karatina, a town at the foothills of Mt. Kenya, we met and prayed for Theresa and her husband Judah. Teresa's body was riddled with rheumatoid arthritis. She couldn't use her fingers properly and could hardly walk. Both were members of the cult Church of God Seventh Day, and both received salvation through grace in Yeshua HaMashiach that day (they're counted among the 18). Theresa was prayed over for healing, first by me then by Ellen and lastly by the elders of both congregations (the one in Nairobi and the one in Karatina). We didn't witness any change in her condition at the time. The next day I received this Whats App message.
"Today I managed to visit the woman who was sick last Sunday. I was so happy to see her walking on her own.... She confessed how she was healed and in every part of her body we touched she was free of pain"
What an awesome God we serve. In addition to this week's D'var Torah I have attached a picture of Theresa. Those who participated with us in prayer and financial help have a share in everything that took place in Kenya and there was more. We're preparing a PowerPoint presentation which I will share with you when it's done.
***Link to Parasha KiTisa***
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