Thursday, February 14, 2019

Parasha Tetzaveh

Shalom and blessings from Kenya. God has given us a glorious time of ministry. The congregations here are so blessed by our visit and they can't get enough teaching. The Lord has also opened the door for us to meet the pastors of a local Pentecostal congregation and we had great fellowship and discussion with them. They are so hungry for the Messianic perspective of the scriptures. Sadly due to the limited time we're here our focus has to be with the groups we established, perhaps another time, God willing. There are also many false prophets and teachers here claiming to be Christians and leading many astray. Poverty is rampant and these charlatans are sucking what little the people have while they lavish in luxury. 

So far we have had 18 salvations and have officiated over 13 immersions. I have attached a few pictures and will send more when were back in Israel. 

Please pray for Kenya, corruption is a way of life. Also please pray for the Messianic congregations, they are precious people hungry for teaching. Also please pray for them to find a permanent meeting place and for the finances they will need to acquire a place; they are financially needy and many do not have jobs. However, they are all well kept and their children are well cared for. It's amazing how much they can do with so little. Lastly please pray for Ellen and me. We need God's help, support and direction. 

Blessings in Yeshua


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