Thursday, April 25, 2019

Parasha Acharei Mot

Beloved, there are Bible teachers that are so complicating God's message that many are doubting they can discern the truth for themselves. It reminds me of when the Catholic Church forbade their followers from reading the Bible. Parishioners were taught that only the trained, learned experts in Scripture, the priests, could properly interpret and decipher the complex and difficult nuances of God's Word. The fact is, it wasn't true then and it's not true now. Where in Scripture does it say that we need sages, Hebrew or Greek scholars, or seminary trained professionals to interpret or enlighten us in God's Word? In fact the opposite is true: 

Devarim (Deuteronomy) 30:11

Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach….

When did God change His mind and replace the Holy Spirit (Ruach haKodesh) with the wisdom of mortal man?

John (Yochanan) 16:13

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth…

Don't be fooled and don't be made a fool of, God constructed His Word so that a child could understand it.

P.S. The commentary I am sharing today is based on the Parasha that is being read this Shabbat in Israel and does not line up with what is being read in the diaspora. Eventually we will catch-up with each other.

Blessings In Yeshua


 Read Parasha

Parasha Peasch 7th Day

Shalom and Blessings

The last day of Pesach (Passover) in Israel is Friday, April 26; we do not have an 8th day. As such the Torah reading on Shabbat will be different than the one being read in the diaspora. I will be following the Israel system and eventually we will catch with each other. I have prepared a commentary on both Torah portions, however, with this email I am only sending you Friday's commentary and later in the week I will be sending the one for Shabbat. 

I want to thank all those who have generously donated towards our mission trip to Kenya. I have made it more convenient for those from Canada to donate directly into our Canadian PayPal missions account. The US funds account remains the same. I also want to thank all who are praying for our trip, your prayers are precious to us.

In Yeshua

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Parasha Pesach

Shalom and Blessings;

The first Pesach was celebrated by the children of Israel (bnei Yisrael) after God exposed, humiliated and eliminated the false gods of Egypt. There are false gods galore being worshiped today all over the world, but none more ominous and tenacious as the gods of Islam. I say gods because The Lord has revealed that many demons dominate this idolatrous religion. The Muslim people have no idea that they're worshipping demons and they need to be set free from the grip they have on them. Please join with me in prayer during this Feast of Pesach that The Lord expose, humiliate and eliminate the false gods of Islam. True peace will be established in the Middle East only when the Muslim people recognise that they're not worshipping the God who created heaven and earth but that they are worshipping demons. May the Lord God of heaven and earth open their eyes to the truth and may they fall to their knees in repentance and receive Yeshua as their Lord and Savior. 

Hag Pesach Sameach

Rabbi Jack & Ellen
 Read Parasha

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Parasha Metzora

What relief, the election is over!

Israel has a very unique electoral system. We do not vote for individuals, we vote for a party. The party chooses its leader and candidates and prioritizes, depending on how many seats they win, who will have a seat with the party in the Knesset (government). There is a first, second and third rung of candidates associated with each party. Party politics decides who will be in which rung. The number of seats a party wins is calculated according to the percentage of the votes they receive. If the party receives a large percentage of the vote the candidates that sit in the Knesset from that party are chosen first, from the first rung and then from each successive rung. 

There are a total of 120 seats in the Knesset and almost as many parties vying for them. So only once in the history in the country did a party have sufficient votes to form a government without forming a coalition of parties. The parties are primarily divided between right-wing and left-wing, much like Republicans and Democrats in the US. This makes forming a coalition a little easier since right-wing and left-wing parties tend to stick with each other, even though they may not totally agree with each other. Things get even more complicated when a coalition government has to choose cabinet members and portfolios, but we won't get into that, I think I've confused you enough. 

On a simpler note, Ellen and I are booked to travel for our second missionary trip to Kenya. This time, God willing, we'll be staying 1 1/2 months and plan on visiting the west of the country. There we will be spending time ministering at a congregation which also has an orphanage. 

Your prayers for our success and safety is appreciated, as we are going into a known malaria infested area. Our goals are to bring the message of salvation to the Kenyan people, to share the love of Messiah Yeshua with them, to teach the truth from the Word of God and to bring them the knowledge of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Please share in our efforts through your prayers and financial support. The SMALLEST amounts, when combined with others, makes a BIG difference. 

Blessings in Messiah Yeshua

Rabbi Jack

Friday, April 5, 2019

Parasha Tzaria

Shalom, trust you had a blessed week,so far.

Well they did it again, another ceasefire was negotiated. I'm sure like all the others, this one will not be adhered to by the "Palestinians" and we'll soon have rockets and missiles flying again. For what ever reason, our government has decided that bombs destroying Israeli property, traumatizing children, and causing injuries is not worth going to war over. Until one lands on them, I guess.

Sadly Ellen and I were unable to organize returning to Kenya for Pesach, perhaps next year in Kenya! We have, however, in faith, made reservations to spend May and half of June ministering there. This trip, besides teaching and preaching in Nairobi and Karatina, we will be visiting Pastor Evans in Migori County, west Kenya. We will be ministering at his congregation and the orphanage connected with it. We look forward to sharing this experience with you upon our return. 

We covet your prayers and know how important they are to the success of our missions trip. Should the Lord place it upon your heart to share with us financially we've made a PayPal account available for your convenience. Just click the icon below and follow the instructions. You may have to open a PayPal account if you do not already have on, which is a very simple process.

Blessings in Yeshua

Rabbi Jack