Thursday, April 25, 2019

Parasha Peasch 7th Day

Shalom and Blessings

The last day of Pesach (Passover) in Israel is Friday, April 26; we do not have an 8th day. As such the Torah reading on Shabbat will be different than the one being read in the diaspora. I will be following the Israel system and eventually we will catch with each other. I have prepared a commentary on both Torah portions, however, with this email I am only sending you Friday's commentary and later in the week I will be sending the one for Shabbat. 

I want to thank all those who have generously donated towards our mission trip to Kenya. I have made it more convenient for those from Canada to donate directly into our Canadian PayPal missions account. The US funds account remains the same. I also want to thank all who are praying for our trip, your prayers are precious to us.

In Yeshua

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

 Read Parasha

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