Friday, April 5, 2019

Parasha Tzaria

Shalom, trust you had a blessed week,so far.

Well they did it again, another ceasefire was negotiated. I'm sure like all the others, this one will not be adhered to by the "Palestinians" and we'll soon have rockets and missiles flying again. For what ever reason, our government has decided that bombs destroying Israeli property, traumatizing children, and causing injuries is not worth going to war over. Until one lands on them, I guess.

Sadly Ellen and I were unable to organize returning to Kenya for Pesach, perhaps next year in Kenya! We have, however, in faith, made reservations to spend May and half of June ministering there. This trip, besides teaching and preaching in Nairobi and Karatina, we will be visiting Pastor Evans in Migori County, west Kenya. We will be ministering at his congregation and the orphanage connected with it. We look forward to sharing this experience with you upon our return. 

We covet your prayers and know how important they are to the success of our missions trip. Should the Lord place it upon your heart to share with us financially we've made a PayPal account available for your convenience. Just click the icon below and follow the instructions. You may have to open a PayPal account if you do not already have on, which is a very simple process.

Blessings in Yeshua

Rabbi Jack

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