Saturday, June 22, 2019

Parasha Beha'alothecha

Glory to God! We arrived safely back in Israel. God has truly blessed us; I'm referring in relation to our good friends and siblings in the Lord, Eddie and Jackie Santoro. I previously shared that Eddie had brain cancer and many have been praying for him, thank you. When we learned, while in Kenya, that Eddie had taken a turn for the worse, Ellen's and my prayer turned to asking the Lord to preserve him until our return. Well He did! Eddie was united with his Savior last Shabbat, allowing us to attend his funeral, say our temporary goodbyes and comfort Jackie on her tragic loss. We are so grateful to the Lord for this. Please continue to pray for Jackie as she transitions into a life without her beloved partner and embarks on a new journey of service in the Lord. 

Concerning our mission trip to Kenya, it was amazing! We're busy organizing all the video clips we took into one movie presentation to share with you. This is something I’ve never done, but with the grace and wisdom of God I hope to get something together that will represent some of what we did and experienced.

The many salvations and re-dedications were of course the highlight of our trip but nothing touched us more than when the 31 orphans and single parent children that form part of Light Way Children’s Home recited the prayer of salvation. Ellen, I and the other leaders there led the children in their prayer; I could just about hear the angles in heaven rejoicing. Sadly no one recorded the event, but it will be forever in our hearts.

I mentioned previously that through your generosity we were able to bless the orphanage. We gave them money for food, bought them a computer, purchased bunk beds for the girl’s dormitory and paid for typhoid injections for 29 of the children; two were previously inoculated when they came down with typhoid.

There is so much more work to be done in Africa, all of Africa. Ellen and I have already started to pray for our next assignment there. Thank you for joining us in our prayer, we want to move in accordance with the will of God, and will be preparing in anticipation.

Attached are before and after videos of the girls’ dorm at the children’s home, an audio link to the sermon I gave the Nairobi congregation on Shavout, and this week’s Torah commentary.

We love you!

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack

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