Thursday, June 6, 2019

Kenya Orphans

Shalom and Blessings; 

There was a bittersweetness to our visiting the congregation, school and orphanage in West Africa. It was sweet because we were able to minister and teach both the children and the congregation leaders. Five adults who had not previously invited Yeshua into their live did do with us. 

Ellen led the thirty or more children present, through God’s plan of salvation in the simplest of terms. She then, together with the other leaders had them invite Yeshua into their lives. What a joy it was to hear them recite the prayer of salvation and see their glowing faces. The sad parts are, the home is in much need of help. There is s shortage of food, beds, clothing, proper living conditions and no electricity. Yet, even though they are living in primitive conditions they are much better off then they would be without the home. 

I’m including a number of videos so that you can get an idea of what we saw. 

I will be sending this weeks Parasha by a separate email.

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