Saturday, December 26, 2020

Parasha Vayigash & Sermon "Are You Ready to Enroll"

Shalom and Blessings; 

As the expression from the movie Jaws goes; "Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water," Israel goes into its third lockdown! This time it is even stricter than before. Foreigners will not be allowed to enter the country and all Israelis returning from abroad will be quarantined in government sanctioned hotels for a minimum of 10 days. We are told that this will last 2 weeks with the possibility of being extended, at the digression of the Corona virus task force. 

On a happier note, Israel started mass vaccinations with no adverse reactions being reported; we pray that will be the case well into the future. The Ministry of Health is predicting that we will see the effect of the inoculations on the numbers of infections in approximately 3 weeks. Ellen and I fasted and prayed about taking the drug and feel confident that the Lord gave us the OK. I must caution that this may not be the case for everyone; we all need to do our own praying and fasting. We have an appointment for our first injection January 3rd with our second 21 days later; Glory be to God. 

I would like to share that the manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit is given to every Believer, not just to rabbis, pastors, prophets etc. No one has to be concerned that they cannot operate in the Gifts of the Spirit. All the Gifts are given to every Believer by GRACE not by merit! We receive these Gifts without any merit of our own. We cannot fast to receive the Gifts; we cannot pray long hours to receive the Gifts, which means that the least qualified of us can flow in the Gifts the greatest! If we understand Grace, we will understand this. Also, because the Gifts are administered by Grace and not merit, we can understand why well-known teachers, preachers and prophets who were found out to be involved in some sort of immorality can still operate in the Gifts. This answered a big question in Ellen's and my life. At times we prayed for people for healing and they were not healed, in fact they died, then at times we prayed for people and they were healed, surprising us as much as the person we prayed for. This showed us that healing, like all the other gifts, is a Grace Gift; we cannot take glory or credit if someone gets healed nor can we take the failure if they do not get healed. 1 Corinthians 12: 1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: 

Hi Ellen here…There is a Hebrew word we hear at this present time more and more, it is "bidud" (בידוד), it means quarantined or isolated. As I hear this word, I acknowledge those who are isolated from others for two weeks because of infection but also my spirit hears isolated in the spirit. Let me explain what I mean as I tend to be abstract at times…There are many of us, Believers and unbelievers that willingly put ourselves in bidud. There are some that do it for protection from the world, from fear, reality, harshness, deception…even from love. If anyone reading this is willingly entering spiritual bidud I offer you a way out…Prayer, fasting, listening and hearing and for those that do not believe yet…receive Yeshua as your Lord and savior today to be freed of the chains that are holding you in bondage to self, to fear to even being loved. Amen and I love you all!!! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries: 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 
Read Parasha

Listen to "Are You Ready to Enroll"

Friday, December 18, 2020

Parasha Miketz & Sermon "Chanukah - Taking Risks"

Shalom and Blessings 

Just when we thought that the political situation in Israel could not get any worse, a group of MK's (Members of the Knesset), split with the Likud party to form another political party that will be in opposition to their old boss. It is not that we need any additional political parties, we have more than our share and the country's voters are already so fractured that it has become impossible for Israel to have a majority government. With conditions as they are, and now with the addition of another party, we cannot see how another election, costing the taxpayers millions of shekels, would change anything. The fact is we are facing the exact same scenario now being faced in the United States, only it is: "Anyone but Bibi" instead of "Anyone but Trump". 

Much skepticism is going on here over the plan to start vaccinating against the Covid-19 virus. In a recent poll 37% polled said that they would not accept being vaccinated. However, the government has plans of issuing a green vaccination card to all those that are vaccinated. This card will remove all restrictions from them allowing them to enter malls, sporting events, restaurants, theaters and more. It is even being suggested that travel on Israeli carriers will require passengers presenting their green card at check-in. 

Praise the Lord, the water project for the Migori compound is complete. What a beautiful experience it was for us to pray over the completed project with Nathan Siegel, the leader of Kol Chai, our home congregation; they were so instrumental in making it all happen, and the children and leaders of the compound, as we dedicated the project to the Lord. We have attached before and after clips for your viewing; from the girls carrying water from a distant stream on their heads back to the compound, to turning on a tap and water pouring out at the compound. 



Hi Ellen here…I know we are to pray for our leaders as written in the book of Daniel, but I am having a hard time with this Biden team. Yes, I am an Israeli but I am American born and experiencing a struggle in my spirit…I am a women and I have had and do have many responsibilities that are separate from my husband, who has been my boss as well. I am troubled with the loading of woman in high places in government in the US…very troubling, very troubling. Look at this scripture with me, Isaiah 3.12: "My people-children oppress them, and women are ruling over them. My people! Your guides lead you astray and obliterate the paths you should follow." God has created an order…the world is in error and not following His paths so I expect more chaos and unrest BUT…Ephesians 6.12 says: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places…!" Let us Pray!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries: 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Sermon "Chanukah - Taking Risks"

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Parasha Vayeshev & Sermon "The Good Shepherd"

Shalom and Blessings; 

Wednesday Israel received our first shipment of Covid-19 vaccine. The government anticipates vaccinating 60,000 people a day beginning December 27. It is not known as yet how they will prioritize the distribution of the vaccine, but it is believed that front-line workers will be first, followed by the elderly, especially those in nursing homes. Many have called into question the safety of the drug, to them I have the following answer: 

When I was a child Polio was at epidemic proportions. Like today with COVID-19, the world was racing to develop a drug to eradicate this horrible, debilitating disease. When finally, a drug was developed the government immediately started vaccinating children my age. I was not aware at the time but I am sure there were outcries from skeptical parents just like there is today, but I was too young to know if my parents even had a choice. One day vaccination tables were set up in the gymnasium of our school and one by one class loads of students were called down to be vaccinated. The end result - Polio was eradicated. Looking back, I can say that I am sure glad I and my siblings were vaccinated, especially seeing as I know some people that were not. Sadly, as a result some died from the disease while others suffered permanent disabilities that seventy years later they are still living with. 

Hi Ellen here…Kumi ori ki va orech: Arise and shine for the glory of …Ellen, no…Jack, no…my job, no…my children, no…my grandchildren, no; THE LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY HAS RISEN UPON YOU is the only answer! This Feast of Dedication is not only about tradition but it is about each and every one of us getting off the throne, exalting our Lord and placing Him in His right position on the throne! I need to impress upon everyone that this is a crucial time in that we all need to be humbled before we are humiliated. We need to always look at Yeshua before anything and everything else and most importantly…when others see us, they need to see the light of Him Who saves us and is truly the Light of the World. Please rededicate yourself along with Jack and me at this glorious time and let us continue serving, loving and worshiping with a renewed fire in our souls! Hag Chanukah Sameach! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries: 

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon: "The Good Shepherd"



Sunday, December 6, 2020

Parasha Vayishlach

Shalom & Blessings; 

I would like to report on what is happening with the government in Israel but I do not think they even know what is happening. One day we are having new elections, the next day we are not, then the next day we are again. One day we are getting the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer the next day from Moderna and the next from Astra Zeneca. We are hearing such conflicting reports it is hard to keep up with them. Once again however, we are glad and comforted that God knows what is happening and He has everything under control; all we need to do is trust and obey. 

GOOD NEWS!! We received our registration certificate for the new congregation name in Nairobi and our satellites. Etz Chaim was officially born November 30th, 2020; all Glory to God! Now we will be able to proceed with setting up our banking, an MPesa (digital wallet) account and a link to PayPal so as to accept out of country donations. We will also get working on a website, as funds allow. Please continue to pray for the groups in Kenya; there is: Nairobi, Karatina, Chaka, Nyeri and Migori. We are all still meeting together over Zoom both because of Covid and Nairobi not having a venue to meet, as yet, also the congregations are, as with Migori, large distances apart. 

Hi Ellen here….Yay!!! Chanukah is here. In the midst of this confusing and tumultuous time …Jewish holidays prevail! I remember when I was in school my non-Jewish friends would comment on how many holidays and days off I had. As a child Chanukah was chocolate coins, potato latkas (pancakes), soufganyot (jelly doughnuts) and gifts for each of the eight days of the haggit (minor holiday), but when I become a Believer in Yeshua in my 30's this changed. Chanukah became a time of introspection and release, a time for deliverance and transformation…in short a time to draw nearer to our Lord and Savior. Next Friday evening, right before we light the Shabbat candles we kindle the first candle for the first night of Chanukah… 

In the days prior I would like you to consider the following. Chanukah is also known as the Feast of Dedication. Please pray to rededicate your commitment to Yeshua, your family, your home and giving thanks each day for God's provision, protection and blessings. We at Etz Chaim Kenya are so blessed as we dedicate this new name, this new beginning as we serve Messiah Yeshua. Please don't look at what is NOT but look at what IS and find shalom in the Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace our Messiah, our King! 


Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "You Shall Love the Lord Your God"

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Parasha Vayetze & sermon "God is in Command"

Shalom and Blessings; 

What is taking place in the U.S. should be a concern to all conservative Believers in Yeshua. Ellen and I have stopped watching the news and have refrained from reading reports on Facebook and Twitter, because we can no longer believe what we see or hear. Are we not blessed to know that God is in total control and absolutely nothing will happen outside of His knowledge or will? Satan has no authority in these matters other than that which God allows Him, and even then the Lord will use what Satan does and turn it around to suit His plan and purpose. Many have asked to pray for President Trump and we are; he desperately needs all the prayer support he can get. This man has been harassed and pounded from the first day he took office. However, we are not praying for him to be declared President for a second term because we do not know for certain that is what the Lord wants. Rather we are praying for God's will to be done and it will be, no matter what the final outcome. 

This week work will started on the installation of the pump for the well water at the orphanage in Migori. It has been a long hard struggle to get to this point but by the grace of God, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and your prayers and financial support we made it. The other day the water storage tank was delivered (it holds 10,000 liters), and what was once a dream is becoming a reality; thank you all. (Picture below). 

We have not as yet received our registration for our new congregational name "Etz Chaim Kenya". There is an expression in Swahili which literally means "a little something" and refers to a "payoff"; it is "kitu kidogo". Payoffs are a way of life in Kenya, from government officials to the police, and it is an expected and common practice. However, we are held to a higher authority and higher standard, so please pray that the Lord will make a way for us. Praise God! 

Hi Ellen here…Thursday of this week marked traditional "Thanksgiving Day" in the United States. All our family and friends are gathering together to enjoy a turkey dinner and we pray they will have wisdom concerning their health. We as Believers are blessed to have an opportunity to give thanks every day and anywhere we live…Psalm 100.4-5 says…"Enter His gates with thanksgiving, enter His courtyards with praise; give thanks to Him, and bless His name. For Adonai is good, His grace continues forever, and His faithfulness lasts throughout all generations." Give thanks to our God today and every day. Be blessed in Yeshua! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Parasha Toldot & Sermon "The Clock Never Stops"

Shalom and Blessings 

It finally happened; shops are open again in Israel and despite the fact that it has caused an increase in the Covid infection rate; it has not caused a significant increase in the infection percentage of those tested to those infected. Malls, however, are still closed and so are eat-in restaurants. Also on the still closed list are gyms, bars and certain school grades; while synagogue's attendance is still on the restricted list with regards to attendance. Things here are far from normal, however, Ellen and I are seeing more people giving in to wearing masks and that in itself is a great leap forward for Israelis who tend to test authority. 

There is nothing new on the political scene here, same old politicking, bantering and lying. Threats have been flying around among members of the Knesset about bringing the government down and holding new elections but we doubt that will happen anytime soon, and even if it does we doubt there will be any significant change. 

We were so looking forward to returning to minister in Kenya, but while our Covid numbers are going down theirs are going up. We are grateful that we are able to minister over Zoom and are now conducting a weekly Shabbat service and a mid-week Bible study, which has been a true blessing. Although not all in our Kenya group have the ability to participate with us (bandwidth being expensive and not everyone has a smartphone or computer), there are many who are able to login and Praise God others are teaming up with those that can. Please pray, we have still not received our new congregation name registration; we know that God hears your prayers. 

Hi Ellen here…Oh Lord give me grace, I need Your mercy and Your power!!! How many times has your mind bellowed out these requests? Well I have good news for you as I write this. You already possess all that you have asked for from our Abba. Want to know what I mean…because you are saved and because He is, we are in this world…(1John 4 – paraphrased). God is grace, God is power, God is mercy and so much more. Because He is all these things we are as well. Want to know what to do? Exercise grace, exercise mercy, exercise power, exercise love, exercise faith, exercise justice, exercise good, exercise holiness, exercise forgiveness and workout your own salvation! Love you all…Shabbat shalom. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Shabbat Shalom, 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Parasha Chaye Sarah $ Sermon "What does God desire?"

Shalom and Blessings; 

We are so happy that the electioneering in the United States is over. The hate, the lies and the accusations one against the other was a disgusting display of the devil's work upon the world's political and economic system. No one we know in Israel is happy with the final outcome (although at this writing it is still not over). As Israelis we would have much preferred President Trump have his chance at a second term; a term that would have not required a year to learn the ropes and how things work in Washington or having to be encumbered with preparing for a second term. He could have pulled out all of the stops and accomplished so much for America and Israel. 

Many people see Trump's defeat as a total negative, but as unhappy as we are about the results, we cannot see it that way. Although the Trump administration saw and worked towards the return of America to "One Nation Under God" and succeeded in reestablishing prayer in schools and a conservative leaning Supreme Court as well as other godly changes, is that really what the Bible teaches us about the end times? 

2 Timothy 3:1-7

1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 

We are in the last days so did anyone really expect for things to get better? With the inauguration of this new godless, liberal administration let us look at it this way. We are four years closer to the return of Messiah Yeshua. Come quickly Lord Yeshua! 

Like Moses, I am blessed to be able to say; "You can stop sending money for the orphanage water project, we have reached our goal!" We gratefully thank everyone who gave toward helping the orphans and we are sure that your giving to orphans has not gone unnoticed by God; He will be repaying you in blessings. For those who wanted to give but did not get around to it, hang on to your gift there will be other opportunities and other worthwhile projects to help with in Kenya. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Hi Ellen here…Who said believers have to be happy all of the time…our Lord said to be joyful. I see a difference. We are filled with the joy of the Lord but we have to make an effort to be happy. Are you happy when you lose self-control, yell at your children or even your husband or wife…are you happy when you lack love, peace, patience, faith and so many of the attributes we are supposed to possess as Believers!? Well confession is good for the soul, right? I confess this Thursday morning that I lost it but was quickly reminded that His righteousness is also my righteousness. In Messiah Yeshua we are able to quickly repent and return to His love and be joyful full of His grace and mercy. Are you happy today? Are you quick to repent? When others see you do they see Yeshua? I am praying for you all and hoping that you are praying for me as well. Blessings from above, Shabbat shalom. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "What does God desire"


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Parasha Vayera & Sermon "Dress for Stress"

Shalom and Blessings; 

These are perilous times we are living in. Radical Islam is terrorizing Europe and it may not be too long before we see attacks against the West increase. Sadly we have done it to ourselves by shutting God out of our lives, out of our countries, out of our schools and replacing Him with political correctness and tolerance. The generation now in primary and secondary school and those in college and university will be our political leaders of the future and they will be bringing along with them the godless liberal ideals being taught them, reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah. The sad thing is there is nothing we can do about it because it is God's will as laid-out in His Word concerning the end times. We can but expect only great pain and suffering to come upon the world and I feel sorry for our children and grandchildren. One of the prayers that are pray from the traditional Jewish prayer book goes like this from the Amidah: 

"You graciously endow man with wisdom and teach insight to a frail mortal. Endow us graciously from Yourself with wisdom, insight, and discernment. Blessed are You, Lord, gracious Giver of wisdom." 

What we need most in these difficult times is wisdom, insight and discernment. We need to be able to look beyond the physical and see into the spiritual. We cannot trust our eyes or our feelings because they will deceive us. We cannot even take people at face value just because they are nice people; have beautiful children, because Scripture tells us that even the devil masquerades as an angel of light. We need to have wisdom, insight and discernment to not look with our eyes but to be tuned into the leading of the Holy Spirit; otherwise we will be deceived and led astray. Our salvation and our eternal destiny depend on it! 

Please continue to support the water project for the orphanage in Kenya; we are so close to reaching our goal. Response has been so encouraging but there is still a little way to go, no gift is too small. Thank you and God bless you for your concern and generosity. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Hi Ellen here…I have a very brief message for us all today…Because HE is so we are in this world, 1 John 4:17. May you all go in love and assurance that there is no condemnation in our Lord and Savior Yeshua! 

If you are unable to open the sermon audio, please let us know and we will do our best to help you login. 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King; 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Listen to Sermon "Dress for Stress"

Mini - Teachings ("Marriage is a Covenant" & "Curses")

Shalom everyone, trust you are all well and are recovering from the election. I have attached 2 mini sermons I'd like to share with you. Trust you will be blessed by them. We give God all the glory.

If you are having trouble opening Dropbox to listen to these teachings, please let me know and I will try to help.  

Rabbi Jack

Listen to sermon: "Marriage is a Covenant"

Listen to sermon: "Curses"

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Parasha Lech Lecha & Sermon: "Yeshua The Power To Change"

October 30, 2020 

Shalom and Blessings; 

What a sick and perverse world we live in. The Lord destroyed Sodom because of their ADULTERY, WICKEDNESS and their PRIDE; do you think we might be next? 

Jeremiah {23:14}: In the prophets of Jerusalem also I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies; and they strengthen the hands of evil-doers, so that none returns from his wickedness: they are all of them become unto Me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah. 

Isaiah {13:19}: And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' pride, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 

It is scary to think that these elements; lies, adultery, wickedness, evil and pride, exist right now in our present day and are not only operating among the general population but among our leadership. Evil has become good and good evil, but worst of all evil is being publicly flaunted and celebrated. From what I understand the Lord waited for the fullness of wickedness to be present before destroying the Canaanites and Sodom and Gomorrah. The question then is how close are we to our fullness of wickedness? I do not know about you but I am sure happy that I am saved – born again in Yeshua HaMashiach (the Messiah). 

Psalm {37:12}: The wicked plots against the righteous and grinds his teeth at him; {37:13} but the Lord laughs at the wicked, knowing his day will come. {37:14} The wicked have unsheathed their swords, They have strung their bows to bring down the poor and needy, to slaughter those whose way is upright. {37:15} But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken. {37:16} Better the little that the righteous has than the wealth of all the wicked. {37:17} For the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous. {37:18} The Lord knows what the wholehearted suffer, but their inheritance lasts forever. {37:19} They will not be distressed when times are hard; when famine comes, they will have plenty. {37:20} For the wicked will perish; the Lord's enemies will be like sheep fat, ending up as smoke, finished. {37:21} The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous is generous and gives. {37:22} For those blessed by the Lord will inherit the land, but those cursed by Him will be cut off. 

Please remember to support the water project for the orphanage in Kenya; we are so close tofinishing. Every day the children walk past the well pipe but without a pump they cannot get 

the water out. No gift is too small. Gifts need to be made through your personal PayPal account. When giving, send it to: Please be sure to highlight 

"Sending money to a friend" otherwise PayPal charges us 4.4% of your gift thinking it's a purchase. Thank you and God bless you for your concern and generosity. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Hi Ellen here…yes a very tumultuous time indeed. Please be strengthened and encouraged because our God is BIGGER than all these things. It is a special time by which we need to see with spiritual eyes and not rely on the physical. This is also a special time to hunker down and pray for our leadership. I think that we need to release to the Lord His choice and not judge. God will not allow anyone to come into power that He has already chosen from the beginning of time. Even at its bleakest moment our God reigns supreme and he will choreograph every outcome to line up with His will and His plan. Remember my favorite Scripture…We know the plans He has for us are for a future and a hope and not of calamity, Jeremiah 29: 11-15. We love you Lord and we love you…blessings in Yeshua! 

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King;

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Parasha Noach & Sermon: "The Word becomes flesh"

Shalom and Blessings 

Praise God the lockdown restrictions have been eased and we are being promised that if the morbidity rate decreases eventually things will open up again. Sadly for many merchants, restaurants and bars it is too late, countless stores have closed and FOR RENT signs have taken their place. One of the hardest hit has been the tourism industry, thankfully the airport opened last Thursday with restrictions for certain incoming passengers. Our hearts grieve for all the people who have suffered loss, both business owners and employees. The economy will be a long time recovering. 

Tuesday night the IDF discovered a terrorist tunnel from Gaza which reached dozens of meters into Israel. Two hours after the discovery Gaza fired a rocket into the southern area of the country. The rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome and no damage or injuries were reported. Of course the IAF retaliated; the tit-for–tat continues! Also Tuesday night the IAF attacked a military base in southern Syria killing a number of pro-Iranian militants. I do not think it takes a military strategist to realize that an Iranian retaliation attack could happen any day. 

Last week we celebrated the drilling of the well for the orphanage in Migori, Kenya. By the grace of God we were able to raise the funds necessary for this phase of the project. However, we have water but at present no way of pumping it out of the ground we lack the finances to buy the electric pump, solar panels to run it and the storage tank assembly. We are short approximately $6,500 US to make this dream a reality and complete the work we started. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans…." (James 1:27). 

Please continue to support the water project for the orphanage in Kenya, no amount donated is too small. Donations need to be made through your personal PayPal account. When making a donation, make it to: Please be sure to highlight "sending money to a friend" otherwise PayPal charges us 4.4% of your donation. Thank you and God bless you for your concern and generosity. 

Hi Ellen here…We all want power. Hopefully your desire is power from above! The Holy Spirit blesses us with the fruits of the Spirit; we have to utilize them, study them and apply them. We purpose each day to grow in Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Faithfulness, Kindness, Gentleness, Patience and Self-Control…but it's the "Gifts" - Wisdom, Knowledge, Discerning of spirits, Miracles, Healing, Supernatural Faith, Prophecy, Tongues and Interpretation of tongues that produce power! We need to take time and study God's Word…to pray but also to be silent in His presence. There are statistics in the world that say most of us stop learning when we leave school…well let us bash those false claims and buckle down from Genesis to Revelation. Yes let our light shine in this dark world but in addition let us back up that light with wisdom and knowledge from above. Love you all! 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 
Read Parasha

Sermon: "The Word becomes flesh"

Mini Sermons: "This Too Shall Pass" & "Don't give in to the flesh"

Shalom from Israel.

I have attached two mini sermons (teachings) which I would like to share with you. Trust they will be a blessing.

Yours in Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack

Sermon: "This Too Shall Pass"

Sermon: "Don't give in to the flesh"

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Parasha B'resheet, sermon "The Rocks Cry Out" & video "Water drilling at the compound in Migori, Kenya"

Shalom and Blessings

The lockdown continues and it is having a horrifying effect on people's lives. Monday, in total desperation after having to go bankrupt and now facing eviction from his shop, a 38 year old father of three threw the contents of his store onto the sidewalk in front of his store on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv. He said that if he had to lose everything and join the unemployment line, at least someone should benefit. He wanted to donate the store contents of shoes and clothing but the charity wanted to charge him to come and pick-up, which he could not afford. To add insult to injury an inspector fined him 5000 shekels ($1,400.US), for littering. When the Tel Aviv mayor learned of the circumstances, however, he had the fine withdrawn. People are hurting and the longer this lockdown goes on the more horror stories we are going to hear.  The government is incapable of coming to a consensus and there is terrible infighting. Please join us as we pray that God will temper His judgment with His mercy.

Glory to God! Ellen and I are doing well. We had a glorious High Holiday Day season with the groups in Kenya sharing over Skype. The services were glorious and everyone was totally blessed. The group in Nairobi is looking for a new location to meet and since the holiday services went so well over Skype we decided to hold our Shabbat services over Skype until a new location can be found. Please pray that God would lead us to the perfect location to meet for the future.

The drilling for water has been completed at the compound in Migori, Kenya, but we still are in need of funds for the pump.  Please continue to support the water project for the orphanage, no amount donated is too small. Donations need to be made through your personal PayPal account. If you do not have one it is very easy and free to sign up for one; Google and follow instructions to set up your account. When making a donation, make it to: Please be sure to highlight "sending money to a friend" otherwise PayPal charges us 4.4% of your donation. Thank you and God bless you for your concern and generosity. I have attached a short video of the drilling work in progress.

Hi Ellen here…As you all know Jack and I have experienced some difficult times in the past 5 years here in Israel but we want to say that God is bigger than any of those things!  He is so BIG that He saved Jack's mom, cured Jack of cancer and even made a way for us to continue the work He has laid before us through this pandemic.  What I am trying to say is that we make plans but the outcome is of the Lord, Proverbs 16:9.  God has also shown me this past week that I limit Him and Jack and me.  I have repented but I am passing this on…don't put God in a box; don't put yourselves in a box.  If you are filled with Him then mighty things will happen.  He answers us and even goes over what we have asked for because of His love and caring.  Please say this Scripture with me from Psalm 107…"We cried out in our trouble and He saved us from our distresses, He sent His Word and it healed us, He delivered us from all our destructions in the Name that is above all names, Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua!!!

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "The Rocks Cry Out"

Water drilling at the compound in Migori, Kenya

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Parasha V'Zot HaBracha & Sermon "Greatful- Bread From Heaven"

Shalom and Blessings

As the lockdown continues we are seeing a decrease in Covid-19 infections, but the percentage of those tested to those infected is still at 10.4% which is above the government's target before lessening restrictions. Anti-Netanyahu protests are still taking place in violation of the restriction orders with no sign of stopping. The ultra-orthodox are rebelliously defying restrictions placed on their gatherings. In defiance five thousand attended a famous rabbi's funeral and when confronted pelted police cars and buses with stones. According to government statistics the ultraorthodox account for 40% of all corona infections here. 

Netanyahu's Likud party has become so unpopular that polls show if an election were to be held today they would drop in the Knesset from 36 seats to 26 seats and Bennett's Yamina party would jump from 5 seats to 23 seats. Personally Ellen and I think that Bennett is a good choice if Netanyahu is to be replaced.

Because of the flagrant disregard for mask wearing here and the many people we confront who do not wear masks in our building and at stores where we shop; we purchased a sticker that has been tested and proven to improve the antiviral capacity of face-masks. We know that God is our defense but have also chosen not to tempt the Lord our God by not taking all the safety precautions available to us.

Hi Ellen here…Yes we continue in lockdown but that is okay because where there is much opposition there is a greater breakthrough!  I have a warning to all…"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.  By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Messiah Yeshua has come in the flesh is of God…"1 John 4:1-2.  I have only typed in these verses but please read on.  We live in a tumultuous world and many want to hear only good things, they want their ears tickled but do not fall prey to such doctrine.  I have to paraphrase a statement my husband makes often and that is "Tough times call for tough measures!!!  Tough measures now mean increased prayer, increased fasting, decreased self, study the Word often and purpose to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh…remember, we are in the world but we are not of the world!  Just one more…I heard a great play with words during this time…The mess that you are in – turn it into a message and the test you are experiencing - turn into a testimony…Blessings!

Announcement: we will be broadcasting on Skype this coming Shabbat, Shemini Atzeret/Simcha Torah service and ALL are welcome; please contact us for the Skype link…thank you.

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Listen to Parasha

Listen to Sermon "Greatful- Bread From Heaven"



Friday, October 2, 2020

Parasha Succoth & Sermon: "God Loves God Forgives"

Shalom and Blessings 

We are well into our second week of the lockdown. Wednesday 1 in 6 tests for Covid-19 came back positive, which adds up to over 8,000 people in one day. Despite all the warnings and the high daily infection rates, a good section of the Israeli population are not wearing masks or are wearing them incorrectly (below their noses or as chin supports). There are extremely large protests (thousands of people), against Prime Minister Netanyahu going on in Jerusalem, with very few of the protesters wearing masks or wearing them correctly. The protests have become so bad, and in some cases violent, that the Knesset voted a one month ban on all protests. However, in true Israeli form there are now protests against the anti-protest law. We are even having protests against the protesters, with no indication that there will be an end to this madness. Come quickly Lord Yeshua; redeem Israel from all her troubles. 

Please continue to support the water project for the orphanage in Kenya, no amount donated is too small. Donations need to be made through your personal PayPal account. If you do not have one it is very easy and free to sign up for one; Google and follow instructions. When making a donation make it to Please be sure to highlight "sending money to a friend" otherwise PayPal charges us 4.4% of your donation. Thank you and God bless you for your concern and generosity. 

Hi Ellen here…What a glorious Hag this past weekend…Yom Kippur, once in our youth long and laborious, was filled with anticipation and blessings. Albeit being a "new thing" we worshiped with many on Skype. My favorite was the Ne'ilah service. Over the many years of these services which were a prelude to a piece of challah and a cup of coffee …I felt elated and hopeful for things to come. The groups in Kenya were such a blessing…we continue to pray for a new place to worship so all can come together to consistently fellowship as one. Bless you all and we look forward to an anointed Succoth service…hallelujah! 

Announcement: we will be broadcasting on Skye this coming Shabbat, Succoth service and ALL are welcome; Please contact us for the Skype link…thank you. 

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King. 

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 

Read Parasha

Sermon: "God Loves God"

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Shabbat Shuvah Sermon: "Choose Life"

Shalom Beloved of the Lord.

Normally I send you my Shabbat sermon link the week after I give it to our congregations in Kenya. This morning while in prayer, Ellen and I heard the Lord speak to our hearts to send out this message today. This is a 'day sensitive' sermon, which we believe the Lord led us to share with your. Receive it in the Spirit of the Lord and be blessed.

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen

Listen to sermon "Choose Life"

Parasha Ha'avinu & Sermon: "Elohim-Rosh Hashanah"

September 25, 2020 

Shalom and Blessings 

Trust that everyone enjoyed their Rosh Hashanah, we had an exceptional one. The congregations in Kenya used Zoom conference service for the first time. Members gathered at the home of our elder couple in Nairobi (Limuru) and at the home/congregation in Karatina, two hours north of Nairobi. Others that could not reach one or the other location and had Zoom access on their cell phones or had a computer, joined in from where they were. Ellen and I were able to lead complete with liturgy, praise and worship and the Torah service which was led by those in Limuru. This was a new experience for all of us and PRAISE GOD it was a beautiful, touching experience. God willing, we plan on doing it again for Yom Kippur. I know for many, you will be restricted by the difference in time zones, but if you would like to join us for Yom Kippur let us know and we will send you the link information, this time we will be using Skype. There was however, another highlight to our Rosh Hashanah. One of our members met a woman who was travelling in Kenya from the U.S., she is also a part-time resident of Israel, and brought her to the meeting. What a surprise for Ellen and me and the others as well, as we were able to share our Rosh Hashanah service with her. She was also blessed to know that there are Messianic Kenyans honoring this special appointment time with God as Messianic Believers. Needless to say we were all totally blessed. 

We are now one week into the lockdown and there is still confusion about what we can and cannot do. Ellen and I are doing our best to conform to the restrictions but they change so often it is hard to keep up with them. We are taking every precaution to stay safe and sanitized and we pray that you are doing the same. We have been told that more extreme measures are on their way as the daily contagion rate hits 7,000. 

Hi Ellen here…I would like to take a moment and speak with you concerning Shabbat Shuvah. Our Lord is so abounding in grace that HE gives us yet another opportunity to make Teshuvah…to return. Return to where and return from where??? God speaks to us very clearly in Hosea, the Haftarah, in that He will help us to return from sin to dwelling under the shadow of His wings. In Hosea, chapter 14 verse 5 He says… I will remedy their backsliding; I will love them freely, for My wrath has turned away from them." Shabbat Shuvah is just that, a Shabbat. The Lord desires that we rest in Him and return in His love…stop worrying, stop toiling and stop working towards repentance. Come to your Abba, confess and He forgives…never to remember your backsliding.

Visit our blog for more teaching and to view previous Torah commentaries:

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.

Rabbi Jack & Ellen 
Read Parasha

Listen to sermon "Elohim-Rosh Hashanah"