From The Rabbi's Desk
As Believers in Messiah Yeshua we all want to, or at least should want to, serve the Lord with sincerity. However, today with our hectic lives and the expectations placed on us by family, work and life in general, sometimes what we do for God falls short of what He expects in relation to our motive. Therefore, we need to check ourselves and ask if the things we are doing for God are to satisfy our own consciences, our own need to be needed, our pride and guilt or are our works truly motivated to glorify God in every way and in everything we do for Him? Motive is the best indicator of the quality of our service towards God. Anything short of being motivated to do things solely for His Glory, will ultimately not withstand the test of fire when we stand before Him in heaven.
1 Corinthians 3:12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13) their work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work.
Our ministry, our work needs to always point and direct people to God and not to ourselves. Too much of what is done today, which is said to be for the glory of God, is as much or perhaps even more, being done for our own recognition, for our own fleshly desires and sadly, in some cases, for our own profit.
Ellen and I have had to stop watching certain Messianic (Christian) television shows because just about every guest interviewed had their own formula of prayer and other areas of improving our relationship with God, which of course they printed in their latest book and were promoting for sale. Is that what serving the Lord has become, selling our latest book, we sure hope not! Everything we need to know about prayer and life in general is already available to us in printed form. I think it is time for committed Believers to stop following their favorite human author and start following the author of life for direction!
Let me say that if there is anything Ellen and I write or teach which does not point to or glorify God, we repent of it right now! We want our motivation to withstand the heat of the Lord's fire and we pray that each one reading this piece wants the same. TO GOD BE ALL GLORY HONOR AND PRAISE!
Hi Ellen here…This is a crazy weird time in our history but as long as we hold onto the hem of our Messiah's garment and not let go, we will be ok. One of the things that really makes me sad is that family and friends, those we love and hold dear in our hearts, are living in a parallel universe; some are Believers and others are not. I, as a Believer seem somewhat naïve in thinking that if you are a Believer, a committed follower of Yeshua haMashaich, then following conspiracy theories and watching all kinds of anti and pro videos, reading the latest and the greatest news articles about the "jab" (the vaccine) and berating government officials instead of praying for them…seems a little disjointed. My husband and I pray about everything we do and every step we take and we know the outcome is of the Lord, whether it looks good to us or not so good. These past many months we have lost so many good friends in and out of the Messianic community to this so-called nonexistent virus, with preexisting health issues and others down right healthy strong men and women. What we want to do is love…love like our Abba in heaven loves and not judge or be judged. We have all made our own choices through God's grace and free will and we also reap the benefits and suffer the consequences of those choices but in the end, God will work everything out for His glory and our benefit. Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me bless His holy Name, bless the Lord all my soul and forget not all His benefits, Who heals our diseases and forgives our iniquities, bless the Lord (Psalm 103).
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King;
Rabbi Jack & Ellen
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