From The Rabbi's Desk
What is it in your life that is holding you up, bogging you down and stopping you from serving the Lord with all of your heart, soul and resources?
As Ellen and I are going through some health challenges, God has been impressing upon us that nothing we possess is really ours. We look around at our lives and see all the wonderful things that God has blessed us with, but which in reality are not ours. Yes, we worked, and worked hard for everything we have, but were it not for God giving us the strength, wisdom, health and life itself, we would not have anything, not even the food we eat or the ability to eat it. Nothing is really ours; everything is just on loan to us for a season. As temporary earth dwellers, we are not taking any of it with us into heaven when it is time to go, and those who do not know Yeshua as their Lord and Savior, are not taking any of it with them into hell. In fact, what they hold so precious, hoard and guard so passionately may hasten their going to hell.
Matthew 6:19 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; 20) but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Look around you right now, what do you see that is precious to you, that you would hate to lose, have stolen, give away or give up; material things, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, a pet, looks and so on, and realize that none of them are leaving this earth with you when you pass. So, give them up! I do not mean that you have to physically give anything away but you do have to give them all up in your mind and heart because no one can be tied materially to the earth and expect to receive true and lasting spiritual abundance from God, which is the only things that we will be taking with us into heaven.
Hi Ellen here…Do you get convicted when you read the Word? I know, not all Scripture is intended for that, because there are so many Scriptures of blessings, instruction, illumination, history and much more…but there are those times when we are wavering in thought and deed and bam, a Scripture just opens our eyes and churns in our innermost parts. Well just think on this…when we do err, God in Heaven knows; when we move from faith in Him, He knows; when we sneer at a person or a situation, He knows; when we are called into an opportunity that might take us out of our comfort zone and we walk away, He knows; when someone is hungry and we do not feed them, He knows; when we are called to prayer and we turn away, He knows. God is the Word and the Word is God. Are you convicted now?
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King;
Rabbi Jack & Ellen

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