From Rabbi ...
Romans 8:28 "God works everything together for good for those that trust in the Lord and are called according to His purposes."
Unlike the rest of humanity Believers in Messiah Yeshua do not live for today. Our lives and our futures are not bound up in the daily events of the world, nor do they depend on what is taking place and reported on by the daily news casts. Our hope is not based on this peace negotiation or that arms agreement; our lives are based on the hope of the promises of God as set forth in His Word, in the Bible. Our hope transcends the natural and extends into the eternal, it does not begin or end with this world but proceeds into and beyond death because of the death and resurrection of Messiah Yeshua. That is why in this world we can say with confidence, if we are walking with God according to His purposes, that everything that is taking place and that will take place in our lives, even if perceived as bad, God will work out for our good. And because Yeshua lives, we have the eternal hope of life after death. The unsaved do not have this hope. Their lives are bound up in the here and now, they are like ships tossed by the waves with no anchor to bring hope or security to their lives. In fact, their hope is not hope at all because it has no basis, no anchor, it is just wishful thinking.
From Ellen ...
Hi Ellen here…Did you ever not feel "right", I mean like sick but cannot put your finger on the exact symptom? Your head hurts, you have palpitations, there is a pinching between your shoulders…you are not feeling well but not sick enough to call the doctor. What to do? Well, you can start to Google all your ailments, all your feelings and maybe even that strange spot that just appeared on the inside of your forearm. Why not? All those experts that have degrees on their virtual walls must know more and they will be able to diagnose you and then all will be well. Then it happens…as you read you become sicker and sicker and your "self-diagnosis" is a terminal disease and all hope is lost! Have you been there? People now believe Google before they believe the real thing. You can read up on all the symptoms and you become convinced that you are really, really ill! So why do those same people not, maybe even you and me, read the Word of God and take on its characteristics and believe the Creator of the Universe and those who penned His words on paper…We need to believe and walk in all that the Almighty God has told us. Stop leaning on your own understanding; know for sure that He will never leave or forsake you and truly believe as He is we are on this earth!!!
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Yours in Messiah Yeshua; our Lord, our God, our soon coming King.
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