Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Parasha Chol Moed Pesach (Passover Intermediate Day)

from Rabbi Jack… Bible link

1 Corinthians {15:17} "and if the Messiah has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins." Passover deals with the death and resurrection of Messiah Yeshua. The fact of the resurrection is essential to our belief as Believers. Sadly, there are many that deny the resurrection and subsequently there are many theories like the "swooning fable," the "stolen body fable" and many others like them. But the fact is the tomb was empty, and the lives of Yeshua's disciples were changed in one day. But the greatest proof of the resurrection is that belief in Yeshua as the risen Messiah has survived 2100 years of doubt and persecution. It has outlived the Roman Empire, Russian Communism and everything in between. As Messianic Believers we remember Yeshua's victory over death for all who believe in Him as Messiah, the Son of God and God in the flesh. But sadly, not everyone believes. Why should we believe in the resurrection? Why should we believe in Messiah Yeshua as the only way to heaven? Do we have to believe in the resurrection in order to be Messianic Jews, Christians? Is the resurrection of Yeshua really that important? There are scholars that say, "it really doesn't matter if Yeshua actually, physically rose from the dead." Is that true? Does it really not matter to us if Yeshua actually, really rose from the dead? Will living in the fullness of life as a Believer be affected if Yeshua rose from the dead or not? Is the resurrection really necessary? I think most of us can agree in the essential belief that Yeshua is the Messiah, which means we recognize Him as our King, the Son of God and God in the flesh. This belief is essential to being a Messianic Believer. Failure to believe these things is failure to believe in Messianic Judaism. But what is also essential to being a Messianic Believer is the belief in the resurrection New birth and living hope are only available through the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua from the dead. As we read in 1 Corinthians, if the resurrection did not happen, then our faith is useless, there is no hope. But He is alive and we do have hope and by hope the Bible means a confident expectancy. We live a better life today because of the confident expectancy we have based upon the truth and realities we have experienced ourselves through the resurrected Messiah. We know NOW that we have a retirement nest egg awaiting us in heaven. We know NOW that our eternity is set with a resurrection that is assured and proven and that enables us to live life in a way that is glorifying to God and a benefit to us.

from Ellen… Bible link

Chag Chol Moed Pesach sameach to you all! What a wonderful Chag and a blessed season to know the Lord and be part of His household! As we walk through the waters of life, I pray that our Lord Yeshua will part those seas of distraction, division and even destruction in all our lives and grant to us deliverance. We are here in Florida to celebrate Pesach with the widow of Jack's brother and family. We have travelled a little around the area and have talked to many people. God has blessed us with meeting many Believers and we hope we have been a blessing. We met a lovely couple at Ben Gurion airport prior to departure and are even now exchanging greetings in our kesher, our connection with them in Texas. Jack and I had to visit some governmental offices here and were blessed by a born-again civil servant, thank You Lord. It is truly amazing as God works out even the mundane in our lives. We pray for everything as we begin our days to the time we put our heads on our pillows to sleep. It is so important that we put Abba first in everything so things will go according to His plan for us and not ours. I believe strongly that He is showing us not our will but His will be done. May God grant us all the ability to listen to His voice in this season of crossing over from death to life each day. May God part the seas in our lives and make a way where we may not see a way today and for all days to come! AMEN!!!

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


read parasha
parasha commentary
Sermon of the week: Wait and Watch Pt.2

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