Thursday, June 29, 2023

Parsha Balak (Balak)

from Rabbi Jack… Bible link

Isaiah {40:31} "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." What does it mean to wait on the Lord? I have known jobless Believers that abused this scripture passage. Instead of waking up every morning and actively looking for work, they would lay their hands on the classified job ads in the newspaper and pray for God to send them a job. Believers are not to be passive and we are certainly not to have passive minds. Passivity is not from God it is from the devil. In my youth I was involved in a number of occult activities. One of the things they had in common was teaching how to empty my mind. Yoga, which is a premier occult activity today, and most martial arts stress this point. I was not a Believer when I was involved in these things and was told that by emptying my mind, I would reach better concentration and a higher consciousness. I did not know it then, but know now that in the time of passive meditation evil spirits can take over a person’s mind. If a demon can control a Believer’s mind it can control their body and soul suppressing their spirit so as to inject thoughts making them think they are hearing from the Holy Spirit. At first, in the beginning of their activities, these demons masquerade their intentions and use thoughts of flattery and mental superiority so as to disarm a Believer’s opposition. Thoughts like, “You are more spiritual than others” or “You have a superior understanding of the Bible.” Or “You are better looking, smarter, etc. etc.,” but always with the intention of ultimately using the Believer for Satan’s sinister purposes. When we look to the Hebrew of Isaiah 40:31 we find that the word “Wait” in no way suggests passivity, in fact, it intends the exact opposite. The word “Kava” can be understood as hope, expect, eagerly look for, bind together. Psalms {27:14} "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!" In this passage of Scripture, the psalmist uses the same Hebrew word “Kava” and uses it in association with courage and strength. So, what is meant by waiting on the Lord? It means to be bound together with the Lord, intertwined with Him in courage and strength, not passivity."

from Ellen… Bible link

It is a tough world out there and sometimes it is easier to be tough than to be Messiah like! As believers in Yeshua, we are to be like Him. God wants to give us the power to talk like Him, live like Him and think like Him but we have to be willing to allow Him to do so. God would like His Word to come out of our mouths into a sin sickened world and our responses to it be His and not ours…mmm, sounds like self-control. This is one fruit that I deal with every day. Please pray for me in this area.

We should strive to love everyone as God loves us! This world desperately needs healing and we can be a doctor of sorts. When we respond to a family member in anger; because remember not all our family members may be saved, we radiate the world and not the Messiah. When our children or spouse looks at us do they see wickedness, rage, even hatred or do they see love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, patience and yes self-control? Let’s feast together on good fruit and throw out the rotten fruit today!"

Yours in Messiah Yeshua, "…while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua." (Titus 2:13)

Rabbi Jack & Ellen


read parasha
parasha commentary
Sermon of the week: Liberation and Victory are in Yeshua

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