Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Parasha Bechukotai

Shalom and Blessings from Kenya;

Ellen and I are continuing our ministering in Nairobi, Karatina and the surrounding areas. Tomorrow (Thursday) morning we leave for Migori to minister with fledgling Messianic believers there. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us. Please pray for; travelling mercies. protection from malaria and tzetze flies and of course God's blessings upon us and upon those we will be ministering to.

We have attached two pictures; one of the service we held in Karatina and the other, of me heading out immersion certificates to the people we immersed during our previous trip in February.

Thank You for your prayers and for sowing into the work we are doing in Africa.

 Read Parasha

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